Zhao Wuji apologises

Ryusei looked at him with his cold eyes and said, "He dared to curse my dead parents and I taught him to never do that again. Do you understand now? I wasn't attacking him because there wasn't any need to attack him, I could have just continued to dodge his attacks and waste the time but he actually dared to curse my parents. I wonder, is he feeling alright knowing that a 10-year-old-boy almost beat him?"

Flender stayed silent for some moments and then said, "You have already punished him enough. I don't think that there is a need to take things even farther, is there? I as a Principal of this Academy, guarantee you that he didn't say those words to you intentionally or something. It was just that he was frustrated so he said anything which came in his mind."

Ryusei calmed down after hearing his words and started thinking 'I guess he is right. They don't even know my parents, he definitely didn't say it intentionally but why did my reaction was so extreme. I never did something like this before, there was no such emotional instability before so why. Perhaps it could be because I was still sad at Tang Hao leaving me and wanted to find a reason to vent on some frustration that I didn't even think this through.'

He nodded to Flender but he said in a calm voice, "Alright then but don't let him come close to me for some days. Oh, and have someone absorb the Thunder in his body otherwise he wouldn't be able to move tomorrow."

Flender nodded and was a bit thankful that he decided to tell him this information and knew that the boy didn't hate him to the bones and he just needed time to accept Zhao Wuji. Ryusei looked at Mubai and Oscar and saw them approaching towards him.

Oscar seemed really excited as he said, "Man, you were so cool there. You almost beat teacher Zhao and would have won if he didn't have the Spirit Avatar." Ryusei didn't say anything to humble himself because it was the truth, he would have most likely won if Zhao Wuji didn't use his Spirit Avatar form.

He still didn't have a way to defeat someone in their Spirit Avatar form, he released a sigh as he realized that he still had a long way to go before defeating top level experts in the world.

He looked at Dai Mubai and found out that he was a Rank 25 Spirit Grandmaster. He asked Dai Mubai, "Is there a place where I can rest right now?" Dai Mubai nodded and led him to the boys Dormitory where he could sleep.

After he went in the room thinking about some things, Dai Mubai and Oscar started to have a talk. Oscar said, "Brother Mubai, did you see the fight just now? He is so strong that he made a Spirit Saint use his Spirit Avatar."

Dai Mubai nodded and said to him, "Yes, he is strong. Stronger than I ever expected but there is one thing we should remember that nobody insults his family. If it wasn't Teacher Zhao who said those words but a Spirit Emperor then he would have probably been beaten to the inch of his life. And when he is angered, the word terrifying doesn't even begin to describe him and most important of all, he is just a 10-year-old boy."

Oscar nodded as even he was scared a bit but he said, "But I don't think he is someone bad, I mean it could be just that he was triggered at that point. But he did save me from Teacher Zhao's strike."

Dai Mubai nodded and said with a smile, "I never said he was someone bad. I just said that he was terrifying when he is angered." Oscar nodded and both of them left to have some lunch from mess.

While Ryusei was thinking about some things 'Alright, now that I am here. What should be my next step. Should I wait few years till there are atleast 6-7 people in this Academy and genuinely befriend them and tell them about my grudge against the Spirit Hall.'

'Alright, so if I go with this plan and let's assume that every year at least 1 student is going to be enrolled here then it should take around 4 years to have six people besides me. And with my talent, 4 years should be plenty of time to reach Spirit Emperor. Alright then, the first thing I should do is befriend both of them.'

'I also have Uncle Hao to rely on and also Tang San, from the feeling I get, I know that if he knew about what happened to his mother then he will definitely help me destroy the Spirit Hall.'

'Spirit Hall, BEWARE. Because a Dragon is going to start the hunting.'

After thinking through some things, he went out of his room for something to eat as he was feeling quite hungry due to the fight just now. As he left his room, he noticed Dai Mubai and Oscar were going to the mess as well.

He followed them inside the mess, but they seem pretty surprised that he decided get some food so soon without even resting a bit. Oscar then suddenly remembered something and said, "Oh, I forgot to give you this but I am sure that you must be tired by the earlier battle and your Spirit power must be exhausted."

Ryusei nodded as that was indeed the case, he only had around 10% or so spirit power left in his reserves. Oscar brightly smiled and said, "Then eat my sausages. They can let you recover your spirit power." He then used his Spirit Ability: Tender and Smelly Restoring Tofu.

A bright light was seen above his palm and a Tofu was formed which had a stinky smell. Suddenly, Dai Mubai came kicking Oscar and said with a tick mark on his face, "What the hell are you making him eat?"

Oscar went into a fake depression mode and said, "I just wanted to help him." He then looked towards Ryusei and said, "Doesn't brother Tian want to recover, I guarantee that you will recover you Spirit Energy if you eat my tofu."

Ryusei looked at him and carefully said, "You know, I don't really have to eat your Tofu. It's not like I am going to fight again. I just have to rest and my Spirit Energy should recover naturally."

Oscar heard his words and sighed and nodded and knew that he couldn't convince him, he looked at Dai Mubai with a hopeful expression but Dai Mubai didn't even give it a thought and said, "Don't even think about it. I am not going to eat that smelly thing."

Oscar was a bit sad but it seemed like he didn't take it to heart both of them brought their own chairs to sit besides Ryusei. Ryusei didn't really mind them sitting closer to himself as he himself wanted to develop some friendship with them.

After eating, they went outside of the mess and Ryusei met up with Flender, the principal of the Academy. He was with Zhao Wuji and Ryusei frowned up a bit as he saw him, he still didn't forgive him completely.

Zhao Wuji lowered his head as he said to him, "I apologise that I hurt your feelings with my words. I didn't say those words intentionally and I am grateful that you decided to inform Flender about the thunder in my body." His words were from the bottom of his heart as he truly didn't say them to anger him so much.

Ryusei hesitated for some moments and nodded as he felt that he couldn't be childish about this, he then looked at Zhao Wuji and said in a powerful voice, "Then lift up your head and face me. I do forgive you on the condition that you don't spread the rumours about my power otherwise…"

Nothing needed to be said after that as Principal Flender nodded and said, "This news will not go out of the Shrek Academy, you can rest assured about that. We have already kept Dai Mubai's spirit a secret and the Star Luo Empire still doesn't know that their prince is here."

Ryusei nodded when he heard his words but inside, he was thinking 'The only ones who know about my power are Zhao Wuji, Principal Flender, Dai Mubai and Oscar. It doesn't look like they have any intention of spreading the rumours about my power but I should prepare an escape route just in case.'