Eclipse Pagoda

Town Lord seemed astonished at his request, he didn't expect that as it would be that simple. He could easily arrange rooms for 26 men in Bright Silver Inn, but he just couldn't believe that this demon would leave him that easily.

Town Lord was sceptical at his simple request but he still complied nonetheless, "If that's all you want then I can instruct Inn manager. He can arrange accommodation for those men at most for a month."

Ryusei looked at him wordlessly as he didn't expect that the Town Lord to agree this easily. He expected some resistance but not that he cared much about it as he was excited about his organisation. He didn't expect to get so many members without much difficulty.

He knew that he had to arrange a base for his organisation where his men could stay. He started ruminating about the type of place. First, he thought about a majestic Palace but discarded that as it would be too eye-catching.

Then a thought struck him all of sudden, he remembered Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda and got inspired by it. So, he decided to build a pagoda for their base and it matched the name as well.

Eclipse Pagoda!

"It seems I have to rely on Town Lord once again. I would like to request you to build a pagoda on the outskirts of the town. Pagoda should have 9 floors with 100 rooms on each floor. But the topmost floor will only have 10 rooms."

Town Lord went stiff slightly, even though his workers could build a pagoda but the time required to build such a massive pagoda would be lengthy and from demon's tone, it looked like he required that pagoda as soon as possible.

"Sir, I could have the pagoda built, but it would at least take a year's time to complete it" Town Lord said nervously as he looked at demon, but to his surprise Ryusei just nodded and casually said, "Then let my men stay at that inn for a year otherwise they won't have a place to live. Remember that after I set up my base in this Town, my men will protect this town and support you so it's beneficial to you as well."

Town Lord mulled over his words and nodded as it would indeed benefit town with extra protection. Building the pagoda simple and arranging accommodation for two dozen men wasn't anything too difficult for him.

Finally, Ryusei left satisfied and the Town Lord sighed from exhaustion as he slumped down on his chair because he always felt a formidable pressure from the demon so he was relieved to see him leave and felt mentally exhausted. That was the reason he didn't try to refuse Ryusei.

He felt that the boy was the same as that Nether Bird's Lord, he couldn't afford to offend any of them. It would be better to obey their wishes and live life peaceful instead of a worthless death.

People will ridicule as a Foolish man who came and became a Town lord, but didn't even know who to offend and died a worthless death.

So, rather than losing his position as a Town Lord to someone else, he might as well just cooperate with Ryusei and that Mysterious Organization's leader.

Ryusei went back towards the empty fields and where his men were still training and decided to check their progress secretly.

Lin Yanluo seemed to be getting used to weights as he was finally able to stand up and move forward one step a time. While the former members of the Blood Mercenary Gang were also doing this seemingly useless training as they didn't dare to refute against his instructions

They knew that if he was displeased with their performance, then it won't even take him seconds before he destroyed them so everyone was training earnestly. The weights they were using were lighter than what he gave to Yanluo.

So, they didn't have much trouble carrying those weights as they had higher Rank Spirit level than Yanluo. A man noticed that Ryusei had returned, he bowed in front of Ryusei and said, "Dragon Emperor, you have finally returned. I have already gotten used to these weights and I believe my friends have also gotten used to these weights."

Ryusei noticed their proud look on their faces as if they had accomplished a great achievement. He was speechless at their stupid pride, "Well, it was to be expected. These weights are for training an 8-10-year-old kid. Considering your age and Spirit Rank, of course, you would be able to get used to these weights."

This caused them to be dumbfounded, they were feeling proud of themselves that they could get used to these weights and thought that Ryusei would be praise them but it looked as if they were just a bunch of pig brains for getting proud after lifting weights used for training kids.

Their faces turned red from embarrassment and just as they were trying forget the previous embarrassing situation, Lin Yanluo laughed while holding his belly and looked at them as if they were bunch of buffoons. This caused their faces to burn with shame as even a kid was laughing at them.

Ryusei didn't even look at their faces and gave them 20kg weights for each of their arms and legs. He also provided a chest plate which weighed around 40 kg weight, a total of 120 kg weights.

Ryusei looked at their pitiful state after strapping the weights as he coldly said, "You have 7 days to get used to them. You can't remove these weights at any time, only when you are returning to the Inn."

"While returning, the weakest amongst you, except Lin Yanluo, is going to carry all these weights back to the Inn using his Spirit Energy. UNDERSTOOD!!" He roared out the last word as every single one of the people replied, "UNDERSTOOD!"

With that every single one of them tried to stand up without using their Spirit Power. It was definitely a challenge for them right now and many of them collapsed before they could even stand up.

Ryusei observed their training for about 10 minutes and then looked towards Lin Yanluo. He was sweating buckets as he tried to stand up once again. He remembered the days when he too similarly tried to get used to those weights while training with Tang Hao.

He felt as if he had found the most important part of his puzzle, someone who could really help him a lot in the organization. He knew that he had to leave after two days and It would take around 4-5 days to be back so he won't be able to train him for these 4 days.

He knew that Lin Yanluo had potential to be one of the most powerful besides him that would join the organization. He felt that teaching him Tang San's ghost movement technique would suit him perfectly. Ryusei wanted to groom him into a fighter and Assassin for the Eclipse Pagoda.

'Looks like, I should teach him that movement technique after he has gotten used to these weights as he would help increase his speed and stamina. He would be able to use the burst of his Red Lightning to increase his speed at random times which could make the movement even more mysterious for him. That would slightly change the movement skill but it would be more suitable for him.'

Ryusei remembered about Rongrong as he that knew that she was alone right now, so he decided to return and said, "Repeat this training for a week. I will come check your strength after a week and assign you a suitable training."

"For next 2 days, I am going to monitor your training and then I will leave for some important issues, so train on your own. When I come back on the 7th day, I want every single one of you to have gotten used to these weights otherwise it will be considered that you were lazing around."

His eyes turned cold as he said, "And I absolutely won't tolerate lazy people. Let me warn you once again, after a week, your hell will start. Train hard to minimize your pain otherwise you won't last much longer for the upcoming hell. That is all I want to say."

He then left the area and returned towards Star Lou Inn leaving a group of scared people who wanted to cry but had no tears.