Meeting Fatty

Dai Mubai and Oscar looked at Tang San, Oscar excitedly said, "I didn't know you would know how to use the hidden weapons. And you seem pretty good at controlling them too." Tang San didn't say anything as he knew that the person who showed them the hidden weapons must have been Ryusei.

He observed the Space Belt of Ryusei and found it to be similarly looking like his own, just that the colour was different. Its colour was Black in colour.

Ryusei looked at Tang San and said, "Let's go and I will show you your rooms." He looked towards Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing and smiled a bit. Ning Rongrong blushed a bit after watching his smile as it caused her heart to beat a bit faster than normal.

First it was Tang San's turn and Ryusei took him to Boy's Dormitory and let him take a look and he showed him empty beds and once again went outside the Dormitory.

After showing the dormitory to Tang San, it was girl's dormitory and of course nobody went inside except for the girls. After showing them the place where they would be living off for their next years in the Shrek.

Ryusei started to show them around Shrek and while they were strolling in the Shrek Academy, they encountered a chubby guy eating some buns. Ryusei had a tick mark on his face as he watched him eat the food and said, "Get the fuck out of here Ma Hongjun, even if Principal especially made you enter in this academy, you can't eat everyone's food."

Ma Hongjun looked towards him with a confused expression, he didn't know who Ryusei was as he had just entered the academy a few hours ago, He was angry at this boy of his age who wanted to stop him from eating his food.

He said in an annoyed voice, "There is more food in the mess. Get out of here before you make me angry." Dai Mubai stepped forwards as he was a bit angry that this new kid was actually disobeying them just after entering the academy.

He said in a powerful and commanding voice, "I think you should understand how to give respect to your seniors in the Academy." He used his Evil Eyed White Tiger to frighten him a bit. He knew that he had to use power to make these types of people to obey them.

Ma Hongjun didn't really care about his Evil Eyed White Tiger Spirit and continued to eat his food, he said, "Well, I was chosen to be in this academy by the headmaster. I have certain privileges that you guys don't." He even struck a cool pose as if saying that he was the best among them.

Ryusei sighed as he saw this boy being a nuisance but he was a bit curious at how Dai Mubai was going to handle him. It has been a long time since he saw him fight, he wanted to see the power of Ma Hongjun and also how Dai Mubai will counter him.

Ma Hongjun used his Beast Spirit: Evil Fire Phoenix. This was the Fire Beast spirit of Ma Hongjun which had mutated from a normal Fire Phoenix. Its flames were much more powerful than the normal Fire Phoenix but there was a side effect, and that was he had a greater hunger than anyone else.

Ryusei observed his Beast Spirit and he could feel as if something was hidden with the Spirit. It was like he was feeling a power similar to his own Purple Lightning Dragon Spirit but right now it was as if it was sealed.

Xiao Wu suddenly started laughing and pointed towards him and said, "Wow, such a big chicken. I wonder what is its name. A Flaming Chicken." Everyone laughed at her words as it was funny to call a Phoenix Spirit, a chicken.

Ma Hongjun had a tick mark on his face as he looked at her and said, "It's not a Chicken damn it. My Spirit's name is the Evil Fire Phoenix."

Dai Mubai heard his words and said, "Well, it is more like a Flaming Chicken for me. I definitely like this name much better."

Ma Hongjun used his Ability: Phoenix Fire Wave, this attack spewed a flame from his mouth towards Dai Mubai. As Dai Mubai was standing in front of everyone, he couldn't just dodge and let anyone get hurt from this type of attack. So, he used his own Ability: White Tiger Intense Light Wave to counter the Phoenix Fire Wave.

Dai Mubai's White Tiger Intense Light Wave easily won in the exchange and hit Ma Hongjun on his chest. It caused him to be thrown back, after standing up once again, he glared at Dai Mubai and said, "I didn't want to fight seriously but you are forcing my hand here."

Dai Mubai looked at him with a hint of disdain in his eyes and said, "So, what if I am? Come at me if you can." Dai Mubai used his Ability: White Tiger Vajra Transformation while Ma Hongjun used his Ability: Bathing Fire Phoenix.

Mubai's body buffed up a bit as he used his White Tiger Vajra Transformation, his Physical strength got much better which caused his Attack, Defence and Endurance to greatly increase.

Whilst, flames started to appear on Ma Hongjun's body as if his body was on fire right now. Everyone could feel that the power of the flames was much greater than before. He was like a burning man in front of everyone.

Both Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun rushed towards each other in order to fight out their differences, when they were nearly a metre away, suddenly Ryusei appeared in front of them with his Thunderfire Dragon coiling around.

Ryusei looked at both of them and said in a cold voice, "You two seem to have so much fun. Let me join too. Come, today we shall happily fight it out." This time both of them were terrified of his power, Ma Hongjun was terrified because he could feel that the Thunderfire Dragon was strong enough to kill him in one shot.

He could also detect a faint suppression of his Beast Spirit and felt that Ryusei wasn't someone with whom he should mess around. But Mubai was terrified because he knew the power of Thunderfire Dragon, he knew that even Teacher Zhao, a fucking Spirit Saint was injured by this attack and actually left the Thunder inside his body to slowly destroy him.

He gulped down as he realized how close he was to death or some serious injuries. Ryusei didn't really use the Thunderfire Dragon with its full power, it was only about 30% of its true power but it was still sufficient to injure both of them. He looked at Dai Mubai and spoke coldly, "Never trash talk about this bullshit a senior disciple because if you want to talk about it then we are going to have some serious problems, Mubai."

He then looked at Ma Hongjun and said coldly, "Why the hell are you eating the food which is prepared for everyone in the academy. Do you truly think that it is that easy to make food? Alright then, from now on you will make food for everyone in the Academy. And if the food isn't up to my tastes then you can get hell out of the Academy."

Ma Hongjun was a bit scared after hearing his cold voice and said in a shuttering voice, "But… but… the… principal… was… the… one…" Ryusei didn't let him complete the sentence and said, "I don't care if even a Titled Douluo let you come in this Academy. If tomorrow's breakfast and Lunch aren't up to my tastes then you can get the hell out of here."

He turned around towards Tang San, Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing, and Oscar and said, "Let's go, I will show you around the rest of the Academy."

Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun were left behind as they looked at each other, Ma Hongjun asked him, "Is he always so terrifying? Besides, how am I going to make food? I haven't done something like this in my life."

Dai Mubai was a bit absent minded and said, "Not really, he was just a bit cold when he was with us but he wasn't this angry."