Tang Hao departs

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During these 4 years, Tang Hao trained him non-stop. He trained his body by running 3 Kilometres every day while carrying a bunch of bags full of heavy stones around the forest. As he had a great strength due to the Azure Dragon Spirit, the bags he carried weighed up to a total of 20 kilograms.

As time passed, the weight kept on increasing from 20 Kilograms to 25 Kilograms and soon it reached a total of 50 Kilograms. He started doing 100 push-ups, 100 crunches and 100 sit-ups regularly and increased the amount whenever he felt that got used to it.

He also occasionally sparred with Tang Hao and forced him use his hammer. The relationship between Tang Hao and Ryusei got much closer in these 4 years as Tang Hao basically considered him like his son and Ryusei too considered him a father figure. Tang Hao told him about his wife, that she was a 100,000-year-old Beast and how she sacrificed herself to protect him and Tang San and became his spirit ring by using immolation when the Spirit Hall was attacking them.

His Thunderfire Dragon was a very strong attack for which Tang Hao had to use his hammer to defend against it. He was a bit sad at the moment as he knew that today Tang Hao was leaving and he knew that he couldn't prevent it. Tang Hao had already extended the time when he spent these 4 years with him instead of some months.

In these years, he had also made his own weapons with the metals he could buy in the market and practised them every day. He started getting better and better at controlling the weapons with his own Spirit Energy. He kept his hidden weapon inside his Spatial Treasure that Tang Hao had given him. It was a Spatial Belt.

Right now, he stood below a tree looking at the leaves on the tree. He took a deep breath and suddenly huge number of needles started coming out of his Spatial Belt and he used his Spirit Energy to control these needles while trying to hit all the leaves with them.

He was nimbly controlling each and every needle with his Spirit Energy and controlled them to change their direction and hit the target. When he saw that he hit all the targets, he recalled his needles once again stored them in his spatial treasure.

He returned to the room where he saw Tang Hao sitting in a thinking pose, Tang Hao looked at him and said, "Little Tian, I have now made up my mind to leave. You are now strong enough that you would be able to hold your own against a Spirit Sage. I don't really have anything more to teach you or to guide you as you don't have the Clear Sky Hammer and your Spirit is completely different."

"I have already trained you physically quite well and you just have to work hard and you will able to become stronger. The time has now come for me to leave now, I have to get stronger as the way I am right now, I don't think I will be able to do any significant damage to the Spirit Hall."

Ryusei stayed silent as he listened to his words and he couldn't say anything to counter him, he always knew that this day would come and even though he was ready for it nonetheless he still felt sad at his departure. Seeing his expression, Tang Hao pulled him in a fatherly hug and said, "Don't worry, we will meet again soon enough."

Ryusei silently nodded and Tang Hao released him from his hug and looked towards him one last time before he flew away. After Tang Hao left.

Ryusei stayed in the room thinking 'What should I do right now? Maybe I should start making friends, friends who will be with me when I go against the Spirit Hall as it will be impossible to defeat the Spirit Hall by myself. So, where can I go and make friends, an academy perhaps as I am only 10 years old it is natural for me to join the academy.'

'So, then which academy should I join. It wouldn't be a good idea to join the Heavenly Duo Imperial Academy as they would ask too many questions regarding my spirit power and about my Spirit. Joining the Thunderclap Academy may be a bad idea even though they are supported by the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan but if they receive a news that a person has Purple Lightning Dragon as a Spirit then they might realize that it's me and the news may soon spread throughout the world. So I have to be extremely careful regarding this.'

He went outside his room and was thinking a bit when he heard some men talking, "Man, did you hear the news?"

"What News?"

"You know about the recruitment of the Shrek monster academy. They have a recruitment today and their conditions for accepting people is the same as before. They are not even that reputed and want someone higher than a Rank 20 with less than 12 years of age. I heard a person joined them last year, do you think that someone will join it this year?"

"Not really, the only ones that can accomplish this requirement are those disciples of the Large Clans but why would they send their disciples to such a lousy place with almost no facilities."

While the men started to discuss about some things, Ryusei started thinking 'Isn't this academy perfect for me then? It isn't reputed so there would be no problem about my spirit and they should accept it as it is and shouldn't ask too many questions about it.'

'From their words, it seems like there aren't many disciples in the academy perhaps only 2-3 disciples because of their higher requirement which means that they only accept monsters with exceptional talents. Alright then, Shrek academy it is.'

He asked the man near him about the way to Shrek Academy, the middle-aged-man said, "The Shrek academy is established at the outskirts of Soutou City in the Balak Kingdom." Ryusei nodded and started moving towards the Shrek Academy.

After travelling for few hours, he finally reached the gate of Shrek Academy where he saw many young boys and girls in the line for the entrance test. He saw that an white haired old man was the one taking Spirit Power test and checking their age by inspecting their bones.

He also got in line as he heard a middle-aged man shouting at the old man, "How dare you do this? My son has outstanding talent but you didn't even let him pass the 1st test. At least give me my money back."

The old man said in a bored tone, "10 Gold Coins per person that's the rule, only those who are less than 13 years old with a spirit power greater than rank 20 can skip these requirements." When Ryusei heard this condition, he immediately threw his Gold Coins at the table and said in a calm voice, "I can."

But there was another boy who did the same, his name was Oscar, he was an Auxiliary food type system. Both of them looked towards each other with a challenging expression, Ryusei suppressed his spirit energy at Rank 29 as he didn't want to give them a shock of the lifetime.

He touched the Crystal ball which seemed very similar to the one he held at his Spirit Awakening and pushed his Spirit Energy in it and the Ball started to shine. He spoke with an plane expression, "Long Tian, Rank 29 Spirit Grandmaster."

He then went towards the Old man who held his hands and started inspecting his bones, after some time he seemed shaken up a bit and said to him in a shuttering voice, "You…you are just 10-year-old."

Ryusei nodded and soon he heard the old man say, "Mubai, come and take him to the 4th examination area." A young boy of 13-year-old came forwards, he had yellow coloured hairs and charismatic face and also the most notable feature was that both of his eyes were coloured differently.

When Dai Mubai came near him, his Azure Dragon Spirit released an Ancient Aura from his body, the people near him couldn't sense this Ancient Aura but Mubai could. He sensed the Aura and seemed to be terrified by it.

Why, because his Bloodline was inherited from the Evil Eyed Sage and he had the Evil Eyed White Tiger as his Bloodline but each time an Azure Dragon Spirit user came on this mainland, even the ones who had Full inheritance of the Evil Eyed Sage couldn't defeat him.

This was also one of the reasons why it was said to be the strongest Spirit. And right now, the blood within Dai Mubai's body recognized this Ancient Aura and knew that he was the holder of the Azure Dragon's Spirit.

Ryusei saw him trembling and stopped the overflow of Azure Dragon's Aura and soon Dai Mubai stopped trembling, then Dai Mubai heard the old man saying once more, "Mubai, take this child to the 4th Entrance test too."

Dai Mubai got out of his trance and looked at the other boy, he was around 12-year-old, with short White hairs and a thin physique. Dai Mubai nodded and said to them, "Follow me, I will take you to the 4th Entrance test."

Ryusei and Oscar nodded and followed him to the 4th Entrance Test. There he saw a man with good physique sitting there as if waiting for something and Ryusei could feel that the man was at least a Spirit Sage.