Maybe giving up would not be so bad (6)

Rommy walk towards the other monitor, "What's wrong?"

"Just watch", Xiao Han rewind the video.

The video play like a broken movie, most of part just black. It start with a sliver light then it moved fast, like the owner falling, then dark. Next it show the stone ceiling and black. Fast forward, the door opened and a glimpse of two men come in then dark. Rommy know who the person, its them, the screen is dark but their voice can be heard. Then Alin show up and dark, then the ceiling shown and dark, then it show the owner go to the toilet and the scene continue until Xiao Han gesture to start the process and back to dark.

"Is it all?", Rommy ask

"Yes. How long the process done?"

"Sixty five minutes" he answer after looked at Sou's monitor.

"Is it to short?"

"No, usually thirty minutes is enough to extract a lifetime memory, even the memory from she was born will show. Yet I made it an hour because you not tell me to stop."

"So, why the recording just show this uncompleted scene? It seems start at the stone room"

"Could it be amnesiac? She has concussion anyway"

"Even amnesiac patient will not have memory this short because the memory actually still inside the brain, just not accessible to the patient. Any other option?"

"Forcibly erasing? Hemming already erased the record of her existence, so it's very likely"

"If it done, she supposed to be dumb. But base on this short clip, she is not."

Both of them stay quiet for a while, contemplate in their own mind.

Xiao Han look at unconcious Sou, "Should we repeat?"

Rommy come closer, checking the status on the monitor. "Well, I am not a doctor. But I think we should wait. She seen could slip away if we continue"

"Should we call Alin?"

"Your call"

A moment later Alin come, she frowned. Clearly unhappy, "I thought you know I hate this kind of thing",

Rommy laughed, "What could we do, you are the only one doctor in this wing"

"I am not the only one, there is twelve other"

"I mean, the only one willing to work with us. Hahahahaha"

Xiao Han coughed, "Check her" he said.

Alin put her medical box on the desk, "So,what kind of method did you do?"

"Uh.." Rommy scratched his head, "Brain reading".

Alin's jaw opened in disbelief, "I thought I already told you that she have a huge impact injury in her head"

"Uh uh.."

"And she have a bad concussion?"

they nodded,

"And I already make a detailed report about it and you not supposed to kill her right away?"

they nodded again,

'Stupid', she cursed them silently. Alin open her case and took a small torch. She then open Sou eyes, her pupil moving rapidly. "Can't continue. Her brain might ruined for good" she said. Alin read the monitor status and take a syringe also two ampoules. She mixed the contents of the ampoules then inject it to the drip. She wait for few minutes and check Sou's pupil once again. It calm down. Her heart bit start to stabilize, "I need to do blood transfusion"

"What for? We not making her bleeding"

"She lost a lot of blood less than twenty four hours, now the heart beat slow down, I suspect her blood pressure will drop as well"

Xiao Han make a call. In ten minutes, two bag of blood coming.

"Huh, it five minutes to fifteen hours already" Rommy exclaimed, in five minutes - ten minutes max - he need to send Sou back to the stone room or the rescue team will not meet them on the way. The problem is, he can't take her by himself, lest the other two suspect or worst - the organization suspect him.

"Ah, so late already. I am hungry" said Xiao Han.

Alin feels a bit upset, this two men so terrible. She called the guards and instruct them to pick a gurney in the warehouse. They come back five minutes later. Rommy start to worry a bit, well he don't care if this girl died but he worry Dennis will upset. So better the rescue plan work out than failed, so Dennis could be happy. He can kill her later anyway, if she proven eyesore.