Ryusei's Past Part 1

Ryusei sighed and said, "We were young at that time Rongrong. You are from such a great Clan, I didn't think that you would remember about that promise we made." She cutely pouted and said, "But Brother Tian, you were my first friend. Of course, I would remember about the promise."

He internally sighed and said, "But still, what are you doing here. Does Uncle Fengzhi know that you are here?" She stuck her tongue out and said, "No, I ran away from home. I was pretty bored being in the Clan all the time."

Ryusei didn't say anything about that since it wasn't his business whether she ran away from her home or not but strangely he felt a bit happy that she did otherwise they wouldn't have met each other.

He then looked towards the man who was handling the Entrance examination there and said, "She will join the Shrek Academy, I will talk to the principal regarding this."

What else could the man do other than nod, in the academy, Ryusei's status was above his. Besides, he already said that he would talk with Principal himself so it was all good for him.

He looked towards Rongrong and said, "As an apology for missing out on my promise, you can join the academy without going through the Entrance Exam."

She hesitated a bit and said, "Brother Tian, I want to enter the Shrek Academy with my own capability not due to my Clan or anything or do you think I am not capable enough."

Ryusei shook his head and said, "No, it's not that. You are not skipping the entrance exam because of your Clan, it's because I was the one who broke our promise so I should do something to compensate you. Besides, when you see the 4th Round of the Examination, you will understand."

Rongrong nodded and decided to trust him and then smiled as she said, "Brother Tian, do you know that my second ring is of Agility Type? And, now I can boost up to 30% of Strength and Agility."

Ryusei smiled and said, "Good, that is a pretty good boost." While they were talking with each other, Dai Mubai rubbed his eyes seeing Ryusei act so cheerfully with this young girl, he wondered if he and Oscar even knew the same person.

Tang San looked at Dai Mubai's expression and said, "What happened? Why do you look so shocked?" Dai Mubai whispered to him, "It is because this is the first time, I have seen Brother Tian talking so cheerfully with someone."

He was about to speak more that suddenly Oscar started saying in a loud voice, "Everyone, it's a special treat to all of you. Take my smelly tender tofu and it can heal your injuries to some extent and you will be able to recover your Spirit Power as well."

Some people decided to go near the stall he set up and when he removed the covering it, all of them smelt a terrible smell, the people started cursing him, "What the fuck is this shit?" "I definitely won't eat this shit even with my life on line." "Just kill me already but don't make me eat this shit."

Oscar got a bit depressed as he mumbled out, "You know, you guys don't have to say it like this. You are hurting my weak heart here." Some people felt a bit bad when he said it like that but he suddenly grinned and said, "Just kidding."

The people came near him and start stomping him because of his bad joke. Ryusei coughed as he saw this happening and said, "Alright, stop now. I think he had enough of your punishment."

He then turned towards Tang San and said, "Alright then, let's get going to the place where your fourth entrance exam is going to take place." Tang San and Xiao Wu nodded and were about to start walking that they heard a cold voice in the area, "Zhu Zhuqing, Age: 12 years and Rank 27 Spirit Grandmaster."

Ryusei and all others looked towards her and saw a girl, she had long Black hair scattered over her shoulders. Her figure was extremely well developed for her age. Rongrong was a bit jealous when she saw Ryusei looking at the girl but Ryusei was actually observing her Spirit Power as if checking whether what she said was true or not. Ryusei nodded and said, "Alright then, come with us to the 4th Stage of the Examination."

He then looked at the group of applicants and asked, "Is there anyone left who is 12-13 years old with Rank 25 or higher?"

Nobody replied to him and he was a bit disappointed at this fact but he was still pretty happy that there were now four more students in the Academy. He knew that as long as he was good friends with Rongrong, he would have some support from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan.

He then looked towards Dai Mubai and ordered him, "Show them the way to the Fourth Entrance Examination. I will go ahead since I have to talk with teacher Zhao about something." Dai Mubai nodded and Ryusei started running towards the area of the Fourth Entrance Examination.

Tang San asked Dai Mubai in a curious voice, "So, if we enter the academy, what are the rules of this place?" Dai Mubai shrugged and said, "Well, there are almost no restrictions except some like No rape, fights are fine as long as they are not life threatening."

Tan San nodded and then asked, "So, how many students are here?" Dai Mubai said, "Well at the moment only four. One just arrived a few hours ago with the principal."

Tang San nodded and then Dai Mubai asked him in a curious tone, "How did you meet brother Long Tian? He never told us about you guys." Tang San was a bit curious about the reason Dai Mubai was asking such a question and answered him, "Well, I met him when he got lost in the forest and he stayed at our house waiting for his Big Brother. It was the day of my Spirit Awakening."

Dai Mubai was surprised and his eyes widened as he said with surprised look, "You are saying that he actually has a big brother." Tang San didn't expect such a surprise in his voice and said, "What, didn't he tell you anything about him? I thought he would have told you about his Big Brother."

Dai Mubai shook his head with distress and said, "Nobody knows anything about his personal life other than the fact that his parents were murdered."

Tang San, Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing and Rongrong all gasped when they heard his words and Tang San asked him, "What do you mean by murdered?" Now, Dai Mubai was surprised and said, "You mean you don't know about it. You and Rongrong already knew him before so I thought you two would know about this."

Tang San shook his head and said, "No, when I met him. We were 6-year-old and he was lost and came to my house and was waiting for his Big Brother." Then it was Rongrong who said, "And when I met with him, we both were 6-years-old he was with a man named Tang Hao, the Clear Sky Douluo."

When Tang San heard his father's name, he was surprised and turned towards her and said, "What did you just say? He was with my father when he met you."

Ning Rongrong's eyes widened as she heard him, she said, "You, you are the son of Tang Hao, the Clear Sky Douluo!" Tang San was confused and asked her, "What do you mean by Clear Sky Douluo."

Rongrong raised her eyebrows and said, "Don't you know that every titled Douluo has a title? Your father's title is Clear Sky Douluo. My father often talks about him with huge amount of respect. He said that Tang Hao is possibly one of the strongest persons on the continent."

Tang San was confused and said, "No, I didn't know that my father was a Titled Douluo. He never mentioned anything about it." Everyone stayed silent for some time and Zhu Zhuqing spoke for the first time in a soft voice, "Perhaps he thought it would be better for you to not know about him. Perhaps he had many enemies."

Tang San then remembered how his father wrote in the letter to hide his Hammer spirit as it might cause him to have some unwanted enemies. But he was now sure of one thing that his father was a Titled Douluo.

He asked Mubai in a curious tone, "How are you sure that his parents have been killed off?