My name is...

After the misunderstanding? Was cleared up, Leonard finished eating his stew. As the girl was cleaning up the dishes, he started looking at the elderly woman. From the moment she arrived, she had simply stood there and looked at him. It was as if she were examining him. He almost felt that she was analyzing everything she could about him, in order to decide what needed to be done with him.

As he looked at her, he noticed that she was relatively normal compared to the guy and girl. The guys hair was a dark forest green, and based on the house he was in it didn't seem like they'd have the necessary dyes to color hair. His next thought was that it was naturally colored that way, but that was impossible. The only ways someone's hair would naturally be green was in cartoo-

As he had this thought he suddenly stopped. He thought about everything that had happened since he had woken up the first time and realized that what he might considered normal probably doesn't apply anymore. He thought about waking up in the forest, running from a wolf as large as a horse, and then finally how the people here had different physical characteristics compared to normal people. He just then remembered that the guy had made something glow right next his head for a moment, but when he looked there was nothing there. Almost like...

"Magic!" He said out loud. The girl looked up as he talk out loud, and as if she could understand what he was thinking the other woman smiled at his words. Leonard's mind meanwhile was going completely into overdrive as he considered the possibilities of magic. However as this childlike giddiness was going through him he suddenly saw both the women looking at him and realized there was something more important to attend to. He figured that they at least needed to establish each other's names. He pointed at the older woman and asked her slowly, (not that it would matter how fast he asked her)

"What. Is. Your. Name?" The woman seemed to understand the question and while pointing at herself said,

{elder grandma} knowing anymore words would be confusing and unnecessary, she kept her introduction short and simple.

{elder grandma?} he asked in conformation while pointing at her again. To which she nodded he head, pleased that he had understood. The other girl who suddenly showed some enthusiasm, pointed at herself as well and said,

{I'm Iris}. As he heard her words he then pointed at her in conformation as well and said,

{I'm Iris?} realizing her blunder, her ears turned red again as she shook her head and corrected while pointing at herself again,

{Iris!} she declared. After he confirmed her name with her, the one who called herself elder grandma then said to him in almost perfect mimicry,

"What. Is. Your. Name?" Ignoring his own shock, (and her smirk at imitating him) Leonard was about to answer using his name when he suddenly stopped. As he thought about it, he realized that he had given a whole new life on another world. Meanwhile he assumed his previous life had already come to an end. As such was there an need to keep using the same name as he did on earth? The more he thought about it the more he realized that the fresh start he was given needed a new name. However he was also reluctant to just blindly throw away the name his parents had given him, now that he had nothing left of them.

After thinking for a moment he looked up at them and said,

"Leo. My name is Leo." Hearing the Leo part twice, the women assumed that he had added extra words to his introduction like Iris and pointed at him to confirm,

{{Leo}} they both said in unison. He smiled and nodded to confirm they had gotten it right.

After the introductions were finished, Leo went to get up for the first time since waking up. However as he peeled back the blankets he was suddenly filled with more questions. He had suddenly remembered that he naked from the waist up, that was understandable due to the wounds on his shoulder needing treatment. What he did not understand, was that he was now in different pants now as well. A brief check was all that was needed to confirm the last thing he was worried about, his boxers were also gone!

He turned to the two women while pointing at his pants hoping they would say who had changed his clothes. His hope was that it the male doctor, even though they never met it would still be better than having a girl change him in his sleep. Of course things didn't go his way. Understanding his confusion at his clothes, the beautiful Iris suddenly had her ears turn red for the third time now; but the redness continued to spread to the rest of her face this time, showing her embarrassment.

Normally Leo would enjoy the idea of removing clothes with a beautiful woman, but having it happen while he was unconscious and she seemed to be his primary caretaker while he was so embarrassed him to no end. Laughing at their expense, elder grandma walked to the door of the house. Iris quickly grabbed a small stack of sturdier clothes than the loose pants he was wearing now, and after handing them to him fled after elder grandma out the door.

Sorting through the clothes, Leo took his first real look inside the house. It was a quaint little building, by the modern standards he was used to it would normal be considered closer to a shed. But he quite liked it, there was a single bed in the corner, and dresser opposite it, and a small table next to the dresser. The other side of the house looked like it was where the food was both stored and prepared. What he had originally thought was a fireplace, was actually closer to a wood stove. When he had looked over there while Iris was cooking, the door was open making him think it was a fireplace. The place felt like it was completed by the numerous fur rugs on the floor providing protection from the cold wood floor.

By the time he had finish looking around the house he had finished changing. And so he took his first steps out the door to his new life.