Ryusei's future plan

After everyone was assigned to their own training, Ryusei was sitting bored in his room because he had already completed the training assigned to him. He had already physically trained himself and also had a excellent control of his Spirit Energy so there wasn't anything new that Yu Xiaogang was able to teach him as he was specially trained by a Titled Douluo, Tang Hao himself.

Ryusei came out of his room and looked around as everyone of them were doing their own training. His vision turned towards Rongrong and saw the task that Yu Xiaogang had given her was being easily accomplished by her while the others were still struggling at the first step of their task.

Ryusei thought, 'Looks like the time has come.' He approached Yu Xiaogang and said, "Uncle, I would be leaving the Academy for some time."

This shocked Yu Xiaogang and the Principal sitting next to him, Principal asked him in a nervous voice, "Why? Is there a reason?" Ryusei stayed silent for some time and then said, "Yes, there is indeed a reason. I want to travel around the world to get stronger and staying here won't help me getting stronger so I might as well for some time."

Yu Xiaogang looked at him with a serious expression and said, "You do know that it will be incredibly dangerous if you go out there. You won't be able to ask for Shrek's help if you are ever caught by Spirit Hall."

Ryusei nodded and said, "I understand, thank you for letting me stay here for all these years." All three of them turned silent and Ryusei turned back towards the Seven Shrek's Devil.

He called out for each of them and soon enough everyone gathered in front of him. They were curious as to why Ryusei called them and curiously looked at him.

He stared at each one of their faces and then said in a slow speed, "I wanted to inform you all that I am leaving the academy for few years." Before any of them could say anything, he raised his hand to stop them and said, "This is my final decision. You all already know that I am going to go against Spirit Hall in the near future so I'm leaving to get stronger and experience the world outside. Staying here is not going to make me stronger and I feel like if I don't have life and death challenge then I might experience a bottleneck."

Ryusei didn't tell them that he wanted to leave to build his own Organization, as this information was too important for him to trust with anyone else even if they were his friends organization. He heard Dai Mubai saying, "Then let us come with you. We could train together and protect each other if ever needed."

Ryusei shook his head and said, "No, I want you guys to stay here and participate in the upcoming tournament of the Spirit Hall. I want you guys to win that tournament and make the Shrek Academy a prestigious academy that will help you a lot."

They heard his words and stayed silent as they didn't know what to say. They now knew what he expected out of them and they weren't going to disappoint him. As Ryusei was about to turn around, Tang San said, "Brother Tian, I wanted to talk to you about some things."

Ryusei raised his eyebrow as he couldn't guess what he wanted to talk about, but he nodded anyway and with that Ryusei and Tang San started walking away from the group so that they could talk alone.

Tang San looked at Ryusei and said, "Brother Tian, since you have planned to leave Shrek Academy. I believe it won't be anytime soon before we see each other again. So, I wanted to give you some techniques that could make you even stronger than before."

Ryusei understood and he thought 'So, he is going to give me those techniques. Did he ask the permission from his secret master? Did his secret master give him the permission to teach these techniques to anyone?'

Tang San didn't notice Ryusei's expression and he started to speak, he said, "Brother Tian, I also have a selfish motive in giving these techniques to you, that's when I'm building Tang Sect, I want Brother Tian to support me and help me if there's a problem with it."

Ryusei narrowed his eyes at those words as he understood the hidden meaning between the, he thought 'So, the one who gave these techniques to Tang San is probably dead and perhaps he wants to create a legacy for him. That is why he didn't need to ask him about the permission.'

Ryusei nodded in agreement as even if he didn't give him techniques, Ryusei would have still supported Tang San. But if Tang San wanted to give him techniques, he wasn't going to refuse as he indeed wanted to learn these peculiar techniques because they were very mysterious.

The first technique that Tang San recited was the Mysterious Heaven Skill. This was the method for training Spirit Energy and make it even denser than before. It also had the additional effect of resisting extreme pressure and poison and recovers injuries at much faster rate than normal.

As soon as Ryusei used the skill to test it, he broke through to the 2nd stage of the Mysterious Heaven Skill. Tang San gaped at him as he saw this, he had spent almost 9 years to break through to the 3rd Level of the Mysterious Heaven Skill but here he saw Ryusei breaking through to the 2nd Level as soon as he used the skill.

Actually, this was because Ryusei was a Rank 61 with tons of Spirit Energy and he also had good amount of control over his Spirit Energy. Not just that, he had also drank Holy Spirit water which improved his physique by leaps & bounds and purified his body of any impurities he had so his foundation was stable as a mountain and it didn't take much for him to reach 2nd Stage.

These were the reasons he was able to reach 2nd Stage so fast and that his advancement in this technique will be unusually faster than Tang San. Tang San then recited the Controlling Crane Catching Dragon which was basically manipulating the objects from a longer distance.

Ryusei didn't really need this technique as he already knew how to control objects with his Spirit Energy alone and all the other techniques that Tang San wanted to give him were useless to him.

So, Ryusei stopped him and said, "These techniques of yours are incredibly mysterious. I will definitely help in the creation of your Tang Sect." Tang San smiled as he heard this and then asked him, "Brother Tian, I also wanted to ask, did the Spirit Hall kill my mother?"

Ryusei wasn't surprised by this question as he knew that it was expected for Tang San to have come to this conclusion, he slowly nodded and said, "Even though I do not know the reason as to why they killed your mother. You can ask about it from your father. I am sure he will tell you when the time comes."