Titan Giant Ape

Oscar stepped forward with a knife in his hand to kill the Spirit Beast and absorb its Spirit Ring, but suddenly a loud voice said, "STOP!"

Ryusei turned towards the source of the voice and saw a young girl standing there with 8 Spirit rings released, he looked down and saw another shadow and knew that there was another person and that person was at Spirit Emperor Stage. He thought 'Judging by her age and her Spirit Energy, I can feel that she is at Rank 30 and perhaps she is here for a Spirit Ring for herself. The person behind her who has 6 Spirit Rings released and should be a Spirit Emperor.'

Soon enough, an old woman was visible as she came from behind the girl and looked towards Ryusei and the group. Ryusei looked at Oscar and saw that he had stopped and had actually not killed the Serpent.

He said to him in a commanding voice, "Why did you stop? Ignore both of them and kill the Beast." The granny was angered as she said, "Boy, you dare to say such things in front of me. Do you know who I am?"

Ryusei looked at her with a deadpan expression as he thought 'Does this woman think that she is a part of one of the big clans or someone from Spirit Hall?' He then heard Zhao Wuji say with a smile on his face, "I didn't expect to meet the Snake Grandmother Meng Yu from the Master Combo 'Sky Dominating Dragon and Snake'."

Ryusei looked at her with disdain in his eyes as he didn't think that someone of her level was strong enough to command him on what to do, he saw her pointing her staff towards him, she was about to use her ability that suddenly she felt a cold blade on her neck and heard a cold voice speak to her, "Will you give up or not?"

She was surprised and frightened as she heard his voice, she felt cold blade on her neck started to move and she shouted in a terrified voice, "I give up. Please forgive me!" Ryusei lowered down his blade and the old woman suddenly attacked him and said to him in a wicked tone, "Little boy, you should never trust your enemy."

Ryusei sighed as if he had expected this and just sent a small amount of Purple Lightning to her body. The old woman was shocked for a moment, then she started to scream loudly as the Purple Lightning was ravaging her body from inside out.

Ryusei looked at the young girl in front of him and said to her in an emotionless voice, "Take her away from here. The Lightning will stop hurting her after some time."

The girl nodded fearfully, it was pretty scary watching her grandmother screaming in pain from such a small amount of Purple Lightning. She didn't want him to kill both of them there. She quickly lifted her grandmother on her back and led her away from these people.

Ryusei looked towards Oscar and noticed that he had already killed the Beast, he said to him in a commanding tone, "Now start absorbing the Spirit Ring."

Oscar nodded and started to absorb the Spirit Ring, after half an hour, he was successful in absorbing the Spirit Ring. It was getting dark, so, Ryusei looked at everyone and said to them, "Let's return. With our speed, we can still return to the Inn outside the forest before it gets completely dark here."

Everyone nodded at his words as he was correct, it was possible to reach the Inn before it got completely dark. As they were about to move, Ryusei heard a peculiar sound from the Forest, it was as if it was something or someone was running towards them while destroying all the trees in the path.

He looked at everyone's expression and noticed that nobody seemed to hear the sound except Xiao Wu.

She was looking in the direction from where the sound came and he thought 'So, either she was a Spirit Beast of this forest or she came here to know about the Spirit Beast of this forest. Then I can assume that the Beast sensed her aura and wants to meet her that is why it is in such a rush. Well it isn't really a big deal to let her meet her friend from before, I hope that the Beast wouldn't attack us.'

Soon enough, the trees near them were destroyed by that Beast and Ryusei finally saw what it was. It was a Titan Giant Ape!

Its existence was like a mountain. It's gigantic body was covered in black fur all over and the height of its shoulders at least outstripped seven meters. Not only was its body enormous, but all over its entire body it was covered with muscles protruding like little hills. Ryusei thought 'So, this is the Titan Giant Ape. From the looks of it, it is atleast at the 50,000 years old Spirit Beast and it could even be a 100,000 years old Spirit Beast.'

He heard Zhao Wuji say, "Everyone, split apart. This is a Titan Giant Ape, it is atleast of 10,000 years old." Ryusei looked towards everyone as they were attacked by those rocks flying in the Air.

It was about to hit Rongrong that he used his Lightning Flash and got her out of the way of the rocks. He turned around and saw that everyone else was also being attacked but Dai Mubai was standing in front of Zhu Zhuqing and protecting her while destroying the rocks, fatty Ma was flying in the air with Oscar as he thought that the ground was too dangerous.

Zhao Wuji used his Gravity Extrusion ability and rocks coming towards him were thrown up in the air. He was now angry at the Titan Giant Ape and looked towards Ryusei and the others, he said, "Go and get out of here while you can. I will try to keep it occupied."

Zhao Wuji was about to say something else too but Ryusei cut him off and said, "No, teacher Zhao. You all go, I will keep it occupied." Zhao Wuji looked towards him with fury in his eyes and said, "Don't joke around at such a time. Get out of here before it kills you."

Ryusei shook his head and said, "No, not to say anything about your power but with my speed, I have a much greater chance surviving against this Beast." Suddenly, he disappeared from front of Rongrong and appeared behind Xiao Wu 'You know it don't you? Will it kill us if I just keep dodging its attacks?'

Xiao Wu was nearly frightened when she heard his voice, she knew that he knew about her secret but she hadn't talked with him about that, she wanted to know about how come he knew that she knew this Titan Giant Ape.

She slowly shook her head and replied in a whisper 'He won't kill any one who don't attack him.' Ryusei nodded and then looked at everyone as they seemed astonished by his speed.

He heard the Titan Giant Ape starting to Roar, it was as if it was trying to do everything in its power to scare them away. Ryusei answered that Roar with Thunder Domain spreading around them.

In a moment, it covered every single one of them, Ning Rongrong was astonished as she saw this, she knew what it was, it was a Domain. She knew that these domains granted additional ability to the user and were very powerful, each one of the domains had their own Special Ability. It was exceedingly rare for any one to have a Domain, and even rarer to have them from their Spirit Essence.