
After returning to the Star Lou Inn and he quickly went towards Rongrong's room. He felt guilty for leaving her behind all alone, she had left her comfortable lifestyle to support him and he left her all by herself.

She had every right to be angry at him, he couldn't argue with her. He didn't want to tell her about Lin Yanluo and others till he was sure that it was absolutely safe for Rongrong to meet them.

He was being so cautious because of Nightfall and the spies set up by Spirit Hall. He knew for sure that there was at least one spy in the Blood Mercenary Gang as it was impossible that a gang of local thugs wasn't under observation.

He wanted to make sure that there weren't any spies amongst the people that decided to joined him. That was the reason why he still hasn't shown his face to them till now. In fact, he wanted there to be a spy as he wanted to know about the way spies contacts the Spirit Hall.

He wanted to know every detail about their information network. Did they directly write letters to the Supreme Pontiff? Or do they use code words or coded messages that only Spirit Hall could decode?

The more he thought about it the excited he grew because he felt that it was similar to the cases he solved in his previous life, but instead of catching the criminal, here he was catching a spy.

'If there really is a spy among you all. I wonder how long can you keep yourself hidden from me. No, I shouldn't focus on the guys in the organization too much. If there are no Spies in the organization but in Bright Silver Town then they can also be harmful to me.' Ryusei thought while thinking about the spies.

'I have to be careful about this and slowly investigate the whole town. It will take time but the organization is still in starting phase, it's not like they would be able to do anything right now. I just have to catch them before they realize the matter of the Eclipse Pagoda. Hmm, I suppose I have around 3 months before they start paying attention to the pagoda's construction and start investigating about it.'

This was just the Spirit Hall, but he still wasn't sure about the Nightfall Organization and its mysterious leader.

'Just who is he? What is his motive? And most importantly, how strong is he?'

These were most important three question regarding that Nightfall, he felt that it was even more dangerous than Spirit Hall as he at least knew something about the Spirit Hall.

But Nightfall, they were just blank slate for him. The only thing he knew was what Town Lord had told him. He couldn't gauge the power of the organization based on his words only as he didn't how they were able to kill 5 Titled Douluo without anyone noticing.

He felt that that the reason was not as simple as that because if they had such strength, then they wouldn't need to kill 5 Titled Douluo secretly. If they fought openly then people would surely notice a battle of that magnitude.

But there no evidence of battle, no one knows anything. This confused him every time he thought about the disappearance of 5 Titled Douluo.

It meant that there could only be one possibility, either the Titled Douluo weren't even able to put up a fight but that was not possible as there was no evidence of a battle ever happening to begin with.

Or they died due to some mysterious reason. He felt that he needed to check that place where Titled Douluo were last seen, after he returned. For now, he just wanted to spend some time with Rongrong and members of his Eclipse Pagoda for these 2 days.

He couldn't investigate that place in just two days even if went there and it would just waste his time. But more importantly he wanted spend some time with Rongrong instead of wandering in jungle.

He finally arrived at Rongrong's room and knocked on her door. The door slightly creaked as Rongrong opened the door. She was rubbing her sleepy eyes, but she opened them wide when she saw Ryusei standing at her door.

She was bored since the morning when Ryusei left for some work, so, after training for some time she was lying on her warm bed fell asleep. She didn't expect that Ryusei to return so soon and so she was still half-asleep when she opened the door.

Ryusei noticed that she wasn't angry right now and sighed in relief as he had probably over-thought too much about her.

"I am sorry that I left you alone. I was training in fields and got lost too much in meditation that I didn't even realize how much time pass aw-." Ryusei said holding her hands, but Rongrong cut him off by hugging him and said in a soft and kind, "Brother Tian, I am not angry. You don't have to worry so much."

Ryusei returned her hugged and whispered, "I am truly sorry Rongrong, one day I will make-up to you for all the things you have done for me." Rongrong wordlessly buried her head in his chest. She knew that he must definitely have some problems that he couldn't tell her, he must have been worried about many things.

She knew she couldn't be selfish by holding him back to spend time with her, she didn't want to interrupt his plans. She didn't want to be his burden. She didn't want for him suffer alone, she wanted to support him so she looked at him with determination and said firmly, "Brother Tian, please bring me bring me together with you."

Ryusei just stood there stiffly, he knew that she was an obstinate person and wouldn't take no for an answer, 'And there goes all my planning about preventing her from meeting with them right now. Well, I still can…'

"Alright, I will let you come with me but first we have to buy some clothes." Ryusei replied. Rongrong left his embrace with confusion as she couldn't understand the need to buy new clothes but nodded nonetheless.

Ryusei sighed, he gently said, "Looks like, I have a lot to tell you. So, let's go to the clothing store tomorrow. For now, let's talk about my day today."

First, they sat down on couch snugly as he proceeded to tell her about the day, about how he met Lin Yanluo a day before and the matter about the members of the Blood Mercenary Gang. Of course, he didn't tell her about the annihilation of remaining members as he didn't feel need to.

They talked about it for some time then snuggled with each other till midnight, then Ryusei finally went to his own room and feel asleep. He had a feeling that tomorrow was going to be a long day as he had to resolve many issues.