May be giving up would not be so bad (5)

A knock on the door attract their attention,

"Come in"

A door opened and one of the guard standing there, "All is done, sir"

"Good", Rommy stand first and walk before Xiao Han who follow behind.

Sou strapped on the weird recliner chair, like the one on the dentist office but weirder because it separate her hands and legs just like the vitruvian man by Leonardo Da Vinci.

Now there is intravenous drip connected to both of her hands, one clear liquid and the other look purplish. She tried to move her head to see the surrounding, and stop when her wound start to pain. 'Ah, the pain killer is over'-Sou closed her eyes and start to breathe out.

The room's door opened, Xiao Han enter first then Rommy following behind. Rommy walk toward a set equipment on the left and start to arrange it around. He was the technician in this interrogation, he will the one that responsible to extract brain information from Sou.

"Are you sure about this, boss?" he asked


"Let me remind you, she can lost her brain ability after this"

"Doesn't matter, we already have any information in her memory by then"

Sou startled hearing their word, 'Losing ability to think?', she keep her eyes shut seems unaffected.

"Are you finish?" Xiao Han put the document down and start wearing a surgical glove,

"Yup, it's start recording."

Xiao Han stand in Sou's right, "Lets begin".

"Today, Thursday, November the first two thousand and eighteen, fifteen minutes past thirteen, starting a interrogation procedure toward Sou, twenty five years old female. The team consists I, Xiao Han, as lead and Rommy as technician assistant. I hereby declare the interrogation will conduct with brain memory direct extraction"

"I, Rommy, as the technician explain that the procedure will done by recording the memory in subject brain with high electromagnetic wave as the carrier and this have a side effect such as lost brain ability or even brain dead. Are the lead agree to proceed?"

"I agree, continue"

Sou clenched her left palm hard, 'Am I die here? now? What information that they want from me? Is it gonna work, i am amnesiac now. Or maybe my memory will come back with such inducement?'.

Rommy doing his job meticulously, all necessary equipment already attached to Sou's body in less than five minutes. He look calm. According to the rescue plan, he must finish this interrogation in two hours. Dennis team will meet them on the way stone room, take Sou and leave with helicopter. The hard one is to infiltrate the base without alarming the enemy, also -for Rommy- to keep his facade so that he can continue stay on the organization. Well they need to erased any lead that they was behind this operation, the organization must keep blind and not realized that Dennis team was the one ruining their plan.

He look at Xiao Han, the latter give him a gesture to start.

Sou peeking under her eyelid and see their gesture, she bracing her self for any pain that will coming. 'It will not worst than before, right' - sadly, she wrong.

The moment the electric wave intrude her body, she jolted and screaming as hard a she could. She feel like tiny knife inside all her cell and stab her, the pain in her head ubearable. She wish to fainted but the pain just so cruel that jolt her awake every time. Tears flowing out, even saliva coming out from her mouth with a piece of rubber inserted between. She began to convulse, and burn mark start to shown here and there in her white skin.

"Hmmppph...hmmmppphhhh" - "Kill me, just kill me pleaaaassseee", she pleaded. It's to painful that she will choose to suicide right here and now.

Rommy ignore Sou muffled scream, he focused on the monitor which show her vital condition. On the other side, Xiao Han can see a sequence of Sou's memory. He knitted his eyebrows, "Something is wrong over here".

Rommy turn his head and send a questioning glance.

"Turn it off for now and watch this".

Rommy turn the machine down and walk toward the other monitor.

Sou immediately fainted, her heart monitor show a high frequency beat, her blood pressure very high, yet her breath monitor low. It's a very dangerous condition yet Rommy ignored her.