Fooling the Beast God

Ryusei nodded and said, "I have indeed thought about a method but for that I need to know something. Have you ever met this Beast god? If you have, then tell me, what's he like? If you haven't, then tell me, how does he contact you? Does he contact you through some Spirit Beast or via some special technique or what?"

Da Ming shook his head and said, "No, I have never met or seen the Beast God personally in my whole life. I just heard his voice in my mind right before Xiao Wu started to bug me to come here." Xiao Wu was a bit embarrassed as he said that and Ryusei ignored this as he was thinking 'So, this Beast God has never met Da Ming personally. Then I can safely assume that he must be using telepathy when he commanded Da Ming to investigate about the Heavenly Phenomenon.'

He looked towards Xiao Wu and said to her, "Go back and leave the forest immediately because the beasts from the inner area will soon start moving to search for the source of Heavenly Phenomenon and this whole forest will become a danger zone. Take the group back with you to the Shrek Academy as well."

Xiao Wu was a bit hesitant as she said, "But, what about you? I don't want to leave you behind." Ryusei looked at her with a small smile on his face and said, "You don't have to worry about me. I will come back soon enough after doing some things."

Xiao Wu stayed silent as she thought about what she should do and heard his voice once again, "Go now! Or do you want everyone else to die here because they didn't know about the inner area beasts that were investigating the whole forest and killing any humans they came across?"

Finally, she agreed and used her Teleportation Ability and disappeared from his view. He sighed in relief and then looked towards Da Ming and Er Ming and said, "I suppose that if you don't give him any valuable information then the Beast God is not going to trust you."

Da Ming nodded as it was indeed true, Ryusei then said, "Then, the next time you hear his voice, tell him that the human that you saw was with the Spirit Hall's people." Da Ming was now confused as he asked, "But then, wouldn't the Beast God start hunting the people from Spirit Hall?"

Ryusei darkly chuckled and said, "That is the whole point. I want that Beast God to think that the one who caused the Heavenly Phenomenon is with the Spirit Hall. This way, the Beast God will hunt down any one who's from Spirit Hall for me. And if you guys are ever attacked by humans, just shout out loud in the forest that those guys are from Spirit Hall or inform the Beast God through some method and tell him that the humans attacking you are from the Spirit hall and the Beast God will definitely kill them all for you."

Da Ming remained calm as he heard his words and then said, "What you said is indeed possible but how do we make sure that he won't think that we are lying to him." Ryusei smiled at that and said, "That's easy, I will just attack the two of you with my strongest attack. It should be able to you injure you slightly."

Da Ming released his aura in rage and said angrily, "You actually want to injure us." Ryusei raised his hand and said, "Listen to my full explanation." Da Ming withdrew his aura slightly and signalled him to continue.

Ryusei continued explaining calmly, "The reason for injuring the two of you is because there should at least be some sort of of proof or injury for the Beast God to see that you were attacked. If by chance he came personally and saw you're uninjured, then I don't want you to die by Beast God's hands."

Da Ming stayed silent as he knew that it was indeed possible for the Beast God to accomplish this, he wouldn't tolerate someone lying to him for a human. Da Ming then looked at the human and said, "So, how are you going to injure me? Not to underestimate you or anything but our powers are way beyond of what you can imagine."

Ryusei chuckled as he said, "Well, it's indeed not possible for me to defeat you right now if you use your full power but I can at least injure you if you don't use power to protect yourself."

He then used his New Spirit Ability: Purple Dragon's Fury. This was the ability which increased the power of the user's Thunder by 5 times of its original power and made the Lightning even denser than before, his speed would be as fast as his Lightning Flash Speed and he could control his speed unlike the Lightning Flash where he could only move in a linear direction.

Its effects were stacked up with the Thunder Domain so that it could grow even stronger than before and if Ryusei used his Thunderfire Dragon then even a Titled Douluo would have to seriously protect themselves from such an attack otherwise they would surely suffer a grave injury.

When he used his Beast Spirit, the Purple Lightning Dragon, Da Ming felt an odd suppression from his bloodline. It was because he was a Python Spirit Beast and it met a Strong True Dragon Type Spirit Beast.

This wasn't due to their Spirit Ranks as it didn't matter at the moment but it was just that his bloodline was inferior to the of a True Dragon so he felt a great suppression from his bloodline. Purple Lightning seemed to flare around his hands, legs and his hairs. His cold purple eyes made Da Ming shiver a bit, it was as if he was watching a strong Titled Douluo who was about to attack him.

Ryusei was overflowing with Spirit Energy and started levitating midair, he then waved his head and created a massive Thunderfire Dragon beside him. Ryusei muttered, "Not yet." He then pushed even more power into his Thunderfire Dragon and it started to grow bigger and had a majestic appearance as if it was a True Dragon itself.

He pointed towards Da Ming and the Thunderfire Dragon obeyed his order and attacked Da Ming. Da Ming didn't use any Spirit power to oppose the Thunderfire Dragon and the Thunderfire Dragon struck down on his body.

It caused a massive explosion on its body with immense chaotic Lightning and Fire electrocuting and burning his body at the same time. He roared in a pain as even though he had expected the attack to be powerful, but he still underestimated its raw power.

Ryusei looked at the Da Ming and thought 'This is necessary for fooling that Beast God. He shouldn't suspect Da Ming to have some human friends because of his hatred towards the human. Perhaps his father or mother were killed by the humans so Beast God would never think that he let go a human.'

'Even if he suspected something and interrogated Da Ming, the injuries aren't fake, he shouldn't think that Da Ming would take such a powerful attack by a human just to fool him. Alright, now all Da Ming has to do is run away by taking Er Ming with him and while creating a commotion about Spirit Hall attacking them.'

Ryusei quietly said to Da Ming, "Now, shout out some words against the Spirit Hall. Even If the Beast God has a slight suspicion against you and asks some other beasts around the area, then they would be able to say something in favour of you because that is what they believe is the truth."

Da Ming heard his words and understood what he needed to do, he used his Spirit Energy and quickly dispersed the Thunder and Fire from his body and released his full aura. Many beasts were curious about the sudden release of the Aura from one of strongest Beast and heard his voice, "SPIRIT HALL ACTUALLY DARES TO GO AGAINST THE STAR DOU FOREST!! Be prepared for you doom!"

His words were echoed throughout the forest and almost every Beast in the Star Dou Forest heard his voice. Da Ming then used his Spirit Energy and took Er Ming with him and ran away as it would be dangerous to talk with Ryusei now.

As Da Ming retreated back to his lake, he unexpectedly heard the voice of the Beast God inside his head 'What happened Da Ming? Why did you shout out like that?'

Da Ming started speaking 'My Lord, Beast God. This was a trap set by some humans who were from Spirit Hall. I heard them talking about how they wanted the Spirit Rings and Spirit Bones of some 100,000 years old beasts, that is the reason they did something like that.'

It seemed as if the Beast God was angered by hearing his words as he said 'These humans unexpectedly came to our territory and wants to set up a trap for our Kin. I shall kill all those humans who dared to have stepped into the Star Dou Forest.'

The Beast God then used his telepathy to command all the Beasts in the forest and ordered them 'Go and kill every single human that has stepped in our Forest. That is a order from me, the Beast God.'