Returning back to Shrek Academy

While the Beast God was seething in rage and all the Spirit Beasts were rampaging in whole forest, Ryusei was using his Purple Dragon's Fury Ability and running madly towards the Shrek Academy group with his full speed.

He came across many beasts but he ignored them and continued running as fast as he could without wasting his time to any of the beasts. He wanted to return back to the Shrek group as soon as possible.

He kept observing his surroundings while escaping and stopped for a moment as he felt a familiar Spirit Energy Signature and rushed towards him. After a while, he came across a huge spider hung upside down and saw Tang San sitting nearby in a cross-legged position while absorbing a purple Spirit Ring.

He looked at his pale face and knew something was wrong and then looked towards the dead Man-faced Demon Spider. He observed its face and found that this Beast was at least around 2000-3000 years old.

It wouldn't have been a big deal if Tang San was using his Clear Sky Hammer to absorb it but he was clearly injured and he was also using his Blue Silver Grass which was inferior to Clear Sky Hammer to absorb this Spirit Ring.

He looked towards Dai Mubai, Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing who didn't seem to have realized that he was standing there right beside them, but seemed to be debating about something among themselves. While Oscar and Fatty Hong were staring worriedly towards Tang San. And Zhao Wuji was just sitting there with a annoyed expression.

Dai Mubai said in a worried voice, "We should stop him. If we don't then Tang San will die, he can't absorb that Spirit Ring in his poisoned state." While Rongrong seemed to be against him and said, "No, I believe Brother San knew the risk of absorbing this Spirit Ring. He must have felt helpless when Xiao Wu was taken by that beast as Brother Tian chased after them. I believe that is the reason why he took the risk of absorbing this Spirit Ring even when he knew that the Beast was 2000 years old."

Dai Mubai bit his lips as he was frustrated and didn't know what he should do at this moment, Ryusei started walking towards them as everyone heard his footsteps and turned towards him. He looked towards Dai Mubai and said, "Mubai, believe in Tang San. He's not an idiot, if he dared to do this while knowing the consequences then he must have some sort of assurance behind this reckless decision."

Dai Mubai stayed silent, he then heard Ryusei's voice once again, "Besides, he's not as simple as you think

Don't worry, I believe he will wake up soon enough."

As if on cue, Tang San's complexion started to get ease up and his face looked much more relaxed. Ryusei noticed this change and knew that whatever problem that was hindering him from absorbing this Spirit Ring was now gone and he was about to succeed.

He sensed Xiao Wu nearby as he saw her jumping down from a tree in front of Tang San. As soon as Tang San opened his eyes, he saw Xiao Wu in front of him and was ecstatic that she returned back unharmed.

Ryusei saw their reunion and then clapped a few times and said, "Everyone stand up and start to run. We have a Beast army behind our backs which won't rest till they kill every single human in the forest."

Zhao Wuji was shocked as he heard this and asked him, "What do you mean by that? Why would the Beast army be behind us? We haven't angered the beasts." Ryusei was a bit embarrassed when he heard his words and rubbed the back of his head and said, "Well, I kind of angered the Beast god so I think we should expect some beasts coming here soon to kill all of us."

Zhao Wuji was nearly pissed his pants off even though he didn't know who this Beast God was but he knew that he must be overload of the Forest. Their group couldn't even fight a 10,000 year Spirit Beast much rather a mighty beast with God in its title.

Tang San looked at Ryusei and then asked, "So, what should we do now? We won't be able to outrun the whole Beast Army." Ryusei smiled at his question and said, "Who said, we won't. Tang San wrap your Blue Silver Grass around everyone and make a bundle, I will carry you guys and run out of this forest."

Tang San's eyes widened as he didn't think of this but he suddenly thought of a problem in this plan and said, "But brother Tian, wouldn't it slow you down? You can't use your ability too many times right."

Ryusei smiled as he had already thought of its solution and turned towards Ning Rongrong and said to her, "Rongrong, use both of your Spirit Abilities on me. That should boost my speed and strength significantly and besides I have another Ability to increase my speed, so I won't be slowed down even while carrying all of you."

Ning Rongrong nodded and summoned her Spirit, Seven Treasured Glazed Tile Pagoda but this time, it seemed a little different than before. Because instead of Seven Floors, Rongrong's Spirit had Nine Floors. Her eyes widened as she saw this and knew what it signified.

Nine Treasured Glazed Tile Pagoda!

There was legend in her clan that if someone wanted to exceed The Spirit Sage Level then they has to evolve their Seven Treasured Glazed Tile Pagoda to a Nine Treasured Glazed Title Pagoda. This was the reason why her father who was hailed as a genius in her clan, was still stuck at Spirit Sage Level because he couldn't find a way to evolve his Spirit.

She said in disbelief, "How… How did… my… spirit… got… upgraded… to… Nine… Treasured… Glazed… Tile… Pagoda..." Tang San looked at her Spirit and then thought of something and said, "You didn't eat any herb. I think that it was upgraded because of that Purple Spirit Energy. That was the purest and the most powerful energy I have ever felt in my life. Perhaps, it had the effect of upgrading your spirit."

Zhao Wuji nodded in agreement and said, "Yes, that is certainly possible. Even I feel as if my Spirit has somewhat improved so it should be possible that your Spirit was upgraded because of that Purple Spirit Energy."

Zhu Zhuqing nodded as well because this was the most logical explanation for Rongrong's Spirit Evolution. Xiao Wu muttered, "So, this happened because of Brother Tian."

When Ryusei and others heard her words, Ryusei quickly turned towards Tang San and immediately said, "Tang San, quickly wrap everyone with your Blue Silver Grass. I am going to start moving." He then turned towards Rongrong and said to her in a calm expression, "We will talk about your Spirit later. Right now, we have to leave this forest as soon as possible."

Tang San followed through his order and used his Blue Silver Grass to bind everyone with him and Ryusei held his hand, he took a deep breath and used his Purple Dragon's Fury Ability.

After Rongrong boosted his power and speed, he speed increased to a whole different level. Then he started running at his top speed whilst pulling everyone behind as well.

He ran straight ahead and adjusted his directions whenever he felt it was necessary for the group behind him. After running for nearly 12 minutes, all of them finally got out of the forest and Ryusei fell down on the ground as he crazily huffed while his heart was beating like a war drum.

His whole body was covered in sweat as he had run for about 12 minutes at his full throttle. If that wasn't enough, he was holding onto eight other people and pulling them with him as well while running at full speed.

Rongrong quickly went towards Ryusei, she pulled out her handkerchief and helped wiping the sweat from his face. Ryusei was a bit surprised when he felt her handkerchief touch his face and turned towards her.

He started to take long breaths and tried to calm down his breathing and his heart beat. Zhao Wuji looked at all of them and said, "We should let Long Tian recover for now and after that we will return back to Shrek."

Everyone nodded at his words except Ryusei, he said, "No, we must leave right now. We do not know if the beasts will come out of the Forest or not. We should leave here just to be safe, and far way from this place as soon as possible. I can rest while walking so you all don't have to worry about me."

This time, it was Tang San who started speaking, "I agree with Brother Tian, and we should start moving. Even though I want him to rest but it won't be a good idea to stay here and got ambushed by some powerful Spirit Beasts."

They started walking back to the Shrek Academy, it took them about a day to reach the Shrek Academy. After they arrived at the academy, everyone just retired to their rooms and slept as all of them were tired by this journey to the Star Dou Forest.