First meeting


Was the only thing going through Leo's mind at the moment. He had stepped in and helped a woman who was about to violated, but the moment it was safe she came forward and kissed him, while also calling him her "hero". Plus, there was the fact that he heard what they were saying a moment ago, and the words "princes" and "Arthur" stuck out like a sore thumb.

As he was trying to figure this out he heard a sound behind him and turned to see Iris walking up. Suddenly he felt a chill go up his spine, but seeing Iris's poker face ignored it, hoping he wouldn't regret doing so later. He then said to her,

"Did you hear what they said, she's the princess." Iris nodded with a pale face, they had been trying to stay out of trouble, but now they didn't know how to avoid it. If they left her there and something happened to her then it would cause an uproar, if they tried to being her back or leave her with someone then they'll become involved. Though she REALLY didn't want to, she said,

"Let's bring her back to the inn and find out what she has to say, then we could figure out what to do with her." Leo was sure he didn't imagine the coldness on her voice, but hurried to remove his cloak and wrapped it around her, since her own clothes were torn up and she was still exposed. They then hurried back to the inn, hoping no one was suspicious of them.


When Alice opened her eyes the first person she saw was a beautiful woman with bright red hair, and what seemed to be glowing golden eyes. She was in a bed and was still wearing her torn clothes, proof that the previous incident wasn't a dream. She suddenly had a giddy feeling in her stomach, and smiled at the thought that she actually met her hero. Seeing that the red haired woman frowned, and said,

"If you're wondering about my husband, he went to get some food and drinks and will be back in a few minutes. That gives us some time to talk." When she heard her Alice's smile faded, as she didn't think of her hero already having a wife, not that she minded if she was a concubine. Her only worry was being someone's toy, and having her freedom taken for the rest of her life. When she thought of this again her smile returned, much to iris's annoyance.

Alice then took a moment to look at who she now considered the first wife, and actually felt intimidated by another woman's looks for the first time in her life. She was called the most beautiful girl in the kingdom, but never cared about this due to the fact that it was what drew her to Arthur's attention in the first place. Now she looked at Iris and couldn't help but compare the two of them. Alice was thin and beautiful with her wavy brown hair, while also seeming fragile, like a flower.

The woman in front of her, though she was undoubtedly a mutant, Alice felt she was better looking than her. She was lean and fit, dressed in leathers as if for combat that showed off her figure. She gave the feel of a weapon, waiting to be unsheathed, beautiful but deadly. She suddenly started speaking,

"We heard them refer to you as Princess Alice, but I hope you'll forgive me if I don't add the princess." Alice shook her head and said,

"Please, I don't want something like that, please talk to me normally." Iris was surprised, as she thought royalty would want to parade their status. She then said,

"Ok, Alice. So why did you kiss my husband and call him your hero?" Alice turned red at the question, and said as if a young girl with a crush,

"Because, I was raised to be an offering to Arthur, and no matter what no one would try to help me. I read stories my whole life about a Prince Charming, or heroes that would save the princess whenever they were in trouble. Your husband is the only person that's helped me my whole life, the only one who seemed to actually care about my well being even if he didn't know me."

When Iris heard her she couldn't help but sigh, and felt pity for the girl. She was raised in a way that was obvious that no one around her cared, but saw her as something similar as breeding stock to be sold. But she couldn't help but smirk while saying,

"So you fell in love with my husband, gave him your first kiss, and yet you don't even know his name or I bet what he actually looks like." At her words Alice turned even redder, as she recalled the alley was too dark for her to see what her hero even looked like; and all she saw was that he processed a brand on his arm, the mark of a divines chosen. Iris looked at her carefully again, and said,

"I think the better question is, can we trust you? As you can see I'm a mutant, as such that either means that I'm to be degraded to a slave by your country and family or your enemy. So which is it?" When Alice heard her she didn't know what to think. She suddenly recalled that even if she was with her hero, it would condemn the entire country to bear Arthur's wrath, all for her selfishness. She suddenly felt tears in her eyes again at the thought that even if she met her hero, she wouldn't be able to be with him unless he was willing to fight Arthur for her. But neither of them knew that Arthur wasn't coming for Alice, as he was staying away from the mainland for another fourteen years.

She continued crying as she faced the choice she thought she had, be with her hero and condemn her people to die, or turn her back on him and her own happiness for the sake of others.