Beast God

The Beast God of the Star Dou Forest was silent as he observed the Heavenly Phenomenon happening in the forest and thought 'Why did such a Phenomenon happen in the surrounding? Did a descendent of the Purple Lightning Dragon with its Bloodline is born or…'

He didn't even dare to think of the other possibility as that meant that he won't able to defend against the human who had this Spirit for himself. He observed the area for some moments and knew that it was near the area where the Sky-Blue Bull Python, Da Ming resided.

They both didn't have any contact with each other but he knew about its existence and about the area where he lived. He closed his eyes and said in his mind 'Da Ming, I am Beast God from the deepest Area of the Star Dou Forest. You must have heard about me.'

Da Ming had just evolved right now and he was beyond ecstatic but suddenly he hears the voice of the Beast God inside his head, he replied back 'I have heard about the Spirit Beasts dwelling in the deepest part of this forest. My father specifically mentioned it to me to never travel to that part of the forest because that is the place where the Beast God resided. If you are indeed Beast God then tell me what you want.'

Beast God was silent for a few seconds as if he was remembering who was the father of Da Ming but it had almost been 100,000 years since then and then started speaking 'Your father's death was indeed very sad. He was trapped by 3 Titled Douluo with each of them having Rank 98.'

'I wanted to ask of you to investigate the Purple Dragon in your Area. I can not send any other Beast because the inner area is in turmoil right now. Many beasts have started their evolutions and it would be impossible to send them to investigate that Purple Light. With the distance between you and that Purple Light, I believe that you have already completed your Evolution.'

Da Ming was silent for some moments that he heard Xiao Wu's voice, "Da Ming, lets go near the Purple Light. I think that this Aura is a bit familiar and I would like to go and investigate it with both of you."

Da Ming heard her voice and then replied to Beast God 'Yes, I shall go and investigate the Purple Light and this Purple Dragon in the air.' Beast God understood and said 'Good, be sure to bring back some good news for me. Remember, if he is a human then kill him. We do not want a Human to get strong with such a Strong Spirit.'

Da Ming nodded thought 'Yes, my lord.' As he still resented humans because of the death of his father and the death of Xiao Wu's mother. He looked towards Xiao Wu and said to her, "Jump on my back, I will take you to that place."

The reason why Beast God himself didn't go and investigate this was because he was scared that this was done by some humans and a very strong human was protecting the person. Even though he was quite strong, he knew that he won't survive if there are 3 or more Extreme Douluo of Rank 99.

That is the reason why he was a bit cautious and sent Da Ming. He knew that Da Ming was accompanied by a Titan Giant Ape which cause a tremor in the area and they could escape the humans.

For Da Ming's safety he said 'Da Ming, if there are any unexpected occurrences. Run and reach the Inner Area of the Forest. At that time, nobody in this world would be able to harm you.'

Da Ming heard his voice and finally felt a bit confident and said 'Yes, Beast Lord. I understand.' With that, he started flying towards that Purple Light and the Purple Dragon in the Air.

The Titan Giant Ape jumped up in the air and both Da Ming and Xiao Wu. They reached Ryusei's position in about 5-6 minutes, Xiao Wu looked at the source of the Purple Light and was astonished when she saw Ryusei sitting there absorbing a 100,000-year-old Spirit Ring.

She jumped down from Da Ming's body and Da Ming was confused by her action, he was still a bit cautious and didn't want to approach Ryusei as he wasn't sure if there were other humans besides him or not.

Xiao Wu was really astonished as she saw that the person who caused this Heavenly Phenomenon was her friend 'Long Tian', in about another 5 minutes, he completely absorbed the Spirit Ring for his Purple Lightning Dragon Spirit and opened his eyes, he was pretty astonished to see Xiao Wu in front of him.

He wondered why she came here as he had tried to keep his Aura to the minimum, he looked at his body and observed that it was glowing in a faint purple colour. He looked towards the Sky and saw a Purple Dragon disappearing.

He widened his eyes as he knew that he was exposed as this was the second time that this Heavenly Phenomenon occurred to him. The first time was when he turned 6 years old and now it was in the middle of the Star Dou Forest.

He thought 'I have to get out of here now. I will have to take all of them out of this forest too. If a Heavenly Phenomenon suddenly appeared and disappeared then the beasts are definitely going to investigate the source and search the whole Star Dou Forest.'

'I will have to help everyone from Shrek get out of this forest otherwise even there will be no telling as to what would happen here.'

He turned towards Xiao Wu and widened his eyes as he saw a Long Beast similar to that of a python behind her. He could see that its face was similar to that of a Bull while its body was long and was similar to that of a Python.

He could see a horn on its head and knew that it had just evolved to that of the Flood Dragon. He read about these evolutions in the Shrek Academy's Library and knew that after evolution, every single Beast acquired a great amount of power.

He suddenly felt a familiar aura and turned his head and saw the Titan Giant Ape in that direction. He could feel that this Ape had gotten even stronger than before and he was a bit confused by this. It had not even an hour till he last saw this Ape and it already got stronger.

He felt the change in his Spirit Bones and he could feel that his legs were much-much stronger than before. He felt as if he could kick someone with the same amount of power as that of his Purple Lightning Dragon's Claw.

He could sense that even his speed had risen to another level, it was perhaps 5 times faster than before and there also existed a faint amount of Purple Lightning in them. So next time, he didn't need to use his Lightning manipulation to increase his speed and he could easily do it by using the Purple Lightning Energy.

He looked towards Xiao Wu and asked her, "So, who are these beasts? Your friends?" Xiao Wu nodded as she looked towards him and said, "Yes, they are my friends. I wanted to ask you, how did you know that I was a spirit Beast? I haven't told any one about this, not even to Brother San and one more thing, why didn't you reveal me in front of them?"