Meeting Rongrong again

Right now, Ryusei was standing in front of the registration desk for the applicants of the Shrek Academy students. He was pretty disappointed that there was no student in the previous year and to prevent that he thought that he should see their abilities personally and see if there was anyone worth accepting in the Shrek Academy.

He had a significant amount of influence in the Shrek Academy as the Principal let him do whatever he wanted in the Academy, he knew that the Principal wouldn't mind if he selected someone from the applicants.

Besides, the one he will choose shouldn't have a weak talent. He refused to believe that there wouldn't be someone who had a good talent in this group of applicants. In front of his eyes, the Spirit Emperor of the academy was checking their bones to determine their age.

He then heard a man say, "How dare you do this to my son? He was considered as a genius in the previous school and why is he considered as trash here."

The Spirit Emperor said in a casual tone, "Remember Shrek is a monster academy, we only value those with a monstrous talent! Not ordinary people!" The man slammed the table in his fury and said, "Then at least give me back my refund. The entrance fee is 10 golds unexpectedly. It's too expensive."

The Spirit Emperor had a tick mark on his face and said, "Mubai, handle it." Dai Mubai stepped forwards with a smirk on his face as he released his Spirit Rings and said, "Well, if you can defeat me, we will give you your refund with a bit of extra. So, come."

The man seemed scared of Dai Mubai's strength and stepped backwards, he was just a normal man who wanted his son to get into this academy of monsters but who would have expected that there would be something like this going on here.

Ryusei looked at the scene and didn't intervene as everyone were already informed that there wouldn't be any refund if their child didn't have the required talent. Well, they were certainly courting death by asking for a refund.

He thought 'If this continues then I might only remain one more year here and then leave this place. Maybe at some other place I could form a small group to help me fight against the Spirit Hall. Even though I am pretty sure that Mubai and Oscar will definitely support me in the fight against the Spirit Hall.'

He then looked at two applicants coming and was pretty surprised to see one of them. He knew him, it was Tang San who came with a girl besides him. The moment he laid eyes on her, his Azure Dragon Spirit which was silent for all these years suddenly started trembling with excitement.

He used the Azure Dragon Spirit and was astonished to see a Soft Boned Rabbit in place of the girl. He understood that the girl was a 100,000-year-old Beast and the Azure Dragon Spirit wanted him to kill her to absorb her Spirit Ring.

He remembered that Tang Hao said that his wife was a 100,000-year-old Beast even so he still loved her very much. He stopped using his Azure Dragon Spirit as he decided not to kill her, and after some time, it was as if the Azure Dragon Spirit lost its interest and stopped trembling.

Ryusei looked at Tang San's face and he could see that they were pretty close with each other, he then looked down and saw a similar spatial belt on him and thought 'So, either he is using that to keep the supplies or he is using them for his hidden weapons. Looks like you have grown Tang San under whatever mysterious figure you are training.' He called out to him, "Brother San!"

Tang San seemed pretty surprised that someone called out to him and turned towards Ryusei's direction, he was surprised to see him here. He said in a shocked tone, "Brother Tian, you are here."

Ryusei smiled a bit and said, "I didn't expect you to come to this Shrek Academy as well." He then turned towards the girl besides him and asked him in a teasing voice, "Who is she? Did little San finally found someone he likes."

Tang San was pretty embarrassed when he asked these questions and said, "No-no, it not like that. She is my sister, here name is Xiao Wu." Ryusei nodded to his words and turned towards her and said, "Hello, nice to meet you Xiao Wu."

She nodded and said, "Nice to meet you too." She then asked him, "Who are you? Big Brother San never mentioned you." Ryusei looked at Tang San and Tang San smiled and said, "I did mention him, he is Long Tian. He was lost and entered our village on the day of my spirit awakening."

Her eyes widened in realization and said, "Oh, so you are Long Tian, brother did mention about you before but I totally forgot about it. Hehehe…" She then childishly stuck out her tongue. He then looked at Tang San and asked him, "So, do you want to enter the academy? I can let you enter the academy without having to do this entrance test or so."

Tang San shook his head and said, "No need, otherwise it would be unfair to these guys. Just let us do the normal examination." Ryusei nodded and said, "Alright then, you both follow me."

Dai Mubai happened to see them talking like this and saw a smile on Ryusei's face, he was astonished to see this as it was pretty rare to see a smile on his face. He knew that he had only seen him smile for about 4-5 times.

He looked towards the Spirit Emperor and said, "Sir, I am taking these guys to the 4th Examination site." The man seemed surprised to see Ryusei taking some guys with him but he nodded and let him do as he pleased.

The man in front of him loudly said, "This is cheating, why are you not making them take the test." Ryusei glared at the man and said, "They have cleared up the requirements. I know Tang San, he is 12-year-old and the girl next to him must also be 12-year-old give or take a few months."

He then looked towards Tang San and said, "Brother San and Xiao Wu, show your spirit rings so that these stupid crows could shut their mouth."

Tang San and Xiao Wu nodded and released their spirit rings, they were two yellow coloured spirit rings, signifying that they were from 100-year-old beasts. Tang san spoke, "Tang San, Age: 12, Rank 29 Spirit Grandmaster."

Xiao Wu followed him and said, "Xiao Wu, Age: 12, Rank 29 Spirit Grandmaster." When the people heard their words, they started saying, "Monsters, they are simply monsters."

Dai Mubai smiled and told them, "These are the type of monsters we need at the academy. If anyone else is 13 or less than 13 years old and his spirit power is greater than Rank 25 then they can also skip to the 4th Entrance Examination."

A man snorted and said, "Who else is going to clear have these ridiculous conditions. Just say that you want to have our money." Suddenly, a gentle voice was heard in the area, "Who said that nobody can clear these conditions?"

A young girl of about 12 years of age came forwards as she said that. She had beautiful pink hair on her head and a snow-white skin that almost made all the girls jealous of her beautiful looks. Ryusei turned towards her and was shocked to see who it was.

He could help but blurt out, "Rongrong, is that you?" He remembered Rongrong because he met her in the Star Dou Forest when he was with Tang Hao, he remembered that 6-year-old girl who was really shy when she spoke to him. Now, he was watching a beautiful girl in front of him who seemed to have some confidence in herself.

It was a pretty big change from before but he couldn't help smile as he remembered her shy expressions, he thought that she probably didn't even remember him as they were quite young back then and also met only a single time. It wouldn't be weird she forgets about him.

While he was shocked to see her, the same could be said for Rongrong as well, she too was shocked to hear someone calling out for her and turned to see him, her eyes widened when she saw who it was, she of course remembered him, he was her first friend that she made when she was getting her 1st Spirit Ring.

She said in a soft voice, "Brother Tian, is that you?" He was a bit shocked that Rongrong still remembered him and said with a smile, "Yeah, its me." His words caused both of them to be sure and suddenly Rongrong frowned and said, "Brother Tian, you didn't remember your promise. You said you would come and find me after 6 years. It has almost been a month since our promised time."