Awakening.... Again

Two more days had passed before Leonard finally opened his eyes. The first three seconds of doing so felt like an eternity. The first second he noticed that he was in a bed in a house made out of wood. He had also noticed that his eye sight had become remarkably better when he was able to actually count the grains of wood in the ceiling above him.

The 2nd second, he looked to the side and noticed the beautiful red haired woman he had seen before losing consciousness, fast asleep by the bed. For the first time he managed to get a good look at her. He thought that he had hallucinated the golden eyes from before but was unable to confirm it due to eyes being closed from sleeping. But he saw that she had a pale complexion, but not to the point of being sickly. She light freckles dotting her nose and spreading to her cheeks. She wore mostly leather, which tightly hugged her firm figure. And lastly he noticed that her hands had small scars covering them, a testimony of many years of work in her craft most likely courtesy of the small knife she had on her belt.

The third second he was awake however, he suddenly cried out in sharp pain as he felt like he was suddenly suffocating from the smells trying to enter his nose as well as a splitting head ache from the sudden sharpness of his ears. He could only squeeze his head in response to the pain.

"GEEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHHHHGGGGGG!!!!" He cried out suddenly. Causing the girl to jump up but that was the last thing he noticed, too focused on his own suffering. After what seemed like an eternity(but had actually had only been four minutes) had passed his pain started to subside and he noticed the girl(who apparently did have golden eyes) returning with and elderly woman and a man with green? hair. She had apparently left to retrieve help and to let them know he had woken up.

Embarrassed at alerting all of them, he tried to apologize for the trouble,

"Sorry about that, I suddenly had a headache from hell that only last for a few minutes for some reason" he tried to explain to them. The three of them gave him a confused look as if they couldn't understand him. Then the man with the green hair walked towards him and gently started examining his head and eyes, as if looking for an abnormality. Leonard was relieved that his words had apparently gotten across to him until,

{I don't see anything really wrong with him, however I'll have to take a closer look. "Examine!"} he cried out alarming Leonard. Not only was he not able to understand what the guy was saying, there was even a faint glowing light right next to his head! He looked around thinking the guy must had used some kind of tool, but was shocked to find that he didn't have anything in his hand.

"What is going on here?!" He asked, as the guy paying him no mind moved to examine his shoulder now instead. Remembering the wolf clamping down on him, he was concerned now over the state of his heavily bandaged shoulder. Since he couldn't feel any pain he assumed he had been given pain killers, until the bandages came off and he could see that let alone blood and gore; all that was left of his wound was some light scarring!

Leonard was shocked and wondered how long he had been out, thinking it might have been at least a couple weeks from how his wounds have healed. In shock about his apparent "coma". Finishing his examination, the green haired man turned to the two women,

{there's nothing wrong with him, he's completely healthy. I'll return to my house now, I'll check on him at least once a day for the next few days to ensure there's lasting damage. He probably confused on the situation since he's only been talking in that strange language for awhile now. First get some tea in him to calm him down and to rehydrate him. After that try to establish who he is with a basis of communication.} Continuing to talk in a way he couldn't understand, the green haired man apparently gave instructions to the two women before leaving.

After being left alone with the two women, the red haired girl set to making something by the fire while the elderly one continued watching him. Not sure what to say(if they would even understand him) Leonard settled to watching the girl work. After a few minutes he noticed she was setting a pot of water to boil as well making some food! At the sudden realization, accompanied with the now spreading smell his mouth started to water uncontrollably, and his stomach suddenly let out a giant noise of complaint! The elderly woman chuckled gently while the girl jumped at the sudden noise. Leonard turned away from them while his face turned scarlet.

"Sorry" was all he could mumble through his embarrassment. Though they couldn't understand what he said the elderly woman seemed to understand his meaning and chuckled a little more. After a few minutes of waiting, (and a few more animal sounds courtesy of Leonard's stomach) the food was finally ready. The girl handed him the tea first so that the food wouldn't make him sick. After he finished gulping it down came the bowl of stew she had just finished. Though it was just a bowl of stew with chopped up bits of meat, and some veggies; to Leonard at that moment it was a gourmet meal cooked by the best chefs of Italy!

As he hurriedly gulped down the stew, the girl watched him with interest. However he was too focused on the food to notice. As he finished the first bowl within moments, she then took the bowl back to get get seconds while he mumbled words of thanks. When she handed him back the refilled bowl he started to eat again but slower this time. He noticed the girl had a small smile on her face, apparently pleased he found her food pleasing. He became transfixed on her face now that he took a moment to look at her awake.

He was focused on her eyes as he looked at her, as he had never seen golden eyes before. And became lost in them like he was entranced.

"How beautiful" he repeated what he had said before passing out before. Not knowing what he meant while looking at her eyes the girl became noticeably distressed, and looked away as if in fear and shame. Afraid he had done something to offend he tried to remedy the situation but found he couldn't due to the language gap!

The elderly woman then stepped in and said to the girl,

{don't look away Iris! While you can't tell what he said, you could see it wasn't disgust at your eyes. Seeing the way he was looking at you, I would guess he was trying to flatter you!} he didn't know what she said, but the girl calmed down somewhat. Returning Leonard's looks again he noticed that through her hair, her ears had turned a crimson color to match her hair. At first he was only curious at what the elderly woman said to calm her, now he really wanted to know.