
Mistress had disappeared, and I looked around the room again in boredom. I looked around, and It was just as fancy as I remembered it, and I got up looking at the elegant room with hidden closets. It reminded me of the wardrobe. I then decided that if I were going to be playing now, I would wear the new outfit. I didn't know if I needed to seduce the people that Mistress was going to bring. I just decided I wanted to wear something different.

I smiled, thinking about it, and I started to strip quickly. I was naked quickly, and I pulled out the wardrobe. I looked through the various outfits, and any thought of boredom was gone. The number of outfits that I had in the wardrobe that was supplied to me was tremendous. I had costumes and dresses in an amazing amount. I had four different 'traveler' looking outfits in various colors that I thought looked plain.

I jumped though as I heard, "Oh, You are looking for something to wear?" Mistress said with a large smile as I turned around. I didn't see anyone around her, and Mistress smiled, "No, No one else is with me, my little disciple. I decided that we would be going to another venue for this, but I noticed you are looking at outfits. I see many of the playthings I left for you are left unused." Mistress said, now her toneless happy.

I was about to open my mouth when Mistress shook her head. "Do you know why I provided you with so many outfits?" Mistress asked.

"No, Mistress," I replied, my tone barely containing the curiosity.

"It is because these are your battle outfits. These are things you can use to take control. Disguise and blend in to seduce. You are not using them since you are not moving in a way that you work best in." Mistress said, her tone lecturing. "We are women that thrive in a city and not a forest. We are the predators in a city. We are the hunters taking down our prey in cities. In contrast, we are the prey in the forest. We are weaker, and animals do not take our charm much into consideration. We are not useless in the forest. But we lose much of what puts us in our element." Mistress looked at me, her expression curious, "Why are you hunting outside of your natural element before you are strong enough to increase the size of your hunting ground?" Mistress asked me.

I looked at her, shocked, thinking about it. I was naked in front of this sexy woman, and I thought about it. I was hunting or playing in an utterly counterintuitive area is what Mistress was saying, which I felt that she was correct about. Suppose I was in a city or against someone that I could deceive with my body or disguise myself with illusions. I could much more easily seduce enemies, too, than I previously couldn't if I did so as well. When in the forest, I couldn't seduce a berzerk wolf or a bear. In the fight going down the Corrupted factory, they all knew that we were there to kill them and knew everyone that would be there. Therefore even if I tried, they would notice that I was an enemy. There was no plausible deniability.

Just because I could create an illusion and disguise myself, that didn't mean that they wouldn't notice something unusual when I tried. Maybe I wasn't thinking of this enough like real life and that we needed to be thinking more along these lines. Victoria's world was programmed by someone else and not her. Victoria wasn't sure about this world as much as I was. In fact, I wondered about the NPC's as they were remarkably intelligent.

"I see you need lessons on subterfuge and proper hunting techniques, my little disciple. It would be best if you were growing within your bounds and expanding outwards. The group you are with seems better for short-term burst damage. I am also pleasantly surprised you found a lightning mage. You need to be fighting in areas that are more suited to your group, though." Mistress said and smiled as she looked me over. "Let us get you in something more suited for what comes next, although that isn't important for what I want to teach you," Mistress told me.

Mistress paused then, "Actually, Pick out something that you would use to seduce a Sailor that you wish to kill you beforehand, and you need to bring down their guard," Mistress said with a small smile.

I looked through, and I found a lot of slutty and good-looking outfits. But that wasn't what I was asked about. I needed subterfuge, I believe was the word for it, and a skimpy outfit wouldn't make the guard be off guard. Instead, he would be wondering why a scantily dressed woman was appearing in front of him. I know if I was a sailor on the lookout and didn't want to be lulled into following a random person. No, It would feel like a trap, and therefore I would want them not to think of that altogether.

I looked through, and I pulled out a nice barmaid outfit with a traveler cloak. "This is what I would pick if I wanted to do something while they are on the streets late at night near the docks." I replied to Mistress, "I would take off the cloak if I was in a bar, and even if the sailor tried to attack me, I might be able to get others to assist me." I finished, and Mistress was smiling.

"See, Much better, and with your illusions muttered under your breath, you can make the sailor look even more vicious, so even if some might agree with him. You would make him look overly cruel!" Mistress chuckled. "We are traps, little disciple. Traps that men and women can fall into if we play our cards correctly. That combined with our illusions, sometimes we can kill more without ever needing a dagger." Mistress continued.

Mistress's grin was large, and she pointed at the wardrobe. "Now, Pick something nice that you can feast on cum. I have multiple partners for you tonight so that you may learn to become even stronger as a succubus.' Mistress said.

I looked through the wardrobe, and I came upon something that I never thought I would ever reach in my life. I continued looking and looking, and I found cute outfits after cute outfits that would make me look good. I didn't know what outfit to wear for unknown people. It was like choosing in the dark, and I continued to look until I found a little red dress. It hugged my upper body and flailed at the bottom, and I picked black panties underneath and smiled.

I looked to see Mistress smiling at me and nodded. "I see you found something to wear," Mistress said, amused. "This will always be a challenge in the future since us Succubus looks good in everything. I find it an issue some days too, and your wardrobe is only a fraction of a fraction of my wardrobe." Mistress boasted.

Something told me, though, that it was an understatement about her wardrobe size though as she led me out of the room. "Come, my little disciple. I look forward to your performance today." Mistress told me, and I felt nervous.

We quickly moved through the hallways coming up to another grand doorway. Mistress smiled at me and opened the door stepping through blocking my sight of inside. I took a second then stepped in following her into the room not knowing what to expect.