Scarlet Lightning Fox

It was the first time, Ryusei used his Thunder Domain against any one, be it Beast or a someone else. When Ryusei sensed the attack of the Titan Giant Ape, he teleported behind it. After some time, when the Ape detected him once again, he teleported to save himself. After a while, the Ape let out a roar and suddenly the Thunder in the region was disrupted and Ryusei couldn't use the teleportation at that moment.

The Ape threw out a punch towards him and he quickly countered its punch with his Purple Lightning Dragon's Claw. He was thrown back like a sand bag as it was an idiotic idea to compare strength with such a powerful Beast and its species.

This Species was known for its immensely strong attacks and a terrifying defence, so how could it be weak. Suddenly, the Ape caught him in its grip and threw him towards a tree. Ryusei crashed into the many trees in the way, when his body reached the ground, he rolled away for some time, after some time he stood up with many injuries on his body.

There were cuts on his arms, blood was flowing out of his mouth while he looked at the Ape with an extremely calm expression. Suddenly, he disappeared from everyone's view and punched one of the Ape's legs by using his Lightning Flash and Purple Lightning Dragon's Claw abilities at the same time. It was so fast and sudden that the Ape almost lost its balance.

Ryusei wasn't finished and when the Ape regained its balance, he used his Lightning Flash once again and reached behind its back and once again punched it with his full power. This caused the Ape to bend forward because of the great attack force.

Suddenly, the Ape turned around and was about to grab him that Ryusei used his Lightning Flash ability once again and hit its face and made it tumble backwards. He noticed Tang San coming near them and said in a loud voice, "I told you to get out of here."

Tang San said with a smile on his face, "We are the Seven Devils, we won't leave our friend behind. We swore that we will fight against the whole world for our friends, what to say of this monkey."

Ryusei felt a warm as he listened to his words, he looked at other's faces and saw that they also had the same expression on their face.

Suddenly, the Titan Giant Ape started to jump and cased a small earthquake in the area. It was pretty unexpected and caused every one of them to lose their balance. The Titan Giant Ape stretched out its hand towards Xiao Wu and held her in his hands.

Ryusei narrowed his eyes as he saw it holding Xiao Wu, he now doubted his earlier deduction, he thought 'Does she not know this Beast or is it taking her away? But, where? And, why? If she does not know the Beast then why didn't she attack the Beast or even tell me about it.'

'If she knows the Beast then that could be the reason as to why she didn't put any resistance when it was grabbing her. Is he taking her to show her something or is it taking her to let her meet up with someone? If what I deduced before was correct then perhaps, she knew some other Beasts in this forest and that beast wanted to meet her.'

He then saw the Giant Titan Beast jumping in the sky, and moving towards the inner area of the Star Dou Forest. Ryusei looked towards Zhao Wuji and Tang San and said, "I will go and follow it. I can't take all of you because it would slow me down quite a lot. Teacher Zhao, protect them while I follow that Beast and return with Xiao Wu."

With that he didn't even listen to their words and used his Purple Lightning Manipulation and the Purple Lightning Aura covered his body and he started running towards the inner area of the Star Dou Forest. He wanted to be sure that she won't be harmed as these were just his guess, he didn't have an exact proof that it was true.

He wanted to see with his own eyes that she was safe with those beasts otherwise if he just trusted his own deduction and Xiao Wu died then it would case a regret of lifetime as he could have saved her.

While he was using his Purple Lightning Manipulation, his speed wasn't as fast as it was in Lightning Flash but it was still quite a bit faster than any one else. He wasn't limited by distance and could move as long as he had enough Spirit Energy.

After running for around half an hour, he started to feel the drain on his Spirit Energy and knew that he won't be able to maintain the consumption for much longer. He looked at the destruction that Ape left behind as it jumped towards an unknown location.

He stopped for some moments as he wanted to gather back the Spirit Energy and follow Xiao Wu and the Titan Giant Ape. He knew that he could follow that Ape with the signs that it left behind but he didn't want anything to happen to Xiao Wu.

He looked around and felt that no one was here and quietly released his Azure Dragon Spirit. As soon as Azure Dragon Spirit was released, it started to swallow the Spirit Energy from the surrounding and filled up his reserves.

He continued to do this for about 5-7 minutes and then felt a strong aura behind him. In his meditative state, he could still hear the sound in the surroundings, he slowly opened his eyes and he could see a Scarlet Lightning Fox from the corner of his eyes.

He started thinking 'Why is this beast here? I am sure that there was not any one in the kilometre so, how could it sense me and reach here as if it was searching for me? Did it come here because I released the Azure Dragon Spirit but when I came with Tang Hao, no Beast sensed it, why did they sense it now.'

He looked towards the Scarlet Lightning Fox and observed that the Fox was red in colour with six tails swinging randomly and with a sneering expression on its face. He could see small burst of Scarlet Lightning and knew that this was a Beast with a Lightning element.

He then heard the whispers of the fox, "Such a weak human." When he heard this, he was beyond shocked as he knew that only the Beast which had lived more than 100,000 years could have the intelligence to speak.

Ryusei had already recovered around half of his Spirit Energy but he knew that he still couldn't defeat a 100,000-year-old Beast if he was not careful enough. He saw the Fox disappear from his vision and appeared besides him and swiped its tails to throw him away.

He was caught off guard by its speed and was thrown back towards the trees. He stood up and this time when he saw the Fox disappear from his eyes, he also used his Lightning Flash and disappeared as well.

Suddenly, a loud and strong shockwave was felt in the area, Ryusei was fighting against the Scarlet Lightning Fox with his Purple Lightning Dragon's Claw and the Lightning Flash combination.

The fox was also using its Scarlet Lightning to increase its speed and beat him with its own strength. After 2 more clashes with the fox, both of them were thrown back, Ryusei thought 'If this continues, then I will be the one who will lose. I have to try something else to win this fight.'