Lin Yanluo

Even though the boy was trembling with fear, he replied in a cold tone, "I am an orphan. I don't have a name." Ryusei stayed silent as he listened to him and said, "Are you willing to work for me?"

The young boy's eyes winded with surprise as he didn't expect such an offer, "Why? Why do you want me to work for you? What do you want me to do?." He forgot his fear as he was a bit excited to work under someone so strong. He always to work for someone strong, so that he could protect him and earn some food and money and not beg for it.

Even though he was excited to get a chance to work under someone so strong, he was still vigilant that's why he asked why did he got such an offer. What was it that he had to do.

Ryusei smiled as he was really amused by his vigilance, but it wasn't seen by the young boy, "That is something that I will explain later but let me tell you, the work that I give to you will be related to killing. So, tell me boy, are you willing to work for me?"

The young boy thought for some time and felt that it was a fine deal because the only thing he knew was stealing and killing. He didn't know anything else as no was there to teach him. As he was an orphan and homeless at that, all he learned is how to kill and steal for survival.

He was a kid at that time and slowly developed himself the he is now as no one was there with him who could tell him that he was walking a wrong path and guide him to the correct path.

After carefully considering the offer, the boy nodded in agreement and said, "Alright, I am willing to work under you but I have a single condition. You can never force me to do something that I don't wanna do against my will."

"Haha…, I suppose your condition is acceptable but let me tell you boy. Spread a word about me or anything and I will erase your existence from this world. Remember that." warned Ryusei as he unconsciously released a bit of his killing intent.

The young boy felt suffocated as he felt his killing intent and almost pissed his pants off. He was sweating profusely while his heart was beating like a war drum. The young boy tried looking at Ryusei with great difficulty, but he was shocked to see an Illusionary shadow of Azure Dragon. It's bright overbearing Azure eyes were overlooking at him with disdain as if he was looking at an insect that could be squashed anytime.

Ryusei saw that the boy had a terrified expression while his body was trembling so calmed himself down and stopped releasing his aura. Then he calmly said, "Alright then, I guess I should name you first. How about Yanluo, Lin Yanluo?"

The Young boy bowed and said in a respectful tone, "I accept this name give to me by Boss." After some hesitation, he asked in a hopeful tone, "Boss, I have a request of you. Please, kill all these men that followed me."

Ryusei chuckled darkly as he heard his request and then said, "You seem to forget something Yanluo. Now that you're working under me, I will definitely make you stronger. Strong enough to be the greatest assassin the world has ever seen. So much stronger that ants like these men shall tremble with fear with just by your name alone."

While he was talking to Lin Yanluo, he noticed that 3 of those men were moving towards them. One who seemed to be the leader who said furiously, "How dare you kill our men? Do you know who we are? We are the members of the Blood Mercenary Gang."

"Does it look like I care?" said Ryusei with disdainful eyes. They were just bunch of Spirit Ancestors, he could just crush them like bugs. And released a dense killing intent and a little bit of his Purple Lightning Dragon Spirit's aura.

The men instantly staggered backwards as they fell on butts with a terrified expression. They felt suffocated as if someone was choking their throats, they were sweating profusely while hearts were beating as if they would escape from their chests. They tried to look at him but they were meet with terrifying purple eyes. Those electric purple eyes belonged to a faint silhouette of a gigantic beast but they couldn't see him clearly as their eyes started bleeding when they tried to look at him. Their bodies were trembling and there was a foul smell coming from crouches.

Ryusei wrinkled his brows in disgust and looked at them with contempt as he coldly said, "Go away you disgusting bastards. Leave before I change my mind. Disappear from my sight as soon as possible."

As soon as they heard him, they ran away while staggering. They felt as if they had returned from the Jaws of Death. They ran as fast as they could as they didn't want to annoy the Death God that they had just seen looking towards them with his cold and overbearing eyes.

They felt that it was better to anger their leader, rather than angering this Death God in front of them. Even the leader would be furious if he knew that they annoyed such a strong enemy for their Blood Mercenary Gang.

They ran straight back to their base as it would be nightmare for them if the Death God changed his mind before they could escape.

Soon enough, there was no one sight. Then, Ryusei turned towards Lin Yanluo who was standing there with a dazed expression and said, "Let's go, first we need to heal your wounds, then you can stay in your room in the Inn."

Lin Yanluo woke up from his dazed state and started following him with awed expression. He didn't have any complaints about the arrangement and followed him to the nearest market in the town, he didn't use his ability and just used his base speed.

Besides, his base speed was quite fast as well. It only took them about 10 minutes to take reach the nearest market. Ryusei went to the market and bought some healing ointments and bandages for him and covered his wounds with it and said, "Remember how to do this well because I won't be there to do this for you. There will be times where you have to take care of yourself and bandage yourself."

Lin Yanluo nodded as Ryusei was his saviour so he wanted repay him by working hard. He didn't want to become a burden so he carefully observed his movements and learned them.

"So, what is the name of your Spirit? And what is your Spirit Rank?" asked Ryusei.

Lin Yanluo thought about it for some time but shook his head and said, "I don't know about my Spirit but it should be something related to a Tiger neither do I know about Spirit Rank but I killed 2 Spirit Beasts and accidentally absorbed their power to get stronger."

"I started practicing on my own & kept going and after few years I felt like I wasn't getting stronger, as if I was stuck somewhere."

"But one day I heard someone that they absorbed a Spirit Ring from killing a Spirit Beast after they reached their bottleneck and got stronger. So, I killed many beasts and tried to absorb their Spirit Rings but I could only absorb those rings twice."

"First time when I killed a particularly strong beast and second time after I experienced similar bottleneck and similarly killed a strong beast, but both rings came from a tiger Spirit Beast."

Ryusei got curious about his unknown Spirit Beast as to which Spirit Beast could have such impressive speeds. He knew that he had to teach Yanluo about many things like Spirit Beasts, Spirit Rings, Spirit Ranks etc. Then he thought that it would be better for Rongrong to teach him as he was too lazy to teach him all that.

But he denied that thought as it wouldn't be a good idea to let her meet with a strange & unknown boy. He would first thoroughly investigate his background and only then would he decide to let them meet or not.

--------Next Day------

They were standing in the empty fields early in the morning. "Use your Beast Spirit. I want to see your Spirit Beast and measure your strength." said Ryusei while backing up a bit. Lin Yanluo nodded and used the mysterious Spirit Beast within him.

As he tried summoning his Spirit Beast, a sinister Red Aura leaked from his body and a huge amount of killing intent was released as a majestic black coloured tiger appeared upon his head.

This majestic tiger had a muscular body full of black fur with blood red stripes and a piercing golden eye. Its body was huge and he had two sharp fangs sticking out of his mouth. They looked as if they were sharp sabres and it had a 'King' written on its forehead in red.

The tiger had an arrogant expression as if it was the only king and everyone else were beneath him. It had a strange demonic aura which made him look ferocious.

But as soon as it looked at Ryusei, it mewled in fear with a terrified and backed away from him. Its arrogant expression had warped into a frightened expression. It looked more like a Scared Kitty rather than a Majestic Tiger. It had sensed Azure Dragon's overbearing aura earlier as well, so he was especially afraid of Ryusei.

Ryusei was astonished as he felt as if he had seen this type of Beast Spirit before. It was similar to that of the Evil Eyed White Tiger Spirit of Dai Mubai but this Beast Spirit seemed much more ferocious than the White Tiger. It was like a complete opposite of the Evil Eyed White Tiger.

If Evil Eyed White Tiger was Light then this beast was a embodiment of pure Darkness. Even its strength was similar to that of the Evil Eyed White Tiger. But Evil Eyed White Tiger was still superior due to its elemental attributes and bloodline of Evil Eyed Sage.

Ryusei had also read about this Beast Spirit in his clan's library and muttered out his name, "Ancient Darkness Sabretooth Tiger." The Tiger which was as strong as the White Tiger but only existed in the ancient times was standing in right front of him albeit of its scared look. It was one of the strongest Spirit Beasts but it hadn't been seen for many centuries. And Lin Yanluo was at Rank 21 Grand Spirit Master.

Ryusei smile grew wider as he felt that he had found a gem, he knew that Yanluo's talent was as high as his friends in the Shrek so he quickly wanted to train him and groom him the Scariest Assassin the world had ever seen.