Beast God

Yun Xiaogang looked terrified after hearing the name of Beast God and asked him in an extremely serious expression, "Long Tian, where did you hear that name?" He was terrified because in his younger days when he was travelling around the world to research more about the legendary Spirit Beasts, he came across a strange old man who told him all about how terrifying the Ancient Spirit Beasts were.


In those years when he had just started his research, he was young and full of enthusiasm to know more about those Ancient Spirit Beasts who rarely appeared before mankind. He wanted to know about their peculiar abilities, immeasurable strengths and their unknown age.

As he was travelling through a small town, he came across a strange old man who more like a Ghoul than a human. He has dark grey hair and sunken eyes, his had sunk so deep that they were barely visible.

His skin had a pale brownish tone with wrinkles everywhere on his body. His skin looked like it was hanging on a skeleton as there was almost no muscles left underneath. He had black spots all over his face while his cheeks were completely sunken,he wore a loose tatters robe on his body. But even with his ill appearance, he radiated a aura of Sage, as if his knowledge was immeasurable.

He walked up to the old man and greeted him respectfully. Old man opened his sunken eyes and looked at him with his murky eyes. When he asked old man if he knew anything about Ancient Spirit Beasts, old man spoke in a hoarse voice, "So, you wish to know about those Ancient Spirit Beasts. Then come inside, I shall tell you everything about some of the beasts that I have seen and heard from the ancestors of my family."

Yun Xiaogang stepped inside his worn-out house as he followed the old man, they walked up to a room with a worn out door. Inside the room he saw multiple books in the room which were carefully placed on top of the wooden shelves while some were lying on top of a old wooden table.

The old man stood crookedly in front of him and said, "Young man, these books here are all about various spirit beasts that my Clan has gathered in all these years. Even though there's not much, you can take them if you want to, even though are only equal to a drop in the ocean of knowledge, it still contains everything about rare beasts that haven't been seen in a long time."

As Yun Xiaogang was about to take a book from the table, the Old Man suddenly waved his hand and all the books that were on the table started floating back to their respective places on top of shelves. Watching this, Yun Xiaogang was sure that the Old man was a Titled Douluo so he once again bowed in respect towards him as all the Titled Douluo were worthy of respect.

The Old man raised his hand and stopped him from bowing down and said, "You don't need to bow. I'm just a ordinary old man with one foot in his grave. Your gesture of respect is more than enough for me."

He then looked at the books then said with a caring tone, "I shall give you a Spatial Treasure to carry all the books with you. Take care of these precious books because they are the most precious treasure of my Clan. They are the whole worth of my Clan."

"And as of Ancient Spirit Beasts, let me tell you about them because this information is too important to be recorded in any kind of book. This is only passed down throughout our Clan from one generation to another." Old man said while he sat down on a wooden chair.

Yun Xiaogang was esthetic and didn't dare refute as it would greatly help him in his research and quickly sat down next to the old man. The old man looked at him looked like he was trying to remember something and said with a profound expression, "There are few beasts that are not recorded anywhere. Like some Ancient Beasts that are at the top of the world."

"First is Black Star Demonic Dragon Emperor, this is one of the most powerful Beast on the continent. It is at least around 800,000-years-old Beast. It is extremely powerful as it was rumoured that it killed a Rank 99 Titled Douluo in a single attack. Its main attributes are its unimaginable Strength and immeasurable Endurance. Its location is unknown as no one is capable of tracking down this Ancient Beast."

"Even though it is extremely powerful, it is known for its extreme caution. So, it is extremely cautious while choosing its location and nothing is known about its current location."

"The next is Infernal Flame Owl, this Owl has the greatest affinity and control with the flames. Its strength isn't on the level of the Black Star Demonic Dragon but it's not too far behind, it is a 730,000 old Beast. It roams around the world but it has been sighted many times in the Infernal Forest, one of the most dangerous forest in the Star Luo Kingdom."

"And lastly, there is a legendary Beast known as Golden Eyed Black Dragon Emperor, according to our ancestors the lower level Beasts call him their Beast God. He resides in the innermost part of the Star Dou Forest and is said to be the strongest Beast in the world. But that's debatable because no one has ever seen Black Star Demonic Dragon Emperor and the Beast God fight so no one knows for sure that who's strongest."

"The Beasts living in the Star Dou Forest worship him as their Beast God. He is said to be a Beast which has surpassed the Rank 99 as when two Rank 99 Limit Douluo assaulted him in hopes for his Spirit Ring, they were brutally killed by the Beast God."

Yun Xiaogang was left shocked speechless when he heard about those Legendary Ancient Spirit Beasts, he knew how rare the Rank 99 Limit Douluo were in the whole world and to hear that two of them were killed by the Beast God single handedly, it was terrifying, it was even more shocking that a Beast like that existed that could actually kill Rank 99 Titled Douluo so easily, and was still the Black Star Demonic Dragon Emperor whose true strength was still unknown."


So, when he heard Ryusei's question, he was scared and terrified, because he didn't think that Ryusei would know the name of the species of the Beast God. He gulped down nervously and lied, "I do not know much about it. I just know that it is said to be the strongest Beast in the world."

He was averting his eyes as he wasn't that proficient in lying and Ryusei detected it within a moment, he narrowed his eyes and thought 'Is this Beast God so terrifying that Uncle Xiaogang doesn't want to tell me about it? Or is there another reason? I have to find out about this Beast God and avoid meeting with this Beast God for as much as possible.'

Ryusei didn't ask about the Beast God again as he knew Yun Xiaogang wouldn't tell anything more about him, he knew that Yun Xiaogang was very intelligent and if he kept on asking about this, Yun Xiaogang might suspect that he had some relations with this Beast.

Ryusei looked at Rongrong and said, "Let's go. I already have a place in my mind, so we should start our journey right away."

Rongrong nodded and both of them looked towards Yun Xiaogang and others one last time and left from the Shrek Academy after gathering their stuff.

After they were sufficiently away from the Shrek Academy, Rongrong asked him, "Where are we going? You said that you had some place in mind, so are we going there straight away." Ryusei nodded at her words and said, "In these few years at Shrek Academy. I searched for information about the villages, towns and cities where Spirit Hall has the least amount of control and influence."

Rongrong was confused as to why he wanted to go there, she thought that he would go to some place where the Spirit Hall had the most influence but it seemed like he wanted to do something else.

Ryusei looked at her and said, "That place is said to be protected by some unknown power. You must have heard of the town, Bright Silver Town."

Rongrong's eyes widened as she heard the name of the Town, she had read about this Village, it was situated in the Star Luo Kingdom, and was very large in area. It was said to be as large as the Capital of Star Luo Kingdom, the Star Luo City.