
Leo returned to the room with a tray carrying several a bowls of soup and mugs of both water and ale. He hoped Iris would get along with the princess, but also knew it would probably be hard considering what happened before. Sure enough when he opened the door he found the princess crying her eyes out again, and he shot a look at his wife who immediately put her hands up as if to say she wasn't guilty. He set the tray down on the stand next to the bed, and said,

"Um princess, there's some food here if your hungry." When she heard his voice she immediately turned to take him in, it was also the first time he got a good look at her. He thought she was pretty, but he was already happily married so he didn't register more than that. After a few seconds she seemed to smell the food and hesitantly took a bowl. Leo and Iris also took one and they all started eating.

Leo couldn't help but notice that every chance she got Alice was looking right at him, before quickly looking back at her bowl, then switching back to him. The three continued to eat in awkward silence, before they finally finished their food. As Alice moved to put her bowl back, Leo couldn't help but notice she was still wearing her torn clothes. He looked away, and said,

"Iris, is there something you could lend her to wear?" He two girls suddenly noticed, and Alice turned as red as iris's hair. Few minutes later he turned around again to see her in new clothes. He then started talking,

"So princess-"

"Alice!" Leo was confused and asked,

"What?" She blushed and replied,

"I want you to call me Alice, not princess." He didn't know how to react, but amended his earlier words.

"So Alice, what was the princess doing walking around in the city without any guards?" She hesitated for a moment before answering.

"I wanted one day where I wasn't a prisoner." Was all she said. Leo understood her intentions though, it was a common story in earth princess stories. He also understood that she was promised to Arthur soon, which meant that any free will she had would be taken soon as well. He was torn, he wanted to help her, but knew they had to keep a low profile. Before he could say anything though,

"I- I know I can't be happy. I want to avoid being with Arthur more than anything, but if I don't then he'll kill the entire kingdom." Leo thought for a moment, he didn't know what to do. He decided that he'll take her back to the palace, then let fate go from there when they attack the city. He couldn't tell her though, as there would be the risk of their plans leaking, even if she didn't betray them. She then turned to him,

"Please, just let me have one night with you, um..." Leo then realized they never told her their names.

"I'm Leo, she's Iris." Alice smiled as she tried to commit his name to memory, and continued,

"Please, just let me stay with you tonight, I won't ask to go all the way or something, Arthur will notice if I'm not pure. Just let me feel loved tonight." Leo felt awkward at her request, especially since there was a chance they'll take her away so she doesn't marry Arthur. He turned to look at his wife. Iris looked conflicted as she thought the same thing as Leo, but eventually nodded her head since nothing will happen anyways, plus it could be considered a form of repayment for not telling her their plans.

Leo climbed into bed a little later, with Iris on his right side, and Alice climbed into into his left side, meaning he spent the night being smothered by both girls scents. He couldn't help but have a bad feeling about the next day.


The next morning Leo was walking towards the palace with Alice beside him. He already had Iris leave to meet him outside the city, and they'll returns to the approaching dwarves after he returned Alice. She was in a very conflicted mood, on one hand she spent the night sleeping next to her hero, but on the other she'll most likely never see him again. The two finally reached the palace gates, and Alice called out,

"I'm Princess Alice, returning to the castle." The guards were dumbfounded that the princess herself had appeared before them. They heard about her going missing, but never imagined they would be the ones to report her return. What amazed them was that the man who brought her back tried to leave after escorting her to the gates. One of them stepped forward,

"Please sir, the king would want to thank the man who brought his daughter back." Leo sneered in his mind and thought to himself,

'More like his sacrifice.' But didn't say anything or let his expression reveal his thoughts. He let them lead him inside the palace, hoping nothing happened.

A little ways away there was one person who was dumbfounded at what he saw. There with princess Alice was the same man who scarred his face. Alex reached up and felt the line running across his cheek, and recalled the memory of this man and a woman rampaging through their camp singlehandedly, and throwing his sword hilt at him and scarring him. He immediately went to see the king first to report this.

Leo however had no idea, and continued with Alice and the guards through the castle. They eventually entered the throne room, and Leo saw for the first time real royalty. There was a regal man standing in the center radiating authority, several men with his face surrounding him, Alice's brothers more than likely, and a heavily scarred man in pristine armor not too far away from him. The man in the center walked forward with a smile on his face and said loudly,

"My daughter, you have been returned to me safe and sound!" He reached Alice and wrapped his arms around her in a hug, Leo knew it was an act though, with how stiff Alice was. He then turned to Leo and placed his hands on his shoulders before saying,

"From what I understand I have you to thank for returning her to me!" Leo bowed his head and said,

"The honor was all mine your grace." He hoped he acted well enough. The king smiled again, and gestured for Leo to lift his head while everyone started applauding. Suddenly something impacted the back of his head. Leo suddenly hit the floor and his conscious started fading. He noticed two things before losing consciousness, the big man standing with a giant hammer that apparently made his way behind him while everyone was applauding, and Alice's screams.