
I was still a little nervous as I told her about the latest run-in in the Corruption factory. Mistress looked very interested as I told her about the factory and smiled the entire time politely. I continued without pause as I had before, without any attempt to hide anything.

It was more like I couldn't hide something even if I tried. It didn't matter, though, since I didn't want to anyway, but it felt like I couldn't even if I wanted to. I got to the part when we found out we ran up against Vinar, and I blushed.

"I was weak and helpless in his hands as he caged my cock and brought me to the edge of sanity wishing to cum, Mistress. I was so sore and weak as well as sensitive from what he gave me." I paused, looking up at Mistress. Her face was thoughtful, and I decided to continue. "Now, when I have sex with my party members, I still feel more sensitive and last usually less time when I have sex. It was interesting sex in its way, but I came to you since I do not wish to run into those or others of our affiliation and do them harm without meaning to."

Mistress looked at me and finally broke, "HAHAHAHA!" Mistress roared with laughter, and it was so charming that I wanted to laugh with her. I started to, even though it felt like I was laughing at myself. I couldn't help myself, though, as she continued to laugh for several minutes until I felt she wasn't laughing at me.

"That is hilarious. That incubus Vinar got hit by my disciple! He must have been so pissed that he probably said something like, 'If I see you again, I will report you to your, Mistress,' Fucking cocky asshole even gave you something to increase my little succubus apprentices cock size to make me happier. He knew once I found out, I would be pissed if he did anything truly damaging. The sensitivity increase is good for you!" The Mistress was grinning almost like a maniac.

I was confused for a moment as I didn't expect that reaction. "Sorry, You seem to be a bit lost, my cute little disciple," Mistress said, and her grin was not fading. "Vinar is an Incubus that clearly knows his place and was trying to minimize the damage done to his small faction," Mistress explained, "In fact, fighting among the insides of all factions is normal. Common even among those stuck-up religious fanatics that call themselves the light. It is how we keep our faction on our toes.

Mistress leaned back on the bed we were sitting on and stretched her breasts, looking so good as they rose into the air. "Like Vinar probably said, I needed to move that factory in the first place since I left it there too long. Or something along those lines. The man is usually more meticulous with his properties, and he knew that leaving it in the elven forest would make the elves investigate." Mistress laughed a little while lying on the bed. "Think about it," Mistress said, looking at me with super sexy movement as if she was trying to seduce me. "You made a factory of corruption in the middle of the nature-loving futanari elves. They like to fuck, not be fucked. Of course, he needed to move that factory. It was a stupid place for it in the first place. Probably was there because of a research direction or something." Mistress continued and paused, leading up on her arms, laying sideways. "You happen to get any research notes?" Mistress asked.

I paused thinking about those notes that I got, and I nodded, "Yes, Mistress, We took them off the corpses of the researchers while we killed on our way through." I told her.

A grin broke across her face, "I think Vinar made a mistake," Mistress said, getting up, "I don't think he left those with you on purpose. That guy likes researching too much. It must have slipped his mind how pissed he lost that factory and couldn't kill you or torture you because of me." Mistress grinned as if she had just got a new toy. "Pass me those research notes, My lovely disciple. I will reward you with a feast both in returning to me to learn something you should know and stories that make me so happy!" Mistress declared. "Oh, I will teach you some more tricks with Illusions to while you are here!"


Vinar's Reserach notes

Vinar most likely forgot in his anger the research notes, and your Mistress asked for them in exchange for a reward.

Reward: Feast, Class skill

Consequences: Mistress's disappointment and anger


I pulled them out of my bag without thought, knowing that those feasts were something I wished I could bring my party to as well.

"Hmm, You did this with your entire group, but I will not bring them for this one. You have made me incredibly happy with the things you brought. I think next time you can bring them along so I may meet them." Mistress said in thought, "Although I am sure that Dragonic that swore to be with you wouldn't be happy about it." The grin on her face was sadistic as she said that. "Shame that she is yours to play with. I wouldn't mind playing with her a bit more later." Mistress shook her head and looked at me more seriously. Mistress took the notes from my hand and quickly sheet took the sheets and sheets of paper, glancing at each page.

"Oh, My," Mistress said and looked at me, "I will let you bring a container of food for your friends. This is juicy. You have made me happy as I wasn't expecting his research this far along. According to this, they have started some more profound research into using corruption and containing it. They were containing a huge amount of corruption on a beast that showed straight of being able to contain it and forwarding it all into the beast." Mistress shook her head. "This material is very useful to me, and I will have one of my slaves look into it for me."


Quest completed: Vinar's Research notes.

Mistress has found the notes helpful and is delighted to learn what she has learned from them.

Reward: Feast, Class skill, Slight rewards for party members.


"Thank you, Mistress," I told her sincerely.

"Your welcome. These are very helpful to me, so I will tell you something, my disciple." Mistress grinned, "Never neglect your followers. Us Illusionists are weak physically, but Vinar is scared of me though. Not because of just how powerful I am. More because I have seduced and indoctrinated powerful enemies into my allies and followers. They have come from obstacles to my own power. You must learn how to do this on your own in your own way. You are Charismatic enough to do it in the future if you continue on this route. But be careful; some might try to trick you into thinking they are under your thumb only to betray you later." Mistress looked angry but wasn't looking at me when she thought of it.

"Mistress, I will take that information to heart. We just introduced a new member to our group and are holding back on our more core secrets until we know them better before letting her in." I Told Mistress, and she nodded.

"That is fantastic to hear!" Mistress said and pulled me into her breasts. "It is great having a smart Disciple. I was right to be strict with you at the start. Now," Mistress suddenly pushed me out of her bosom that she just brought me into. "I think it is time to start teaching you."

Mistress got a smile, "As a succubus, you can take the experience and learn from the semen of your enemies but not your allies. It is a mysterious ability that the gods have given us Succubus since we have other weaknesses. You will learn them in time, but they make us predisposed to being affiliated with the demons. But there are ways of enhancing this ability to increase our charm." Mistress continued.

I looked up, surprised at that declaration. "Mistress, Are you saying that our ability to learn off semen is something that can become even better?" I asked her.

"Correct, If you learn well enough, you can take the Stamina and vitality of your enemy, allowing you to recover from injuries!" Mistress told me with a wicked grin, "Even better; you can also take their mana if they have it into yourself to fuel spells!"

I was startled with this revelation as I thought about it though it wasn't as powerful as I thought it could be off the start.

"Don't be too disappointed since I noticed you already realized the downsides to this ability, my little disciple," Mistress said with a soft smile. "What you haven't realized yet is that what if you are having sex while casting?" Mistress asked.

I thought about it, and I realized that if I started with seducing a guard or something of the sort, I could act as a distraction for my party members, creating an even larger illusion than I had initially been able to make. The thought of spell casting while taking a cock up my ass was complex, though.

"I think it will be difficult to cast while," I paused, my voice trailing off, "Pleasuring my enemy Mistress," I told her bluntly.

"Oh, My cute disciple, I am so glad you said that. Suppose you have trouble doing that. All you need to do is PRACTICE!" Mistress said, emphasizing the word loudly. I froze, not knowing how to react.

I was about to open my mouth and Mistress shook her head, "No, My disciple must learn at least this. I wonder who I should bring to let you practice riding on?" Mistress asked herself and turned to me, "Stay here," Mistress ordered and she disappeared from the room.

Well, Fuck.