
It has been two weeks since Leo witnessed the slave auction, and he had been avoiding going to another one ever since. After the full moon he actually felt better than he did before for once, mentally if not physically. As the major auction approached it was almost time for Leo and Iris to leave and rejoin the others for the attack. They didn't write down the information they needed as if it was found they would immediately get pegged as spies. However Leo had something else on his mind.

"Are you sure you're ok?" He asked Iris who seemed to not be feeling well the last few days. He knew that not all of his capabilities would be transferred to werewolves he made, and it appeared that it also applied to his resilience to sickness. She shook her head and said,

"I'm fine, probably just from being in the city for so long." Leo didn't disagree with her, as even he felt a little ill just from being here as long as they have.

"I'm going out for a bit, maybe walking around will do me some good." She said as she left the room. Leo wanted to go with her, but knew she wanted to be left alone for a while. So he went downstairs and simply hung out in the pub. He simply decided to drink with the other patrons as he waited for Iris. While drinking he was chatting with the others while also listening to his surroundings to hear of there was any new news he should know before leaving. Like this he spent the next couple hours, then when he was starting to get worried when a little before sunset Iris finally came back. He went up to her,

"Let's walk around for a bit and get something for dinner." She smiled at his suggestion and gladly held his arm as he escorted her out of the inn. He had gone out with her a couple times, but usually waited until the end of the day to avoid the crowds. She of course still needed to keep her hood up. The two walked around until they found a place to get some food, and enjoyed a relatively nice evening together.

That ended though on the way back shortly after dark. They were walking back when he caught some movement in the corner of his eye. He saw a robed figure being stopped by some guys and heard what they were saying.

"How about coming to play with us for a bit, huh cutie?"

"Um, no thank you. I'm supposed to be on my way..."

"Ah come on, we'll show you a really good time."

"No, please."

The robed figure, a girl was then dragged into a darker alley, and as Leo watched this he grew angry again. He had done nothing when a man got robbed, he stood by and let some innocent girls get sold to scumbags, he wasn't going to stand by and listen as a girl was violated when he could do something about it. Without even checking Iris stepped in line next to him and went to help him.

"Get on the roofs, I'll take care of it while you keep lookout." She nodded, knowing they still needed to keep a low profile. And the two went to deal with some worthless punks.


Alice was happy her plan to sneak out succeeded. She was walking around the city with a small purse of gold coins and a hooded robe to keep her face hidden. She noticed a few of her fathers men searching for her, but stayed hidden so they couldn't find her. She knew that she would most likely get punished later, but didn't care when she compared what her life will be like soon anyways.

Sh enjoyed herself walking around, trying new food, seeing plenty of people, and getting to spend time outside for once. Eventually it started to get dark and she had to go back. Alice started working her way to the palace, but couldn't remember the right way to get there. As she was walking it got darker before she finally decided she was lost. She started to look for one of her fathers men, before a group of guys stopped her.

"How about coming to play with us for a bit, huh cutie?"

"Um, no thank you. I'm supposed to be on my way..."

"Ah come on, we'll show you a really good time."

"No, please." She didn't want to go with them, but one of them grabbed her arm and dragged her into a darker alley. Alice felt scared since she wasn't ignorant as to what they after. Once away from the street they pushed her up against the wall and pulled back her hood to look at her face.

"Hey I was right, she is a right beauty. Gonna have some fun tonight for sure." One of the guys, maybe the ringleader, said to his friends. Then one of them stepped forward and said,

"Wait, she's the princess! I've seen her before when the royal family appeared at an event in the past!" There was a quiet murmur through the group, and Alice wondered if they won't bug her now since it was known she belonged to Arthur. The ringleader then smile and said,

"What do you think, a girl picked by Arthur himself and we clear the city before he comes for her? Hide the body well enough and no one will know until we're already gone." The lackeys started chuckling in agreement, none of them had any attachment to the city so they didn't mind leaving it for Arthur's wrath.

Alice paled at their words, as the ringleader then suddenly pushed her face against the wall and started tearing her clothes. She felt the now cooling air on her lower body as it was exposed, and some hands started running across her skin. Tears fell from her eyes as they grabbed her buttocks and started rubbing it, and she suddenly felt something hard and hot press against her nether region. She suddenly had a thought, Arthur for centuries as his toy, or this group for a single night before they killed her.

Either choice would be unbearable to any girl, but she already knew her life was a tragedy anyways. One last time she hoped for the hero she knew wouldn't come, and right when her chastity was about to be stolen from her the ringleader suddenly disappeared from her back and she felt the breeze on her exposed lower region once more.

"Wait what? NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" That was the last words of the ringleader before a sickening noise sounded throughout the alley and he fell forever silent. There was a single beat, before the rest of the guys who were about to defile her started attacking the one who killed the ringleader. The sounds of a fight broke out throughout the alley and Alice slowly turned to witness what she could only believe was a dream. She saw a guy fighting the ones who dragged her here, taking them all on singlehandedly.

Each of them one by one died at his hands, before one grabbed his arm and ripped the sleeve. She didn't register it before he finished off the last one. Alice was still stunned as he turned towards her and walked over. She felt as if her knees would give out at that moment.

"Are you alright?" He asked as he held his hand out to her. It was the same one with the ripped sleeve, and in the low light she saw a brand on his skin. Alice looked at the one who saved her, one who appeared when she needed him the most, one who was chosen by a divine, and she only thought one thing. Fresh tears in her eyes as she stumbled forward and when he tried to catch her she leaned forwards and pressed her lips against his, and said two words before passing out,

"My hero."