Second Ability and demonic sword

After i woke up i decided to go wash in the river and that's when the system screen appeared .

[Host , i've detected a cave behind the waterfall you should go see whats in there]

"A cave ? well okay let's see it "i said as entered the waterfall and indeed in was a cave with a really sinister feeling .

[Host i detect a dark energy at the end of the cave ]

As the system said this i decided to still go and discover what's in the cave .

After a few minutes of walking i approached the end of the cave and the system gave me a mission .

[Ding! New ? Rank special mission : Destroy the demonic altar

Attention host if you destroy the altar there's a chance that the demonic energy try to possess you

Reward: special ability hirenkyaku (the user create a flow of energy below his feet and use it to move at a High speed . Faster than the gear second but is mainly used to dodge or go from a point A to a point B since it's less offensive than the gear second and gear fourth )]

"Damn hirenkyaku!!!!I'm doing it!!!!" i exclaimed and ran to the altar .

I unsheathed my sword and used a powerful technique to cut the altar .

"ChidoriGatana:Agitowari"My lightning sword cut the altar in the two but all of a sudden all the demonic energy contained in it escaped and tried to enter my body .

"HAAAAAAA!!!!!!It fuckkkkking Burnnnnn!!!!" My whole body felt like it was gonna implode

[Host i can store the demonic energy into a blade but it is incredib-]

"Fucking do iiiiitttttt!!!!" i screamed at the system and after a few minutes a sword made of demonic energy appeared but i was to tired to see it and fell asleep .

When i woke up i felt something dangerous in front of me so i jumped and looked around me but all i saw was a sheathed sword on the ground. It gave a dark feeling but i still picked it up and thats when i saw the system screen appear .

[Demonic Sword Rakshasa was created by sealing the demonic energy in the original sword .Host do you want to equip it ?]

"Yes i want "i said while looking at the sword .

[Rakshasa: A sword that can seal demons and spirits to enhanced its power ]

"Well looks like i got myself a nice sword "

[Ding! Mission accomplished!

Reward: Hirenkyaku]

[Ding!because you received Rakshasa you also received a swordman training scroll]

"What?But i have instant mastery "i said shocked

[Indeed you have instant mastery but rakshasa is not a sword that was created directly by the system and as such the system decided to reward you with a swordsman training scroll that will greatly enhance you sword play since you cannot use your skill without any limit and killing ennemy simply with your swordsplay would be easier than tiring yourself with sword skill important ]

[Host you are now a swordsman as such you will have a swordsman rank .

The swordsman rank are :

Sword Adept

Sword Expert(your level since you already have swordskill)

Sword Master

Sword Gransmaster

Sword Saint

And finally Sword God

You will attain a greater rank by killing ennemy with your sword,training with your sword on a regular basis and of course by receiving swords skills(training will also improve your physical stats but not charisma or intelligence .]

"Training huh? Well then let's start !!!!"i said excitedly since even if i don't particularly like making extra efforts on something when i can have it in an easier way i still want to improve my sword rank and training seems good.

"System show me my status "

[Name:Muramasa Shiro

Hp: 2000/2000

Level: 2 0% ( you need 1000 exp to pass a level )


Swordsman Rank : Expert

Sword skills: Chidorigatana,ittoryu yakodori, agitowari (those techniques can be fused example daborusutoraiku: Yakodori to agitowari )

Special Ability: Gomu Gomu no mi,hirenkyaku

STR:30 ( 10 is average for all stats)





Equipment:Zen'nō no ken,Rakshasa,5 low healing potions

Stats point:0

SP:1000 ]

"Well now let's go to a city !"

[Host there is a City to the North of your position

Estimated Distance:10 km

It will take 12 min to reach the city with Hirenkyaku but you should take some break while going if you don't want do be exhausted ]

"Okay let's go !!!"i said while using hirenkyaku to go to the city.

After 20 minutes of using hirenkyaku and taking breaks i finally reached the city. The city looks exactly like those you can find in fantasy manga , actually it was pretty plain and normal and the streets were completely empty but when i approached the city square i noticed a huge crowd of people looking at a group of 2 men and one Girl who were passing . It was a beautiful girl with long blonde hair and blue eyes ,she looked like a princess .

'Well not like i give a fuck since i look like a fucking god hehe'i said arrogantly

[Host you should hide your face with a mask if you do not want to be the center of attention all the time]

"*Sigh* Fine fine give me haku mask "i said while my face was covered in a blinding light and a mask appeared . It was difficult to see with but well it was still doable .I started to walk in the direction of the crowd to see who that girl is but just when i entered the crowd the girl looked at me with a wary gaze before casually dismissing it .

'Damn why did she looked at me like ?'

[This girl is rank B (mc is not really rank B he should be more powerful but he has little fighting experience even thought he has instant mastery )Host she sensed something weird coming from you}

'Something weird ?Oh yeah the sword , can't i hide it's energy ?'

[no you can't host but that girl is a talented sensor a normal B rank person would just sense it a little but that's all ]

'humm sensor huh? I think i should hide in an alley and get out when she is away.

As i say this i walked into an alley but after a few minutes i heard a voice behind me .

"First i sens a demonic energy coming from your sword and now you're hiding in an alley . Definitely suspicous "

I turned around and saw the girl from before just in front of me .

'*Sigh* it's gonna be difficult 'i thought

"My name's Takahiro Sakura by the way Mr.Suspicous "