Meeting Tang Hao once again

After the day, everyone went in their rooms to sleep because tomorrow their classes will start. Ryusei was sitting beside the window thinking of something that suddenly he felt a familiar aura.

He opened his room and started running towards the forest from where he felt the Aura. Even though the Aura disappeared he still continued to move towards the location from where he sensed the Aura.

After reaching the place, he saw that the area around him was empty, there was no one in the nearby area. He used his Spirit Energy to sense the Area around him, after a while, he smiled in his trademark detective style as he said, "Uncle Hao, you can come out from behind that tree. I know you are there."

A while later, A man covered in a big cape covering his upper body. Tang Hao looked at him and smiled as he said, "I guess I shouldn't be surprised that you managed to find me but how did you find me right now? I am sure that you couldn't sense my Aura and I did suppress it to the point where it was natural with the surroundings. So, how did you know where I was?"

Ryusei smiled a bit and said, "Should I explain it from the start or just how I knew you were at this location?" Even though Tang Hao was a bit confused by his words, he was a bit curious about what he meant by explaining from the start and said, "Just explain it from the start."

Ryusei nodded and looked for a rock and sat down on it and started speaking, "Alright then, imagine my surprise when I felt a titled Douluo Aura near the Academy but it was so faint and far that I couldn't know whose Aura it was. As I was coming towards the Forest, I was thinking about why would a Titled Douluo come in this remote area and also near the Shrek Academy."

"From the time I am here, I haven't felt such an aura but today during the entrance examination, I felt a Titled Douluo's aura near the Academy, there were three possibilities from there. One was that Ning Rongrong's family's Titled Douluo came here to check on her and while was leaving, he was a bit careless that he used his Spirit Energy which caused me to sense him."

"The second possibility was that the Titled Douluo was injured and had just appeared with his Spirit Ability. Well, I was thinking that if he wasn't of the Spirit Hall then we could help him and have him owe us a favour. This will make us have the support of another Titled Douluo against the Spirit hall. Even if he won't fight against them to the point of death but every help is appreciated."

"But if he was of Spirit Hall, then I would have injured him even more and beat him to the point of death. I would then ask him the information about the Spirit Hall, well after that I would have killed him. Every Titled Douluo we kill has a huge impact to their strength."

"The third possibility was that you have appeared here to see Tang San's entrance exam. I don't really know about how you knew that he was going to come to Shrek but I believe you have your own methods, perhaps you went to his school and asked the teacher there to tell Tang San to come to the Shrek Academy or you were following him for the whole time he was out of the school."

"As for the reason, I was able to detect you, it was simple. I trained with you for 4 years, it would be weird if I didn't remember your Spirit signature. Your Spirit signature is like it is telling that it is powerful and unbeatable. Even when you carefully suppressed your Spirit Energy to a low level while keeping it equal to that of the surroundings, your Spirit Signature was like it was telling that I am different. Notice me!"

Tang Hao opened his mouth in utter disbelief at his words now, he looked at him and sighed as he said, "Just when I think that I have seen the limits of your intelligence, you prove me wrong by surpassing my expectations."

Ryusei didn't speak anything because this was something which he couldn't change about him, it was something which was carried from his previous life besides it wasn't like it was a bad thing for him.

Tang Hao looked at him and then said in a disappointed voice, "In that match of yours, you went too far on Xiao San." Ryusei looked at him in his eyes and said, "No, it was necessary. I needed to know his skill level and about the fact if he could join me to destroy Spirit Hall if he had failed in this test then I would have tried that Xiao San wouldn't be affected in the fight against the Spirit Hall."

Tang Hao looked at his eyes which were filled with certainty and then asked, "So, what do you think? He passed or not, in that test of yours." Ryusei smiled and said, "He did pass and exceeded my expectations of him. I now know that when he grows up, he can be a great helper for us."

Tang Hao looked at his relaxed face and said, "You seemed to have relaxed from before. What happened? Before you were always thinking about how to take revenge and trained like a madman."

Ryusei looked at him and said in a relaxed tone, "Let's just say that I am making my own friends at this school. Friends who are ready to go against the entire world. These 7 students that are in the academy, they will be the ones who will help me to destroy the Spirit Hall."

Ryusei then asked him, "So, what is your level of cultivation. I think you should have improved considering that 2 years ago, you were on the edge of breakthrough."

Tang Hao nodded and said, "Correct, I am a Rank 97 Titled Douluo right now and with my Spirit and my 100,000-year Spirit Ring. I think I can beat any Rank 97 Titled Douluo or below."

Ryusei nodded as this was within his expectations, he asked him, "How strong do you think that the Supreme Pontiff of the Spirit Hall is?" Tang Hao stayed silent for some moments and said, "Either Rank 98 or Rank 99 Titled Douluo. I am not really sure about that."

Ryusei nodded as he listened to him and now understood that Tang Hao was most probably the strongest in the continent except the Supreme Pontiff. He looked towards Tang Hao and said, "So, I believe you are going to go leave now. Aren't you going to meet Tang San?"

Tang Hao was silent and a bit hesitant about his meeting with Tang San. He shook his head and said, "I trust you, protect him and make him strong. It is still not the time when he meets me. I still do not want him to know the truth about his mother and me."

Ryusei nodded and said, "You know, you should tell him the truth soon enough. It wouldn't be good if you keep on delaying your meeting with him."

Tang Hao nodded and said, "Yes, I will meet him soon enough but not now. I will continue to watch his performance whenever he appears in front of the world but as long as he is in the Academy, I am trusting him to you, Xiao Tian."

Ryusei nodded as he would of course protect his friends and Tang San was like his brother, who dared to hurt him in the academy.

Tang Hao started flying and left to some unknown place of which Ryusei had no idea right now.