Supporting Ryusei

The thing that bugged Yu Xiaogang was that, how could Ryusei deduce Tang Hao's identity in less than a day. Even if he was intelligent, he was just a 6 years old boy, how could he deduce his identity in less than a day. How did he become a so cunning and intelligent that he could deduce someone's identity with so little information and plan his future steps like that at age of 6 years old?

The next most important thing was what did he talk with the Clan head of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan. From his words, it seemed as if the Clan head was interested in talking with him, but why?

Ning Fengzhi was known for his intelligence in strategy and thinking ahead, all over the world. If Yu Xiaogang was the master of Theoretical knowledge over the Spirit Beasts then Ning Fengzhi was the master of manipulation and strategies.

If he was someone messed with him then he was a terrifying opponent for any one to face. Yu Xiaogang looked at everyone and said, "Everyone but Lei Feng is dispersed for now. I want to talk to him alone."

Every one of them stared at each other in silence and walked out of the room leaving them to talk amongst themselves. They returned to their dorms.

After everyone left the place, Grandmaster looked at Ryusei and asked him, "So, what do you want from this academy? From your words, I know that your purpose for coming to this academy wasn't as simple as training and keeping a low profile."

Ryusei looked at him and contemplated if he should speak or not and then started saying, "Well, initially this was indeed my plan, I came here to train whilst keeping a low profile but things don't always go according to the plans as I went a bit overboard in the exams and revealed my full power."

"After a few months, I knew that the information about me didn't spread and was relieved to know that Shrek was a place where I could live peacefully while keeping a low profile from the world."

"Here, I tried to make some friends that could help me with my revenge by helping them get stronger and protecting them at the same time." Well here was the trick which Yu Xiaogang did not notice, he didn't think much of this sentence, but if Ryusei added the words 'besides having my revenge' then the whole meaning would change.

It meant that Ryusei was still focusing himself on his revenge and he would save them if he could but he wouldn't sacrifice himself or anything sort of that. He wanted to live, live until he took his revenge.

It was selfish of himself but so what. Who wasn't selfish in the world, even in the Seven Devils of Shrek, if Tang San got a choice between Xiao Wu and Dai Mubai. He won't think twice and save Xiao Wu.

It was the same for him if he got a choice from which he could have his revenge and between any one of them then he won't think twice before choosing to take his revenge. After that both of them stayed silent for some time, Yu Xiaogang asked him, "Why was the Lei Clan destroyed by the Spirit Hall? There must be some reason as to why the Clan was destroyed, the Spirit Hall won't destroy a Clan for nothing."

Ryusei remained expressionless and said, "I don't know of the reason about why they attacked the Clan. But I deduced from their conversation that the Supreme Pontiff was frightened for my potential and wanted to kill me before I could become a problem."

There were some things that he didn't say, like the matter about his Azure Dragon Spirit. He was cautious of Yu Xiaogang as he didn't know about his relationship with the Spirit Hall. He didn't know if he was against the Spirit Hall or with them so it wouldn't hurt to be cautious against him.

He told Tang Hao because he was sure that he had an enmity against the Spirit Hall, as he had gravely wounded their Previous Supreme Pontiff, therefore, causing his early death.

Besides, he felt his instincts telling him that this man in front of him was a dangerous person, Yu Xiaogang was dangerous if he revealed too much information to him. While the same feeling was upon Yu Xiaogang, he felt that the information he got wasn't the complete truth. It was like there was a part connecting them and without it, he won't be able to do much.

Ryusei thought 'It would be dangerous to talk any more with him. I already revealed so much information to him. I should leave before I tell him some important information or if he realizes something from my words.'

He said to Yu Xiaogang with a tired expression, "Teacher Xiao, I should go now, I am feeling a bit tired with all this. I am not in the right mindset to answer any more of your questions."

Yu Xiaogang bewildered as he couldn't see any signs of tiredness on Ryusei's face earlier, but now all of sudden he could see that Ryusei was so tired as if he hadn't slept for a whole night. He knew that Ryusei was lying but he felt that it wouldn't be appropriate so he let him do whatever he wanted. He knew that Ryusei was still somewhat cautious of him and he needed to win his trust slowly.

He nodded and Ryusei started walking towards the boy's dormitory. He didn't know that the Tang San and the others were discussing their own thoughts and views from his words.

Tang San was the first one to speak, he said, "I didn't expect that Brother Tian's family was massacred. From his words, it's a coincidence that he came here because Shrek Academy was the closest to his position and the place where he could keep a low profile."

Dai Mubai looked at him and said, "Yes, even I didn't expect it. Now, I understand about the reason why he wants to have friends, friends that are ready to go against the whole world. He wants their help so that his friends support him against the Spirit Hall. And the second reason is perhaps that he didn't want to be all alone because he doesn't have any one left."

Everyone turned silent as they heard his words, they thought about it and knew that it was definitely possible. After some time, Tang San started speaking, "There is one more thing that I do not understand. What did Brother Tian mean that he and my father had a common hatred towards the Spirit Hall?"

This time it was Rongrong who answered his question, she realized that Tang San probably didn't know about the true identity of Tang Hao, his father most likely didn't tell him anything about his hatred because Tang San was too young at the time.

She said, "I don't know the exact reason but it is said that Tang Hao fought against 3 Titled Douluo from the Spirit Hall when he just became a Titled Douluo. He severely injured two of them and kill the third one. And the most astonishing thing was that one of the injured persons was the previous Supreme Pontiff. They say that he died shortly after the battle. So, Tang Hao and Spirit Hall have a deep hatred with each other."

Tang San had a sharp look in his eyes as he thought about the reason, he guessed that maybe his mother or his someone whom his father cared about was killed by them. He didn't say anything about it to any one and continued to think more about this.

After some time, Dai Mubai started speaking, "I have decided, I will help Brother Tian against the Spirit Hall. Who cares anything about the Spirit Hall, they destroyed the family of my brother, they should start preparing for their own destruction. I have already prepared myself for fighting against the whole world for everyone here. What's a small Spirit Hall in front of that?"

His words filled everyone with a sense of friendship, their blood boiled as they thought about it. The next one was Tang San who said, "I will also support him; besides it seems as if my family has somethings unsettled with the Spirit Hall."

Everyone could hear a hint of anger in his voice, they knew that Tang San was serious, they could feel his determination when they looked at him and knew that he would most likely support Ryusei in his vendetta against Spirit Hall.

Ning Rongrong also started to say with full determination in her voice, "I can't say anything about my Clan but I will absolutely help Brother Tian." Xiao Wu turned towards her with a teasing expression and said, "Hehehe, it surely doesn't have anything to do with the fact that you love Brother Tian."

Ning Rongrong blushed like a tomato and said in a cute and shy voice, "Shut up!" Xiao Wu snickered at her reaction.

Everyone laughed as they heard the both of them, they already knew that Rongrong most probably had feelings for Ryusei considering her expression just now.