The Best Friend Defense Squad

Grinning wickedly at the woman held tight in his arms, Liang JianAmal placed a few light kisses on the side of her neck, barely grazing it with his teeth. As he breathed on it, he removed the hand from her hair to search his pocket, they would need to leave here if he was to continue further.

After releasing his hold on her, Chang rocked forward, crashing her head onto his shoulder as she buried her face into the side of his neck. Nuzzling the side of his neck Chang mumbled incoherently.

"Hmm? What did you say?" Brushing away a chunk of her hair that fell in his face, the man coaxed her with a soft voice.

"I know who you are.." Speaking a little louder Chang clutched him closer. Soon he felt wetness at he crook of his neck as she started to cry softly.

"Shh, no tears there is no need for tears." Giving up on the keys for the moment the man patted her head in confusion.

"Jian, why are you here, why didn't you just let me go? I don't want to be just a toy to you. I'm nothing to you, just leave me be please." Rubbing her wet eyelashes against his neck, her wronged tone came from beside his head.

"Who ever said that you were just a toy? I am here for you now, does that not prove otherwise?" Holding back her hair, he purred smoothly into her partially exposed right ear. As he spoke, Chang gave a small clipped cry, possibly from his breath on her ear.

Hearing it pleased him and he dared to go a little further, wanting to hear more of that from her instead of her tears. Gently running the tip of his tongue along the outside of her ear, he then took a small nibble of her delicate unpierced ears. As he did, she satisfied him with more sounds, Liang JianAmal had remembered just how sensitive her ears were.

As his mouth moved, Chang jumped, and tried to bury herself further in to protect her ear, but it was no use. Pressed between him and the car, with his arms wrapped tight around her, she was unable to escape. The arm across her back, started to move lower until a hand came to her butt, gripping it firmly with a large palm.

The pressure from the palm and arm, pushed her lower body harder against his hips. His hand in her hair, went from gently touching, to a more aggressive hold, keeping her in place, so that he was able to ravish her.

Gasping and moaning from his actions in intervals, Chang felt warmth pooling inside of her, and her skin burning wherever his mouth touched. The longer she stayed held by him, it almost felt as if she was slowly melting in his arms.

"Liar! Ah, pervert! Stop, hngh." In response to her words, the man grinned before doing the opposite. His mouth began trailing small, wet kisses, from her ear and down her neck, lightly touching upon her jaw. Squirming her hips from the uncomfortable feelings of heat still tickling her skin, his hips pushed forward, grinding into her.

The hand in her hair, tangling it, eventually made its way to her partially loose hair. Working it out, her hair fell thickly down her back and around her shoulders. Slowly burning Chang felt herself letting go under Jian's ardent mouth.

Closing her eyes, she let herself becoming more pliable in his embrace. As his lips brushed against her neck, she heard him vaguely whisper about leaving but could not care as she pressed herself against his mouth wanting more now.

As she did, Chang heard Justin roar thunderously, causing her eyes to snap open.

"Let go of my girl, you pervert!!"

Justin had come outside looking for her in a panic, after seeing her gone. After calling them a cab, and trying to settle their tab, which had somehow been mysteriously settled, he waited at their table for her, thinking she had slipped off to the bathroom next.

When she did not come back quickly, he had become a little worried and peeked into the ladies room to see if she was in the, possibly sick, but she was not. Puzzled Justin went to see if she was taking a breather outside after having drank so much.

As he had tried to head outside, a Chinese man standing at the door tried to have him wait inside for a minute more, without explaining really why. The man prattled on but Justin just put a pinky to his ear and pushed past him without a second thought. As soon as he was out the door he saw Chang pressed up against a car by a man.

Her and the man held each other tightly in an intimate position, with her legs wrapped around his hips.

'Well, dam.. And here I was all worried for her, but it looks like I got nothing to worry about. Maybe I just need to let her do her thing tonight..' Starting to back away, trying not to disturb her moment Justin saw her head pull away from the man's face, and it looked like there were tears in her eyes. The man continued to kissing the side of her face, even as she asked him to stop.

Justin had already stopped seeing the tears, wondering if he needed to step in, but when he heard her cry out and ask the man to stop when he did not, Justin lost it. Roaring with anger at the man trying to defile his friend, Justin flew forward as fast as he could and hit the man with a flying sucker punch in the back of his head, as hard as he could.

Liang Jian Amal was thrown off by the sudden heavy surprise attack, and his arms loosened as he groaned.

Justin took the opportunity to sock the man in the back of his kidneys to stun him further, and quickly pulled Chang steady on her wobbly feet.

The taxi had pulled up right before then and Justin immediately pulled her into it, while Liang Jian Amal was stunned from the rapid successive attacks. As soon as they were in Justin cried at the driver before the door was even closed.

"Step on it!" The driver floored it and quickly whipped around a corner, tires screeching, as if they were afraid of being perused. The whole time Justin held a finger out to the window, further insulting him.

As Liang JianAmal stood there with a dark look on his face, Luo Jun came out from the building and approached him nervously.

"CEO Liang, shall we pursue?"

"Unnecessary, I know where she is going to. This is just part of the fun.." After a moment or two, he added the last bit a little darkly, still angered at the interruption.

'His girl?' Hmph. He would see about that.