Yu Xiaogang's Training

After a while, Ryusei met up with them and heard them laughing loudly. He said, "Hey, what are you guys talking about?" Everyone turned quite as they heard his voice, then Oscar spoke in a nervous voice, "What do you mean Brother Tian? We weren't talking about anything, right guys?"

The others nodded immediately in support, Ryusei ignored this matter and said, "Alright guys, from tomorrow on my uncle is going to start teaching us. I think we should learn more from him."

All of them nodded and each one of them left for their own training. Rongrong and Ryusei went to the fields to train together, she practised her Clan's methods to control her Spirit Energy in a more efficient way.

While Ryusei was practising a movement technique. It was very peculiar, Rongrong felt as if she was familiar with this movement technique but it seemed different somehow. She felt that it was similar to the movement skill that Tang San used against Ryusei.

But it was different because it was as if every single time of Ryusei took a step, it had a meaning behind it. While Tang San's movements were more like he let his body move by itself while leaving afterimages.

Ryusei's footwork allowed him to leave the afterimages as well to confuse the enemy while he himself was preparing for his own move. He basically created this movement technique to compliment his Spirit Abilities.

With this movement technique, he could catch the enemy off-guard, leaving them helpless without enough time to counter his Spirit attacks. This was a massive advantage for him as his new Spirit Ability could enhance the Power of his Thunder and after being boosted, he could absolutely injure a Entry-Level Titled Douluo if they had their guard down.

Ryusei created this movement technique after watching Tang San's footwork, he didn't want to ask about his techniques so he created the whole new technique while using his footwork as its base. After Yu Xiaogang had a talk with the Principal, explaining him about the things that he needed.

Principal called out for everyone and said, "Everyone, assemble!" All of them heard his voice, and started moving towards training ground.

There Principal, Yu Xiaogang and Zhao Wuji were standing besides each other. Yu Xiaogang looked at everyone, then threw a bowl towards Ryusei.

He then said, "Break this bowl with just your Spirit Power." When Ryusei heard his command, he threw the bowl towards Dai Mubai.

Ryusei looked towards Yu Xiaogang and said, "Testing me with this bowl is useless. I already know the way to completely utilize my Spirit Energy. It won't do any good other than the fact that I would be wasting a bowl."

Principal Flender let out a sigh of relief as he knew that he saved some money there, Yu Xiaogang looked at him and was a bit unsure as to whether what he was saying was correct or not.

But he saw that no one doubted his words, he was curious about the reason and asked them, "Why aren't you people questioning him whether he is saying truth or not?."

Zhu Zhuqing answered, she said, "We are not questioning him because we already know that it's the truth. On the day of the Entrance Examination, we fought against him and he stopped my attack with just his finger. In that fight, he did many other things which would be impossible without a excellent control on the Spirit Energy."

Yu Xiaogang was surprised after hearing this, he didn't know anything about his abilities or what he was capable of, so he didn't expect that there was someone like Tang San who had such control on his Spirit Energy.

Dai Mubai put the Bowl on the table and raised his hands and started concentrating all his Spirit Energy on the bowl. After a while, a small crack appeared on the Bowl but as soon as it happened Dai Mubai collapsed on the ground.

Ryusei frowned as he said, "Only a small crack and it took your whole Spirit Energy and so much time." He moved towards the bowl and pointed towards the Bowl with his index finger.

The Bowl turned to dust, he then turned towards Dai Mubai and said, "This is what a Rank 29 should be capable of. Aren't you ashamed that you as a Rank 39 can only create a small crack on it?"

Dai Mubai lowered down his head as he heard his words but he stood up once again and Principal had to bring another bowl at that place. One by one, everyone tested their Spirit Energy Control.

The only ones who could break the bowl were Xiao Wu and Tang San. Rongrong and Fatty bugged it and sent it flying while Oscar managed to crack the Bowl but he wasn't able to break it as his Spirit Energy was insufficient.

He levitate and control one kunai in the air so he was much better than Dai Mubai when it came to controlling the Spirit Energy but it still wasn't enough to break the bowl.

After this test, Yu Xiaogang said, "Alright, everyone should rest now. Tomorrow you will spar with each other. I want to see, how you behave in combat alright?"

Everyone nodded and went back to their own Dormitories, and laid back on their own beds and started pondering about the events that happened today.

Ryusei was thinking 'Looks like I will have to move my plan forwards. I didn't expect to tell my story so soon. I guess the time has come now…' He had already made some plans after he left Shrek but he felt that he should speed one of his plans as the situation called for it.

Tang San was thinking 'Looks like I will have to speed up my training if I want to help Brother Tian in destroying the Spirit Hall. There are many Tang Sect's techniques that I haven't even started practicing yet. Maybe I should teach some techniques to Brother Tian so that he could have an easier time fighting against the Spirit Hall.'

The reason that Tang San was ready to teach some of his techniques to Ryusei was because he was already thinking of building his own Tang Sect in this world. At that time, he would also have to teach the techniques to his sect, so he thought that maybe he should teach these techniques to Ryusei before as he had the required talent.

Ning Rongrong was thinking 'I didn't talk about it yesterday but from Xiao Wu's words, it was Brother Tian who released that Purple Spiritual Energy in the surrounding. It was because of him that my spirit upgraded to the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda from Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda. How can I repay such a huge favour? Maybe I can thank him by supporting him against the Spirit Hall. I should also try to convince the Clan and see if they could help Brother Tian as well even if it is not some major help.'

While everyone of them were contemplating their own thoughts on how to support Ryusei as they had already decided that they were going to support him in the fight against the Spirit Hall.

Oscar decided to help Ryusei because he was the one who taught him about how to use those hidden blades to protect himself so that he won't be a burden when they fought against someone. He was thankful to him for the things that Ryusei did for him for these few years so he had decided to stand by his side to the end.

Dai Mubai was also besides Ryusei for the same reason, he was thankful to Ryusei for training him for these years. He knew that whenever Ryusei said something to him, it was for his benefit. It was so that he could be better than from who he was before.