Angry Ryusei

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The man stood up as he looked in their direction and Dai Mubai politely said, "Teacher Zhao, these are 2 persons who meet the requirement." The man named Zhao stood up and smiled in their direction and said, "There are 2 children who met the requirement, interesting, interesting. Come, I will be the one to take your Fourth Exam."

Dai Mubai turned towards Ryusei and Oscar and said, "You both are in big trouble." Ryusei raised his eyebrow and asked, "Why, what is the fourth exam? Do we have to defeat him or something?"

Dai Mubai shook his head and said, "No, you don't have to win against him. You have to survive against him for time it takes for an incense to burn." Ryusei and Oscar nodded and Oscar asked, "So, how powerful is he?"

Dai Mubai said, "He is a Rank 76 Spirit Saint while his spirit is the Vigorous Vajra Bear. It has a strong Attack power with a really good defence and the only thing he lacks could be speed." Ryusei nodded as he wasn't really surprised that the man was a Spirit Saint but the Oscar near him was really surprised and started speaking, "Then how can we survive against him, I am only of 21 Rank Spirit Grandmaster with a Food Spirit."

Oscar then turned towards Ryusei as if inquiring about his spirit, Ryusei said, "My Spirit is the Purple Lightning Dragon." Both of their eyes widened when they hear the name of his spirit and Oscar asked him, "Then, aren't you a part of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan?"

Ryusei shook his head and said, "My mother was some unimportant person in the Clan so they didn't receive her in the Clan and the Clan didn't come to know about my Spirit. I was wondering if you could keep it a secret."

Both of them nodded and Dai Mubai said, "Alright, now that you know each other's spirits. Just plan together about how you will survive against Teacher Zhao." Ryusei looked at Dai Mubai and said, "What happens if Oscar is unconscious and I manage to survive, will it be considered a pass for us?"

Dai Mubai thought about it for some time and said, "Yes, it will be considered a pass for both of you as you both challenged him together." Ryusei relaxed when he heard it and said, "Well, then surviving against him doesn't seem like a big deal now."

Dai Mubai was seriously shocked by his words but did not think much about it as he thought that Ryusei might not know the power of a Spirit Saint. They reached in the empty field where Teacher Zhao seemed to be waiting for them.

Teacher Zhao stood up and lighted an incense and threw it on the ground and Dai Mubai said, "The fourth entrance exam starts now." With that Ryusei and Oscar stood at their position and the same could be said for Zhao Wuji.

Zhao Wuji waited for some seconds and taunted them, "What, are you so scared right that you can't even fight" Ryusei still didn't move from his position and Zhao Wuji finally had enough and rushed towards them and used his Spirit Ability: Vigorous Vajra Palm.

Ryusei pushed Oscar towards a side and easily dodged the attack by getting out of the way. He once again maintained his distance from Zhao Wuji, who once again rushed towards him. Ryusei saw this and thought 'Come!'

When Zhao Wuji was in close range with Ryusei, he started using normal palm attacks with his Spirit power in them but Ryusei dodged his attacks by sidestepping them at the last second and backed away. Finally, he was cornered by a building behind him and jumped towards the wall on the building and used it as a foothold to jump over Zhao Wuji.

It seemed as if Zhao Wuji anticipated that and used his Ability: Gravity Increase. The gravity in the area suddenly increased and Ryusei thought 'Shit, I didn't expect him to have this ability' and fell down on the ground. Zhao Wuji didn't stop there and threw out his punch as soon as he fell down on the ground but Ryusei rolled away.

He stood up and thought 'Well, the effect of gravity isn't so high. There must be a range for his gravity.' He started moving away from Zhao Wuji and after he was 60 metres away from him, he finally felt the effect of gravity disappear.

When Zhao Wuji saw that he couldn't catch Ryusei, he looked around and found Oscar. He rushed towards him with his full speed and threw out a palm attack to attack Oscar. Ryusei used his Lightning Flash and got Oscar out of there.

Zhao Wuji seemed surprised at his Ability as it was rare for someone to have an Elemental Spirit. He then realized that he was the one who was using his Spirit Abilities against him and Ryusei only used his Spirit Ability because he had to save his ally.

He became a bit mad at this fact and started speaking, "You both, why are you not attacking? Did your parents not teach you, how to attack or what? Come, today I will teach you how you should attack someone."

He didn't even realize what he had just done, he had actually offended Ryusei in the worst possible manner he could do. Ryusei quietly put down Oscar as he turned towards Zhao Wuji and glared at him. His stopped suppressing his Spirit Power and everyone could now feel his real Spirit Rank.

A ten-year-old at Rank 45 Spirit Ancestor!

He slowly spoke with a hint of anger in his voice, "I have had enough of you. You want me to attack you. Be prepared!" He released his Purple Lightning Dragon spirit and his entire aura changed, he used his Lightning Flash ability to reach near Zhao Wuji's body and hit him with his Purple Lightning Dragon's Claw.

Zhao Wuji defended against that attack with his Motionless Bright King Body ability but he still skids back several metres, it seemed like Ryusei wasn't done attacking him and once again attacked him but Zhao Wuji used his Gravity Increase ability and stopped him.

It worked for some time before Ryusei moved and once again hit him with his Purple Dragon's Claw Ability and this time Zhao Wuji wasn't able to use his ability and was thrown back and crashed into the building behind him.

He slowly stood up as he looked at Ryusei with a hint of fear and thought 'Just what did I just do?' He still didn't realize that he hit Ryusei at his Reverse Scale. Zhao Wuji used his Vigorous Vajra Palm and attempted to attack Ryusei with his ability but this time Ryusei didn't dodge this Ability and readied his body and countered it with his own Purple Lightning Dragon's Claw ability.

It was surprising to see that both of them were equally matched with each other as one was a Spirit Saint with 76 Rank and the other was only a 45 Rank Spirit Ancestor. The ones who were greatly shocked were Dai Mubai and Oscar who were now watching the match from the side-lines.

It didn't seem to be an entrance examination any more and more like a fight to see which one was stronger. After their abilities clashed both of them backed away from each other and Zhao Wuji used his Gravity Increase Ability in the area to stop him from moving.

This time Ryusei used his 4th Ability, the Thunder Fire Dragon, a long Dragon made up of Thunder and Fire rushed towards Zhao Wuji, who used his Motionless Bright King Body to take the attack head on.

He didn't know that even a Titled Douluo like Tang Hao had to use his hammer and prevent it from hitting his body not to say anything about a Spirit Saint. The attack hit him and he let out a scream as it was as if he was hit with a thousand bolt thunder.

The Motionless Bright King Body seemed to have prevented any burns on his body but it couldn't prevent him from the electric shock that the Thunder Fire Dragon had. After the electric shock ended, he saw Ryusei coming towards him with a cold expression on his face.

He wouldn't admit it but he was frightened, no, he was terrified by this 10-year-old-boy in front of him. He saw him once again using that Thunderfire Dragon and gulped down his saliva as he now knew that this Spirit Ability was very powerful. He didn't want to be on its receiving end once again.

This time, he used his Spirit Avatar Vigorous Vajra Bear to take on this attack on to himself. After he took the attack, a man came flying down from the sky and turned towards Zhao Wuji and said, "You have lost Zhao Wuji. You actually used your Spirit Avatar form against a disciple. Go back in the headquarters."

Zhao Wuji looked down as he was ashamed as well and stopped using his Spirit Avatar form and went back to the headquarters. The man looked at Ryusei and said, "Hello, young boy, I don't know what Zhao Wuji did or said to you but please forgive him as he didn't say those words intentionally. I am the headmaster of this academy Flender, what is your name?"