Blood Mercenary Gang

After deciding his plans, he looked at Lin Yanluo and asked him, "So tell me then, why did you want me to kill those men. It didn't seem like it was as simple as stealing and killing their men."

"I hate the members of this Blood Mercenary Gang. They killed my childhood friend, the one who taught me reading and taught me words. They killed him in front of my eyes because he tried to stop them from bullying the weak people. He tried to spread awareness amongst everyone to fight back so, they silenced him for eternity." Yanluo said with absolute hatred.

"Since then, I started stealing from Blood Mercenary Gang and tried to kill their members whenever I had the chance to and after some failed attempts, I successfully killed a member, but they found out about me and started chasing me."

Ryusei looked at his resentful expression and spoke in a serene tone, "Take a deep breath and calm down. Now, you are working under me. So, I am going to provide you a place to live, food to eat and train you till you become a Spirit Elder. Your job is to a gang of 30 members within 3 months of time. They should be around 15-year-old and no less than Rank 20 Spirit Master."

Lin Yanluo nodded in compliance and then asked with confusion, "How are we going to provide so much food and money for so many members." Ryusei snickered and said, "You will do what you know best. You will steal the food from corrupt nobles in the town and as for the money, I will arrange it."

Lin Yanluo nodded in understanding. Then, Ryusei then said, "Come on, let's start your training. I don't want to waste any more time."

Ryusei always carried some weights in his Spatial Belt and put those weights on Yanluo's body. He remembered the time he trained with Tang Hao but he shook his head and concentrated on Yanluo.

He scrapped those weights on both his arms and legs and then looked at Lin Yanluo and said, "Now, try running a lap with those weights on your body and keep doing it till you get used to them."

Lin Yanluo face went pale as he tried to move but couldn't because he was only able to support for some time and then collapsed on the ground.

"How am I going to run a lap when I can't even move with them? How can I get used to these weights when I can't even stand up?" He complained with a pitiful expression.

"Try standing up and get used to these weights. Don't be hasty. We got so much time for you to get used to these weights. If you can't stand up then crawl but you have to move forward. Boy, don't give up if you want to become stronger." Ryusei said with encouragement.

Lin Yanluo nodded with determination and said, "Yes Boss. I won't give up." He then tried to stand up while trying to get used to the weights. He stood up shakily and lifted his foot by using his full strength and then stepped forwards.

As soon as his foot touched the ground, he once again collapsed on the ground, panting for breath as he was completely exhausted just by taking a single step. A fire burned within him as he thought of this challenge, he wanted to become strong, strong enough to conquer these weights.

Ryusei monitored him whilst he kept observing the area as he knew that the members of the Blood Mercenary Gang would surely come at them. He stayed alerted for the whole time.

After 2 hours, he felt the huge number of Spirit Energies in the area as he looked towards the Western Direction and observed 100 people swarming the field where Ryusei was training Lin Yanluo.

Ryusei observed the man leading them, he was a middle-aged man with long blonde hairs, broad chest and some scars decorated his face. He looked like he was a battle-hardened fellow with plenty of combat experience. He had an aura of veteran soldier.

Ryusei furrowed a bit as he couldn't sense the Spirit Rank of this middle-aged man, he then smirked in understanding as he thought 'Hmm, this guy most likely is not even a Spirit Saint, otherwise why would he need to hide his Spirit Power when he was coming with so many people. He wants to create a mysterious identity for himself.'

'He wants me to think that he is some kind of expert, which he is clearly not, and make me submit. He probably wants me to work under him since he must have heard about my power from his goon. Well, he did bring a good line-up to intimidate me.'

The middle-aged man was also observing Ryusei closely as he started speaking, "I came here to have the revenge for my men. You should know that anyone in this town, dared to go against the Blood Mercenary Gang didn't have a good ending, just like that twerp's friend. I can execute you as well. But…"

Lin Yanluo, eyes flushed, was fuming with anger at the mention of his friend, but Ryusei placed patted his head and smiled as he knew that now would be time for invitation.

The middle-aged man then continued, ".... I can forgive you if you join the Blood Mercenary Gang. My name is Zhou Yan and I am the leader of this Mercenary Gang. After entering the Blood Mercenary Gang, your status will rise significantly, only be lower than that of me, and you would be able to do almost anything you wanted in this Bright Silver Town."

Ryusei chuckled at his classic villain like offer, it was amusing as if he had assigned them these roles and they were performing a classic villain role for him. Ryusei sneered at Zhou Yan with disdain, "Why should I be your dog? What qualification do you have that you could make me your lackey?"

Zhou Yan was gawked then, started laughing arrogantly as if he had heard a joke, his voice was echoed throughout the whole area, "Well, I got only one answer for you. It's because I am stronger than you. Hmph! What Rank are you? Spirit Elder? or a Spirit Ancestor? I am a Rank 69 Spirit Emperor expert. Of course, you will have to be under me."

He then released all his Spirit Rings with a proud expression as if he wanted to show off how great his powers were compared to his, there were 2 White Rings with 3 Yellow rings and one purple ring. Ryusei chuckled at his pitiful show of his power.

"Who said that I am a mere Spirit Ancestor…" Ryusei said, then even he started to release all of his Spirit Rings to show that foolish turd the real power.

Two bright purple rings, three shiny Black rings and one majestic deep Red Spirit Ring were put on display.

Zhao Yan's face turned ugly as he stepped backwards because he couldn't believe what he was seeing, he pointed his trembling finger as he shuttered, "A R-red h-hu-hundred t-thousand-year-old Spirit R-Ring."

It was at this moment he realised that he fucked up. He knew he shouldn't have provoked this monster as he knew that he won't be a match for Ryusei if they fought. Ryusei then looked at him with disdain, "Now tell me, do you have enough qualifications to make me your lackey."

Zhao Yan was scared speechless, earlier he may have boasted with some very arrogant words but now, he couldn't back them up.

"Get out of my sight before I kill you." Ryusei ridiculed as he looked at them.

Zhao Yan immediately turned back as he didn't want to anger this monster in front of him. He looked towards his men and barked, "What you waiting for? Return to the base, quickly."

But just when Zhao Yan thought that they had dodged the bullet, Ryusei's cold voice came from behind, "Who said that they can leave with you? I only gave you the permission to leave, not them. I have an interesting proposition for them."