Oh It Feels So Good (I) + (II)

Seeing Justin leave on a mission, Chang waved him off with a couple of fingers before resting her head on the table for a moment and groaned. The spinning only seemed to get worse laying her head on the side, despite her will. Also despite her fighting the alcohol was turning the spinning vision into just a blurry cloud prompting her to close her eyes.

'Ahhh I should not have drank so much or so fast.. I think I need some water or something..'

As she lay there, her eyes half open, Chang saw and felt a glass be put onto the table before her eyes. Thinking that it was Justin returning, Chang mumbled out a thanks as she looked at the glass gratefully, but was unable to lift her leaden head.

As she looked at the beautiful glass of water with glassy eyes Chang felt a warm pair of hands start to pull her up into a seated position, even holding her head still as the glass was brought to her lips. At having been pulled up so quickly, Chang felt the blood rush to her head quickly, making it pound.

Bringing her hands up feebly Chang started to complain in a garbled voice but as soon as her eyes locked onto his face she froze. Her eyes were locked into a beautiful pair of amber eyes with golden flecks, almost predatorial and animalistic in their shine. The words she had started to say disappeared with a hissing inhale as she rapidly blinked her vision, trying to keep the image clear.

'This is not real, get a grip.'

"You're not real, I don't wannna see you right now." Turning her face from the sight, Chang pouted petulantly, while crossing her arms.

'Not real.' An eyebrow arched as Liang JianAmal restrained his temper with the impossible woman before him. He had flown across the world, after searching what felt like a life time for, and she says 'I'm not real'. He felt a vein pulsing in his head, in anger, especially when he thought of earlier in the day.

He had exhausted countless resources, hiring private detectives and following leads trying to find her for almost a year. A few weeks ago his patience had finally rewarded with a picture of her in America from one of his look- outs. In it she was happily gallivanting around with another man, seemingly unfazed by the fact that it would have been their anniversary.

Not just that, Liang JianAmal had found out that she lived with that man, when her ID was found earlier, and had for almost a year now. Even now he had come upon going her out with the same man wearing practically next to nothing, destroying herself with excessive alcohol consumption. Liang JianAmal ground his teeth in frustration at being unable to grind this Justin Che to dust instantly!

In his arms, Chang started to squirm and push herself away, but he tightened his hold. After her words coupled with her attitude, Liang JianAmal felt his restraint snap, and he started pulling her up into his arms, preparing to leave with her. As he got her up, Liang JianAmal signaled with his eyes to Luo Jun to take care of the loose ends.

Due to her consumption Chang was weak and uncoordinated, but she still gave him a bit of a fight with her resistance. As she struggled and continuously lost her balance, it caused his hands to lose their grips, forcing him to keep readjusting as they slipped to indecent areas on her.

Chang cried out a few times in protest, as she slipped about like a wet fish in his hands, frustrating him further. Gritting his teeth, Liang JianAmal was trying to be gentle with her, but she made it incredibly difficult to do so, and he had the urge to punish her.

"Hey wait, put me down, stop, don't, ahhh, mm oh it feels so good. Mmm don't touch me there!" Moaning out loudly as one of his hands slipped again, Liang JianAmal felt his ears burn slightly in embarrassment and a part of himself rose unbidden.

Cursing under his breath, he looked around to see that many eyes were on them, especially other men's eyes were all over her. Some made comments on the side, as they stared at her lecherously, fanning the flames of jealousy that were already burning into a bonfire.

Giving up on trying to be gentle, Liang JianAmal got a firm hold on the slippery woman and hoisted her up, the top half of her almost slumped over his shoulder. As he stormed out, she babbled nonsensically in a low voice as she played with his hair, running her fingers through the short length in the back. With long strides, he hastily left the building and brought her outside to his car. Once there, the man gently set her in her wobbly feet, holding her by her waist before pressing her against the side of the car.

Chang was only able to let out a small gasping groan before her lips were sealed with his. Holding a hand behind her neck, Liang JianAmal locked her head into place as he took her juicy, still partially painted lips. With all his pent-up desire and anger, the man crushed his lips to hers, pushing hers open. With her mouth partially open, he was able to delve inside, tasting her tongue, he sucked it in and intertwined it with his.

While a tad slow from her inebriation, Chang responded back positively to his passionate actions, letting out a soft moan as she pushed her sweet lips back against his. Sneaking his right arm around her waist, Liang JianAmal lifted her up against the car, bringing her higher up. As he did so, Chang's arms attached themselves to his neck, and her legs reached out, snaking around his waist.

Feeling the heat and pressure from her pressing against his hips, Liang JianAmal felt like he was fully on fire now. Pulling away from her lips, he had to hold a hand in her hair to restrain her reciprocation. Holding her back Liang JianAmal tried to compose himself, before taking her on the spot as it was becomingly increasingly hard to hold himself back.

Letting out a few ragged breaths in exasperation, the man opened his burning eyes and bored into her watery unfocused ones. Her sensual delicate fragrance, mixed with just a hint of sweat kept drifting into his nose with their close proximity, threatening to undo him.

"Would you say this is real enough? Now, tell me, who am I Chang?"

"A liar. A real liar." Trying to pull against the hand in her hair, Chang frowned as she looked at him.

"Try again." 'A liar huh, why would she say that? I was never dishonest with her.' Tsking between his teeth the man urged her to provide a better answer.

"Somone who is not really here. You're just someone who looks like him, though you do kiss really good like him."

'What, even thinking that it is not me, she would engage herself with another like this?' Feeling his anger start to flare up again, he spoke through gritted teeth.

"You are testing my patience, last chance."

"Hmm, then you're an angel I guess. Coming to bring a fantasy to life." Slurring out her words Chang leaned her head back against the hood of the car, arching her back as she did. With her posture and her outfit, Chang's breasts struggled to not pop out before his hungry eyes.

"Tsk, wrong answer. It looks like I am going to have to punish and teach you better now." Smiling wickedly at her, the man shook his head as he gazed at the woman in his arms.