Spirit Colosseum

Ryusei woke up early in the morning and went for his morning run, he was running on the track on which he and Rongrong were running previous day. After running halfway, he was surprised at someone's presence on the fields.

Rongrong was the one who came on the fields with huge dark bags under her eyes. He could see that she didn't get much sleep last night and probably came here so early in the morning because she was wide awake and she wanted to improve herself.

Ryusei looked towards her and waved his hands as he said in a loud voice, "Come here. We can train together." It seemed that Rongrong was a bit hesitant as she didn't want to disturb his training.

When he reached near her, Rongrong said in a soft voice, "I think that you should run by yourself because I would only be slowing you down and may even slow down your training."

Ryusei heard her words and sighed a bit as he said, "That is indeed true, you may slow down my training but it doesn't matter too much to me as I am only running right now to maintain my fitness not because I need to gain more strength."

Rongrong then said, "Alright then, but if you think that I am slowing you down, leave me right away, alright?" Ryusei smiled at her and said, "Already started ordering me. Heh." Rongrong had a small blush on her face as she thought of something else.

She then started running ahead to hide her blush, he also started running. After 2 hours, they ran about 20 laps of the ground, after running they sat down by a tree underneath some shade and Rongrong put her head on his shoulder as she started sleeping.

Ryusei felt a bit awkward and didn't know how to react to such a situation as he never been in situation like this before so he just let her sleep and waited for her to wake up.

After 2 hours, Rongrong finally woke up and was feeling a bit refreshed because she finally had some sleep. Ryusei smiled at her when she woke up and Rongrong moved her head from his shoulder as she was feeling embarrassed.

Ryusei stood up and stretched his body, his body was a bit stiff by being in the same posture for all this time as he knew that if he moved then she would most likely wake up and her sleep won't be complete.

He looked towards her and said to her in a calm and soft voice, "Let's go and meet others. They should have woken up by now and started their training or going to that colosseum."

Rongrong was confused when he said colosseum and asked him, "What is that? Some kind of battle arena?" Ryusei nodded and said, "Yes, it is a kind of battle arena where you can choose to fight in a one on one, two on two or a team battle."

Rongrong nodded as she had read about these kinds of colosseum in her Clan library. As they reached the entrance of academy, they heard Principal explaining others about the Spirit Colosseum.

Both heard the Principal say, "The Spirit Colosseum is the place where you battle opponents from all over the world. Going up in the ranks will get you fame and fortune. All of you go and apply, the fee will be 10 golds."

He then handed them some sheets, as if they were forms for the Spirit Colosseum. He then started explaining about the ranking system, "Winning the 1st match will get you an Iron Combat Badge. Every match you will, you will gain one point, you lose a point when you lose in the match. After every 100 points, the badge is upgraded."

He then looked at them with a cold expression, "If you don't achieve the Silver Combat Spirit Badge, don't even think about graduating." Tang San and Xiao Wu didn't seem to be all that worried, and Ryusei glanced towards Rongrong and saw that she was worried whether she could do this or not.

He sighed as he started explaining to her, "You wouldn't be allowed to ask to participate in a one on one match against any one as you are a support type. But with two on two battles, both members of the academy will gain the points or if it is a team battle then that is for the best."

Rongrong nodded as she heard his words and then looked at him with a hopeful expression and said, "Brother Tian, why don't we both participate together in the Spirit Colosseum? I think that I can give you a good support."

Ryusei hesitated as he heard her speak when suddenly the Principal turned towards their direction and said, "Long Tian has never participated in the Spirit Colosseum, even though he is strong enough to win it many times. I don't know why he won't participate in the tournament."

Ryusei thought 'These are battles are monitored by the Spirit Hall and if I go there and show off my Purple Lightning Dragon Spirit even a single time, isn't that just courting death for myself and the Shrek Academy!?'

He looked towards Rongrong who still had the hopeful expression on her face and said with a smile, "I don't think I can participate any time soon. Maybe next time Rongrong." He turned towards Tang San and Dai Mubai and said, "Win in today's matches. I won't tolerate any loses today otherwise you training is doubled Mubai."

Dai Mubai gulped down a bit of saliva as he thought about the doubled training when he could barely complete his current training regimen right now. Ryusei then looked towards all of them and said, "Go and beat everyone in the Spirit Colosseum, show them the strength of the Shrek Academy."

Everyone cheered as they raised their hands up in the air. Ryusei went in the Spirit Colosseum to watch their matches as he wanted to know their fighting style one more time. He wanted to have a perfect training regimen for each one of them.

In the first match, he saw Dai Mubai beating the opponent with pure power, he had to admit that he was so strong that it was a given that he would overpower his opponent. The next match was of Ma Hongjun who used his Phoenix Fire Wire Ability and won the match.

Ryusei sighed in disappointed at his use of the fire and knew that he had to be a little stricter today, the previous day, this guy went to the principal and the principal actually forgave him. He thought 'This guy must have given some money to that greedy man. I will show him in the next few days.'

Xiao Wu danced her way along with opponent, Ryusei smiled as her dance seemed to be like a style of a martial arts. It was certainly a powerful style with good amount of flexibility and gymnastics.

He then looked towards the match of Tang San and Zhu Zhuqing. Zhu Zhuqing used her Spirit Ability to create after images and rushed towards Tang San, he observed his eyes and there seemed to be a faint glow in them.

Tang San easily trapped her in his Blue Silver Grass but she used her claws to get out of the binds and attacked him suddenly Tang San used his mysterious movements once again and it was as if Zhu Zhuqing couldn't locate him and continued to be pushed to the edge of the ring.

He saw her go to the tunnel where she met Dai Mubai and said something to him. From the expression on his face, it was something bad or she told him to piss off.

Ryusei sighed as he thought 'Looks like I will have to improve their teamwork. If they can't even trust each other and fight together then it is useless to make them stronger.'