Rongrong's determination

After talking with Tang San, both of them returned back. Ryusei looked at everyone's expression and saw that they were looking sad because he was leaving. Rongrong was looking down with a contemplating expression as if debating over something.

After some time, she finally looked at Ryusei with expression full of determination as if she had decided something really important and said to him, "Brother Tian, I want to come with you." Ryusei was about to decline her but she stubbornly said, "I have thought about it. I think that I should come with you and become your support for these years."

Ryusei looked confused and asked, "What do you mean? My support?" She nodded and said, "Yes, I am sure that in all these years when you're adventuring outside, you will encounter many dangerous situations or some strong enemies that you won't be able to overcome by yourself. I believe that my Spirit will be very useful during those times. And I don't want to leave you alone anymore. I want to stay with you."

Ryusei stayed silent as he contemplated her words and agreed that she was right, in upcoming years, he would have to fight many people who are stronger than him or travel to dangerous places to get stronger. It would indeed be a good idea to have her as his support. He too didn't want to leave her behind, he too didn't want to be lonely anymore.

But he was still hesitating as he then looked at her and said, "Then how are these guys going to fight in a 7 vs 7 tournament. It would be hard for them to fight against someone who has greater number than them."

Rongrong was conflicted at this moment, she didn't want to betray others but, Dai Mubai took charge and stepped forwards, he said, "Brother Tian, you do not need to worry about the fights. We can handle them even without her support so take her with you. She would help a lot in your journey besides her status will also make things easier for you in the long run."

Ryusei didn't take his words seriously and instead looked at Yu Xiaogang and the Principal, Yu Xiaogang looked at the Shrek Seven Devils and said, "You should know that if Rongrong leaves with Long Tian then your training will be tripled. Do not complain to me at that moment."

Zhu Zhuqing surprisingly stepped forwards, she said, "We won't Grandmaster. You don't need to worry about that, I believe, I can speak for everyone here that we won't complain if you can make us stronger even faster than before. Becoming stronger was the main reason that I came to this academy, I won't complain about the training."

Yu Xiaogang looked towards the rest of them and saw an expression of determination on their faces as well, he knew that they were serious about this. He then turned towards Rongrong and said in an extremely serious voice, "Rongrong, you can go with Long Tian if you want. It is your choice."

Rongrong hesitated as she heard him, she was really nervous about what she should do and turned towards others faces. She saw a confident smile on their faces and heard Tang San speak, "Rongrong, please go with Brother Tian. We will handle each other's just fine. You don't need to worry about us."

"Remember, even if we are the Seven Devils of Shrek, Brother Tian is the one who is Demonic Lord of the Shrek, he is also our friend. Besides, whatever he will do will be much more dangerous than participating in an arena. It won't be a big deal if we lost a match."

As she heard him speak that, she grew more confident and looked towards Yu Xiaogang and said, "Grandmaster, I would like to go with Brother Tian." Yu Xiaogang nodded and said, "Alright then. Take care of yourself and stay safe."

Principal looked at them and said, "I hope that two of you never forget that you are Shrek Academy's students even though the school cannot help you right now." Ryusei nodded as he knew that the Shrek had the potential to become one of the best schools if it was a bit lenient on the admissions but it only took the students with high talents and had quality in the students which was difficult to find in other academies without a support from some Big Clan.

Ryusei turned towards others and said, "Don't be sad you guys. We will surely meet again. Perhaps sooner than you expect." All of them nodded and with that Ryusei's body let out a bright purple aura and a huge Thunderfire Dragon was created then, flew upwards and came back down towards him.

This Thunderfire Dragon was made up of densely packed highly compressed Purple Thunder and Fire mixed into it, it was immensely powerful move of Ryusei and got even better when Ryusei absorbed his 6th Spirit Ring.

It gradually started to become shrink till it was as small as little snake and coiled around to form a bracelet for someone to wear, he passed it to Tang San, Tang San understood his meaning and sealed the bracelet inside his spatial belt. Since the time was frozen inside the belt, that move could remain stored in that state forever.

Ryusei turned towards them and said, "If you ever encounter someone much stronger than you. Then use this, that guy definitely won't expect this type of attack. It is my full powered Thunderfire Dragon but a lot more compressed."

"It can even injure a Spirit Douluo at his full strength and injure a Titled Douluo if he isn't protecting himself. That is not all, I would also be able to sense the location where this attack was used so I could come there at my top speed but only use it as a last resort. Use it wisely!"

This description of his ability caused Yu Xiaogang to be really astonished as that meant that they had a move which was at least of the level of a Spirit Douluo and could even injure a Titled Douluo.

He knew that this ability could be a life saving ability for them, they could practically injure a titled Douluo if they were ever in a conflict with one and at least save themselves for a chance to escape. This move could also be used to as a surprise attack as enemy wouldn't expect them to have such a lifesaving move and they won't be able to tell whether they only had one of these moves, it would cause them to be more cautious which would give the group more time to run away.

Before leaving, Ryusei turned towards Yu Xiaogang and asked him a question which was still bugging him from the time he escaped from the Star Dou Forest. He wanted to know more about that Beast God.

He remembered that Principal Flender introduced Yu Xiaogang as someone who had very much knowledge about the Spirit Beasts so he wanted to ask if he knew something about that specific beast.

It was because he wanted to know about a possible enemy for the future because according to Xiao Wu, it was as if that the Beast God held an enormous influence over majority of Spirit Beasts throughout the world. It was because of that influence that he thought of turning Beast God against the Spirit Hall because that way whenever anyone from Spirit Hall try to hunt any Spirit Beasts, it will be known by the Beast God and he will definitely destroy them or kill anyone of them who tried to hunt Spirit Beasts.

But it was also be possible for him to realize that it was all a lie set up by Ryusei so, he wanted to know all about Beast God in case he became an enemy. Because knowing enemy is winning half the battle.

He asked Yu Xiaogang in a serious tone, "Uncle Xiaogang, what do you know about Golden Eyed Black Dragon Emperor or most commonly known as Beast God?"