Training friends

He then turned his head and saw both Dai Mubai and Oscar coming towards him, Dai Mubai and Oscar together said, "You can rest assure. We won't tell your secret to anyone."

Ryusei nodded as he knew felt that they didn't really had the motive of spreading it to anyone, by observing Oscar, he deduced that Oscar was most probably an orphan and was without any friends otherwise he wouldn't do so much things to grab attention. It was in the case of someone who didn't want to feel lonely.

And also, if a prince like Dai Mubai from another empire could safely live here without having any rumours about his spirit then he could believe the words of the Principal.

Dai Mubai turned towards Ryusei and asked him in a serious voice, "Brother Tian, how did you get so strong? I also want to be strong." Oscar suddenly said, "Hey, it's not polite to ask someone's training method."

Ryusei heard his words and stopped him from speaking and said, "No, it's alright. I don't really mind talking about it." Now, Dai Mubai and Oscar were surprised as nobody would willingly share their training method to a person, they just met so felt a bit grateful.

He trained both of them for a few days but Oscar couldn't do his physical training and gave up while Mubai continued as he had Evil Eyed White Tiger, he had better physic than Oscar and held on and kept doing Ryusei's training.

After few days, he could feel the difference in his body and could feel that he had grown a bit stronger than before. Even his abilities had been enhanced in power, he was really thankful to Ryusei for training him.

While Oscar didn't do the Physical training, it didn't mean Ryusei didn't train him, Ryusei taught him to use hidden weapons. He taught him the way to control weapons with his Spirit Power, Oscar couldn't really control them and was just working on how to make the weapon fly but he was certainly improving.

After about 7 months, Ryusei and Dai Mubai reached their junctions as they were Rank 50 and Rank 30 respectively. Ryusei, Dai Mubai and Oscar went towards the Principal's Office and knocked on his door, after some time they heard a voice, "Come in."

All three of them stepped in the room and Ryusei started speaking to the principal, "Principal Flender, I and Mubai require your permission to go in the Star Dou Forest to select our Spirit Rings."

Principal Flender nodded and called out for Zhao Wuji, some moments later Zhao Wuji stepped inside the room, he asked, "What happened? Why did you call me so suddenly?"

Principal Flender said to him, "I want you to go with them to the Star Dou Forest and help them select a Spirit Ring of suitable age." Zhao Wuji nodded and turned towards the three of them, "Let's go now. Its morning right now, if we are fast, we can be back by the night time."

All three of them nodded and started following Zhao Wuji towards the Star Dou Forest. Ryusei smiled a bit as he entered the forest, this was the area where he trained with Tang Hao. He remembered some memories with him and had a faint smile on his face.

Oscar noticed his smile and whispered to Dai Mubai, "Brother Mubai, don't you see the smile on Brother Tian's face? Looks like he remembered someone close to him." Mubai nodded and was about to speak that suddenly Ryusei looked towards them and said, "Hey, you two, what are you whispering? You are being left behind."

Both of them straightened up and stopped their whispering and ran forwards to reach near Ryusei. After searching for some time, they finally found a 35,000-year-old Dark Devil Tiger roaming in the area.

Ryusei looked at Zhao Wuji and said, "I choose this Spirit Beast for my Spirit Ring. Now all of you step back and let me fight this Beast." Zhao Wuji nodded but still reminded him out of good intent, "Be careful as this is a 35,000-year-old Dark Devil Tiger. It is very powerful."

Ryusei nodded and stepped towards the Dark Devil Tiger and all others stepped back as they didn't want to interfere the fight between Ryusei and the Dark Devil Tiger.

Ryusei unleashed 20 Knives from his Spatial Belt and threw them towards the Dark Devil Tiger who dodged the knives by getting out of the way but Ryusei controlled the knives in the air and made them follow the Dark Devil Tiger.

Suddenly, the Dark Devil Tiger jumped up in the air and covered itself with a terrifying amount of Dark Spirit Power, the knives hit the dark aura but they were deflected before they could do any damage, suddenly it looked towards Ryusei and controlled its body in mid-air to attack Ryusei.

Ryusei saw the Dark Devil Tiger coming towards him with a huge amount of Dark Spirit Power covering it, he didn't move from his position and used his Ability: Purple Lightning Barrier and a round barrier of pure Purple Lightning covered him which protected him from Dark Devil Tiger's attack.

The Purple Lightning destroyed the dark aura which surrounded the Dark Devil Tiger and when the Dark Aura was almost dispersed, Ryusei used his Ability: Purple Dragon's Claw and his whole arm turned into that of a Dragon's and slashed the Dark Devil Tiger.

The Dark Devil Tiger sensed that it would die if it took the attack head on and suddenly unleashed a huge wave of Dark Spirit Power and used its force to get out of the way of Ryusei's attack.

Ryusei was a bit surprised to see it use its Dark Spirit Power in such a way but he thought 'It's over now.' When the Dark Devil Tiger got away from Ryusei, it hit a tree behind it and saw an approaching Thunderfire Dragon which charred his body inside out.

Ryusei went near its body and started absorbing the Spirit Ring with his Purple Lightning Dragon Spirit, after about 15 minutes, he was done and he got a new Ability: Purple Thunder Manipulation.

This ability helped Ryusei manipulate his Purple Thunder and form it in the form of a wave, sphere, sword or in any other form. When he acquired his 5th Spirit Ring, suddenly a Huge amount of Purple Lightning spread around 100 metres.

He had gotten an additional ability, the Purple Thunder Domain. It doubled the power of his Purple Thunder Attacks and weakened the other elements attacks by fifty percent. He could teleport to anywhere within this Thunder Domain.

Ryusei suddenly teleported in front of Zhao Wuji who spoke with a shocked tone, "You… You got… a… domain… now." Ryusei nodded and then they went and searched for the Spirit Ring for Dai Mubai.

The Spirit Ring for Dai Mubai was from a 2100-year-old Beast which gave him the ability, White Tiger Vajra Transformation, its effectively boosted the power of skill attacks by 100%, it increased the Physical Strength by 100% and also increased his defence of the body by 100%.

After gathering the Spirit Rings for themselves, they returned to Shrek Academy. It was late at night when they returned and immediately went to sleep as Dai Mubai knew that Ryusei would start training him early in the morning.

For the next year and a half, Ryusei trained Dai Mubai's reflexes by attacking him with his Hidden Blades at unexpected moments. Like when he was having his meal, a sharp knife would fly towards Dai Mubai's back or when he was resting a long thin needle would fly towards him without making too much sound and when he was fooling around with girls, he would be sneak attacked by a strange rotating star shaped weapon with sharp edges.

Ryusei's height grew up to about 160 cm and his hair grew little longer than earlier as now they covered his ears and fluttered freely with slight breeze. His body was slim and lean as his muscles were tightly packed. His physic leaned more towards speed rather than strength but he was still built like a cheetah that had impressive power with explosive speed.

It was good that he got hit by the blunt side otherwise it wouldn't be a small injury. He also trained Oscar with the hidden weapons and now Oscar could pretty much control a sword with his spirit energy.

His Spirit Rank grew to an impressive Rank 59 Spirit King while Oscar's Spirit Rank was at Rank 29 Spirit Grandmaster and just on the edge of breakthrough while Dai Mubai's Spirit Rank had just broken through to the Rank 39 Spirit Elder.