Luring the spies

Next day, Ryusei and Rongrong both woke up and got ready. Ryusei waited for her at the reception of the Inn. He was casually chatting with the receptionist about everyday matters.

After Rongrong came down, he took her to a clothing store far away from their Inn while wandering around the market as he didn't want to take any chances.

'If there are any spies around the vicinity then it would be difficult to lose them. At least the Inn should be far away so that they won't be able to figure out the place we're staying at.' Ryusei thought

Ryusei kept talking with her naturally with holding her hand, they wandered around the market. He told her a bit about Lin Yanluo, he also mentioned his spirit and how it was similar to that of Dai Mubai.

"You know Rongrong, I believe that Lin Yanluo and Dai Mubai's families must have some sort of relation with each other. Either their families were enemies or were allies."

Ning Rongrong was surprised as she looked at him, he had a frown, then he suddenly pulled her closer to his chest. A Lightning bolt suddenly passed through the position where Rongrong was standing just now.

Ryusei pulled her out of its trajectory instinctively when he sensed a Lightning bolt was moving towards them. He turned around furiously to find the source of the Lightning and saw a big man coming in towards them.

The man seemed to be running from someone as he was releasing Lightning all around himself to scare people off his path. And one of those stray Lightning bolts was about to hit Rongrong.

Ryusei eyes turned cold as he gazed at the big man, he didn't care if the man was trying to escape or if was a good guy, bad guy or whatever. He dared to hurt Rongrong.

'You are done.'

He used his Purple Lightning Dragon's Claw and his hand turned into a dragon claw and he released Purple Lightning which perfectly overpowered the Yellow Lightning of the Man.

Many onlookers were shocked as they couldn't react, Ryusei knew that he was talking a huge risk but it was also an opportunity for himself. He just wanted to quickly catch this man and leave the place. After that he could carefully observe any suspicious people who could be spies. He wanted to lure spies to get some fresh news.

The chaotic Yellow Lightning was intercepted by an overbearing Purple Lightning. The man stopped while he was shocked to see a Young Boy of 12 years old attacking him with a cold expression on his face. It was as if he was looking at a ferocious beast coming for his life.

"Hey, we don't have any hatred between us. Get out of my way and I won't kill you." The man shouted.

Ryusei wordlessly looked him and took one more step towards him as if his words were worthless to him. Ryusei didn't even put him in his eyes and disdained to even speak to him. Many onlookers thought same thing, 'Arrogance! Extreme Arrogance!'

"I think that this guy (Ryusei) should just give up. This man is one of the strongest men under the Town Lord. It would be better for the kid to run away while he still can."

"Yes, you are right. Even though his Spirit seems to be very strong, it can't cover up the difference that their Spirit Energies have."

Ryusei used his Lightning Flash and suddenly approached the man and swung down his Purple Lightning Dragon's Claw.

The man intercepted with his own Bear Claw. After their attacks collided it produced a massive shockwave. Land got ruptured around them in a spider web pattern with sheer force of the collision.

The man's legs trembled from the force of his attack, he felt as if a mountain had pushed upon on him, but he still managed to stand still.

Ryusei didn't expect that the man could counter him at such a speed and strength whilst withstanding the blow as well, 'Well, experience counts somewhere I guess.'

Then he used Lightning blade with his Purple Lightning Manipulation, the Purple Lightning blade slashed through the Bear Claw like a hot knife through butter and it extended till it reached in front of his eyebrows.

The man was frightened out of his mind as he pissed his pants off, his body started vibrating while he was covered in cold sweat as he could feel his death was seconds away. His arm was bleeding was but didn't care about that.

There was a pungent smell in air as he looked down at his drenched pants then at the puddle underneath him, he couldn't even move his body. He regretted ever threatening this demon.

Ryusei retracted his Purple Lightning Blade, then carried Rongrong and left the place with Lightning Flash. This little skirmish only took around 10 seconds.

The onlookers couldn't even see his face properly because of that glaring Purple Lightning. Everyone started to have their own delusions while they discussed amongst themselves. Some felt that it was a powerful man because his height was on par with a normal adult.

Another person said that this was the work of a Strong Young Master from big clan. While others said that it was the work of an expert who was using a Spirit Ability to disguise themselves.

They didn't know that because of their delusions, the truth about Ryusei's identity was sealed and nobody was be able to guess his true his appearance. Ryusei knew that he could count on People's delusions. He knew that their delusions will give birth to various rumour and confuse anyone investigating this scene.

Ryusei carried Rongrong to the end of the street and then moved up the walls and reached the top of a building where he observed the situation down below. He held Rongrong closely as he tried to find spies within crowd.

He keenly observed the people gathering near the scene, he knew that some of them, who were most likely spies would try to gather as much information as they could. Especially those from Spirit Hall and that Mysterious Organization, Nightfall.

As he kept watch, he apologised to Rongrong, "I am sorry Rongrong, but it seems we won't be able to go to the clothing store just yet."

"It's alright Brother Tian, as long as I am with you, it doesn't matter if we go to a Clothing Store or not." Rongrong whispered.

Ryusei felt his heart filled with warmth, he was really grateful to her for everything she had done for him. Her support gave him the strength to keep moving forward. He vowed to give her all the happiness she deserves.

Returning his attention to the current situation, he noticed a group of men in Blue Uniform arrived at the scene, they were surprised when they looked at the big man. They knew that the big man was very strong, it was hard for anyone other than Town Lord to defeat him with their town.