Ryusei's Manipulation

Ryusei followed Zhu Zhuqing and after some time she stopped and turned towards him and said with a cold expression, "Why are you following me?"

Ryusei returned her a cold look, the look that he gave when he was angry, he said, "I want to know, what did you say to Mubai?" Zhu Zhuqing stayed silent as she could sense from his voice that he was angry but it didn't look like Ryusei was stopping and said, "I think you should have said something like why he told Tang San to go easy on you, right?"

She slowly nodded and he looked at her with a cold expression as he said, "I wonder why you wanted Tang San to go all out against you. You said you wanted to know the difference between both of you. Well then, come against me. I will show you difference, you seem to want to be beaten pretty badly now come at me."

Zhu Zhuqing didn't move from her position and his voice got higher as he said, "I SAID COME AT ME!" Zhu Zhuqing moved from her position and attacked him with her Ability Hell Stab.

Ryusei stayed at his position and when she was in front of him, he suddenly grabbed her hand and said in a cold and mocking tone, "Wow, such a great speed. I couldn't even see you." He then threw her on the ground and said, "Remember, do not try to go beyond what you are capable of. You have time to grow, you have time to become stronger, use it well, instead of trying to use it to compare to someone else."

Zhu Zhuqing said in a low voice, "I understand what you are saying, but what should I do now? I want to become strong."

Ryusei looked at her and found a desire to grow stronger, he felt that even though it was not as strong as his own desire, it was certainly there. He sighed as he said, "The power that you want to gain is not going to be acquired by comparing yourself to someone else."

He then looked in the Spirit Colosseum and said, "What would happen if you knew the difference between yourself and Tang San." He paused he looked towards her for her answer, when she stayed silent, he said, "You will then indeed be able to become as strong as Tang San is right now but that will be your limit. Why, because you will be satisfied by your progress. That is the thing that will stop you from advancing you any further."

He once again looked towards her in the eye and said, "Even though Mubai had some personal reasons for asking Tang San to go easy on you but it wasn't like he had any evil intentions, it wasn't like the result of his actions would make your future progress any slower."

Zhu Zhuqing stayed silent for some time as she thought about these things, after some time she stood up and then went near him and kissed him on his cheeks. Ryusei was a bit astonished as he felt her soft lips on his cheeks.

She then ran away like an embarrassed kitty while Ryusei just stood there touching the part where she kissed him. He was a bit astonished as he had just helped her get her mentality straight, it wasn't anything that big deal of a deal.

He didn't think much about it and went inside the Colosseum as he wanted to see the rest of the matches. After the day, he finally stepped out of the Colosseum with a smile as he now had a plan on how to improve their combat strength.

After that they returned to the Shrek Academy where Ning Rongrong seems to be waiting for them. She looked at Mubai and saw his expression and said in a teasing voice, "Looks like someone got dumped and here I thought that you were ladies' man."

Dai Mubai used his Beast Spirit and said with his voice full of frustration, he said, "Ning Rongrong, you should better remember that I don't care about your status as the princess of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan. I will kill you…"

He was about to say more that he suddenly felt a really cold aura and a killing intent that terrified him. He looked towards the side and saw Ryusei standing there with a cold smile on his face, he looked at him and said, "I didn't quite hear you Mubai. Repeat it again. What will you do to her?"

Dai Mubai wasn't in his right mind and glared at him and said, "Long Tian, you shouldn't intervene in this fight. I respect you and treat you as my brother but stay out of this otherwise…" He let the words hanging in the air but everyone could feel his threat.

Ryusei narrowed his eyes and then said with a cold smile on his face, "Do you truly think that I fear your background or your identity? Do you think that I trained you because of your background? What a wishful thinking."

He shook his head and said, "I was a fool to think that I could have you as my friends. The friends that will go against the whole world. I was a fool to believe that." His eyes then turned sharp and glared at Dai Mubai with his Azure Blue eyes, he said, "I have had enough of this shit."

His earlier words hit them hard as they were shocked that he wanted to have them as his friends. 'Friends that will go against the whole world' who dared to say that they will have friends like that, he wanted to have such friends but they, they were fighting between themselves because of some small issues.

Ning Rongrong was feeling sad when she heard him say that and apologetically looked at Dai Mubai as she said, "I am sorry brother Mubai. I was just teasing you. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings or anything like that."

Dai Mubai heard her apologize and calmed down a great deal, he said with his head down and said, "I also apologise. I didn't mean to be so harsh towards you. And also, Brother Tian…" He stopped when he felt the sharp glare of Ryusei.

He said in a cold voice, "Continue speaking and I will cut your tongue off." With that he turned around and left the area as they kept staring at his back. Dai Mubai frowned as he said, "Looks like I have made him really mad this time. It is like the time in his 4th Entrance Examination."

Ning Rongrong looked at him and said, "Don't worry brother Mubai, it was because of me that you both nearly fought. I will convince him to forgive you."

Dai Mubai nodded as he said to her, "And Rongrong, I truly apologise about before, I was just frustrated over some things." Rongrong nodded and said with a sweet smile, "It's alright, I was the one joking about it."

She then turned towards the direction in which Ryusei went away, and followed him. She reached a place where she saw him going beneath a tree as he sat down. He said without even turning towards her, "Leave me alone Rongrong."

She seemed to have ignored him and sat beside him, she slowly said, "Brother Tian, please forgive Brother Mubai. It was just a small fight, you shouldn't be so angry at him."

Ryusei continued to look towards the sun setting in the west as he said slowly, "Have you ever felt that when you put so much effort, so much expectations and so much thinking into something then suddenly a guy in the group says that he will kill another. Let me tell you, I was only a step away in killing Mubai. If he used his Spirit Energy at any one then I would have cut him to pieces."

She looked at him with a hopeful expression as she said, "But you didn't kill him. Please forgive him. I promise that I won't fight against any one in the Academy. If you ever need my help, I will always be there for you."

He inwardly smiled as his 1st objective was complete now, he knew that if he wanted to let them become friends, it would be impossible without a good push. They all had their background, their pride. It would be impossible for any one of them to throw it away, that is the reason he showed so much anger and also told them the reason.

He felt that it was kind of manipulation but it wasn't like he was manipulating them to be enemies, he was manipulating them to be friends so he thought it was fine.