Sixth Spirit Ring

Ryusei then released his Thunder Domain in the area as the Thunder Domain reduced the consumption of the Spirit Energy by half for his Purple Lightning Attributed Attacks. The power of the Purple Lightning is doubled inside the Domain and all the attributes other than the Purple Lightning were suppressed inside the Domain.

The Scarlet Lightning was no different so, the Scarlet Lightning which the Scarlet Lightning Fox possessed was suppressed inside the Domain. This was the only thing which managed to make it stronger than Ryusei as it was the reason for its high speed.

Now that the Scarlet Lightning was suppressed to half of its power, it caused the speed of the fox to drastically slow down while Ryusei's speed increased and he could keep up with its speed with the use of his Lightning Manipulation Ability.

As the Scarlet Fox realized that it was being suppressed in the Domain, it was surprised and said with a hoarse voice, "Never expected that there would be a human with such a strong Domain. But it is still not enough to win against me."

With that it started gathering the Scarlet Lightning around itself and the Lightning was getting denser. This caused it to cancel out the suppression caused by Ryusei's Thunder domain. The fox charged up a large amount of Scarlet Lightning in 6 tails and formed a huge Lightning Sphere of it.

While the Scarlet Lightning Fox was making this Sphere, Ryusei used his Thunderfire Dragon and started pouring more and more of his Spirit Energy in it. He wanted it to get as powerful it could be.

He thought 'This Fox expect to kill me with that attack. Well then, how about I show you a surprise.' He released the Thunderfire Dragon as soon as the Fox released that Thunder Sphere.

Both of their abilities clashed with each other and the Thunder bolts started to destroy the nearby area. After a brief struggle, Ryusei's Thunderfire Dragon started to absorb the Scarlet Lightning Sphere.

This was due to the fact that Ryusei's Thunderfire Dragon was made from the Purple Lightning of the Purple Lightning Dragon while the Scarlet Lightning was a inferior lightning in front of it.

It wasn't a big deal for the Purple Lightning to completely absorb the Lightning inferior than itself but the Scarlet Lightning Fox was dumbstruck as it had never met a Beast or a human which had the stronger Lightning than itself.

It took great pride in its Lightning Element so it was terrified that there exists a Lightning that could swallow its own Lightning. The Thunderfire Dragon grew larger as Ryusei could see some Scarlet Lightning mixed in the Thunderfire Dragon.

The Thunderfire Dragon was not only large but also very fast so it was impossible for the fox to dodge this attack. Even Ryusei didn't expect that this would happen as he was ready to teleport behind the Fox and kill it with his Purple Lightning Dragon's Claw on its back with a sneak attack.

But from the looks of his Thunderfire Dragon, he could feel that it alone was enough to kill the fox. The Thunderfire Dragon hit the Scarlet Lightning Fox and roasted it there. Ryusei stepped forwards and saw that the Spirit Bones it left behind were the left and right legs of beast itself with a Red Coloured Spirit Ring.

He put the Spirit Bones of the Scarlet Lightning Fox inside his Spatial Belt as he didn't really need them and he could give them to Rongrong as she was a Support type and would need speed to dodge the attacks if someone targeted her.

It would be useless to give it to Zhu Zhuqing as these Spirit Bones had the lightning Attribute in them which could be harmful to her as she had the Demonic Attribute and the Lightning Attribute would oppose the Demonic Attribute of her Spirit.

The reason he didn't think of giving them to Tang San was because he was a control type and an attacking type person. He wouldn't be able to use them to their full potential besides it was always better if the support type person was fast. This would release a great deal of pressure for the person protecting the Support Type Spirit Master.

He thought 'I am a Rank 59 Spirit King right now. If I absorb the Spirit Energy from the surrounding area then I should be able to reach the Rank 60 right now and absorb this Spirit Ring but it can cause other beasts to come here and discover me.'

He then shook his head and thought 'It doesn't matter now. I have a 100,000-year-old Spirit Ring waiting for me in front of my eyes, the aura it is releasing is still going to call some beasts from the forest so even if I absorb the Spirit Energy from this area. What's the worst that could happen?'

He released his Azure Dragon Spirit and started swallowing the Spirit Energy around him, before he was still somewhat conservative in swallowing up the energy but right now, he knew that he had very less time and within 17 minutes, he became a Rank 60 Spirit King.

He sensed the surrounding area and he could feel that there were no beasts in the surrounding area, he called back his Azure Dragon Spirit and used his Purple Lightning Dragon Spirit and touched the Spirit Ring.

He started absorbing the Spirit Ring with his Purple Lightning Dragon Spirit, as he was absorbing the Spirit Ring, the aura of the Scarlet Lightning Fox started to decrease as he was absorbed its Spirit Ring.

What he didn't know was that he started releasing a dense Purple Light which shot up in the air. As he absorbed the Spirit Ring, he released a Pure Purple Spirit Energy which seemed to mix in the Star Dou Forest.

Tang San and the others who were kilometres away from his position saw this light and were astonished when they felt a Purple Spirit Energy in the air. Tang San was astonished to see so much of the Purple Spirit Energy because this was the energy which was used to cultivate his Mysterious Heaven Arts.

He sat down on the ground and asked others to do the same and absorb this Purple Spirit Energy in their body. Everyone was confused by his words but they started absorbing the Spirit Energy in their body.

While this was happening to them, the beasts in the forests also felt the benefits of this Purple Spirit Energy and started to run towards that Purple Light so that they could find out about its source.

Ryusei was completely immersed in absorbing the Spirit Ring as he thought that the faster, he absorbed it, the faster he could leave the area. He had no idea that a Heavenly Phenomenon was happening.

As time passed, a Dragon started to form above Ryusei's head and grew more and more solid. It looked at the forest and the surrounding as if it was an overlord overlooking the world.

The two Spirit Bones inside his body started to evolve due to the Purple Spirit Energy and it was like they were from a 100,000-year-old Beast of that species. When the Dragon above Ryusei's head completely formed, every beast in the area started to bow down to its majestic Appearance and its power.

This Aura was felt deep inside the forest, by one and only, Beast God of the Spirit Dou Forest. He felt this aura and stared at the Dragon with a hint of fear on his expression.

Xiao Wu who was with her Spirit Beast friends also felt this Purple Spirit Energy and asked the Sky-Blue Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape to go with her and investigate about the matter of this Purple Light.

It was quite close to her position that suddenly she detected a huge change happening on Sky-Blue Bull Python and his power which had already reached a bottleneck a long time ago, started to rise once again. It's Scales which had long lost its lustre started shedding and a new set of scales with a Purple lustre on them were formed. It could already feel the difference in its power and knew that now it could alone handle at least two or even three Titled Douluo.

It wasn't just the Sky-Blue Bull Python even the Titan Giant Ape grew up in size and its height increased to 10 metres which meant that it was now a 200,000-year-old Beast.