Rongrong's Third Spirit Ring

Ryusei jumped down to the valley and approached the location of the dying Lion King and the pace of Wolves. Both the Lion King and the Wolves turned their attention towards him after they heard his footsteps.

Ryusei darkly chucked and ridiculed, trying to arouse anger in them, "What a bunch of stupid beasts! You injured yourselves just for some petty gains. Well that saves me the trouble of fighting with you." The Lion growled with anger after hearing his words as it could somewhat understand that the human was mocking them.

Ryusei pulled out a Kunai from his Spatial Belt and stabbed the only uninjured leg of the Lion King.


He then started forcing the kunai to the bones of forelegs of the Lion King. It caused an extreme pain to the Lion King as it roared loudly with pain.

Ryusei ignored that and pulled another Kunai from his Spatial Belt and once again did the same with its hind legs. Even though the wolves didn't have much intelligence, they too started trembling hearing the painful roars of the Lion King.

The Winged Ice Lion King glared savagely at Ryusei with hateful expression, it's eyes eyes were bloodshot as it didn't even know that it could hate someone so much. Ryusei saw it's anger, pure hatred in the eyes of the Winged Ice Lion King and pulled out a Kunai which was deeply pressed in the leg of the Lion and slashed its neck, ending it's miserable life.

He then turned his demonic gaze towards the scared wolves while grinning with a sinister smile. The wolves were already frightened by his smile and tried to move their bodies but couldn't. Ryusei slowly walked towards a wolf and gently caressed its head with a soft touch. The wolf whimpered with fear, trying to escape but couldn't as it saw Ryusei stabbing its left leg foreleg.


A loud, painful howl rang out in the air. Every wolf around them looked towards Ryusei with bloodshot eyes full of hatred. They resented the human more than the Lion King but couldn't oppose their fates. Ryusei killed all the wolves around him mercilessly after inducing their hatred. After this whole bloody scene ended, he stood there motionless.

After that, he collapsed on the ground with a hollow look in his eyes, impossible to determine what he was thinking. Rongrong quickly used Magnetic Teleportation and teleported near him. She immediately hugged him with tears and said while weeping, "Brother Tian, please don't ever do something like this again. I don't like it. I don't want to see you acting like that ever again."

Ryusei too had tears streaming down his cheeks, he tightly wrapped his arms around her and whispered slowly, "Do you think that I enjoyed this? It was terrible for me too but I had to do it. It was necessary for the core members of the organization."

"But I promise, I will never do it ever again. I will never disappoint you ever again. I did it for the core members of the organisation, to make them stronger so that we can have strength to protect ourselves."

Rongrong shook her head, she said, "Brother Tian, when I said that we could gather the Spirit Bones, I meant the Spirit Bones that would be left behind due to luck. Not that you had to make sure that these Spirit Beasts would leave a Spirit Bone."

"Besides, why is it that you are gathering so many Spirit Bones for the members of the organization? Do you intend to baby them? If you do that then they would never be able to get stronger on their own much less make their own decisions and it would be a waste to keep them. Brother Tian, you should let them get strong enough through their own effort."

Ryusei listened to her words and felt that she was right. He was under too much pressure these days, he felt intimidated by that mysterious leader of the nightfall organization because they could kill Titled Douluo without much effort. His mentality and judgment were clouded by the pressure, that's why he didn't even consider such simple things.

But now, he felt as if his head had cleared up and the pressure he was feeling decreased by a lot. He felt like his spirit calmed down and his judgment had improved significantly.

He was grateful that he brought her with him as she was the one who knocked some sense into him. He left her embrace and once again smiled, but this time it was a genuine smile which looked dazzling like a bright sun, she was stunned by starting at his handsome face.

He wiped both of their tears and looked around the place and saw the Purple Spirit Rings around his body. He turned his gaze at Rongrong, "Rongrong, quickly absorb the Spirit Ring from one of that Silver Ice wolf King. This was the wolf for which we came to this place."

Rongrong got out of her lovestruck look and nodded blushing with a crimson hue, then started to absorbing purple coloured Spirit Ring of Wolf King with her Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda. After half an hour, it was absorbed by her spirit. While she was absorbing her Spirit Ring, Ryusei was picking up the Spirit Bones that were left behind by the beasts.

The 11 Silver Ice Wolves left behind different types bones. They left 3 chest bones, 4 leg bones, and 2 skull Spirit bones. While the Winged Ice Lion King only left behind a single Spirit bone, it was unexpectedly a rare external Spirit Bone of Wings. Ryusei thought about absorbing it for a moment, but decided against it as he thought about giving it to Lin Yanluo if his performance satisfied him.

He knew that he was wrong to kill them by that method, but he wasn't going to leave behind the Spirit Bones and let them rot here. Rongrong got her third Spirit Ability from the Silver Ice Wolf King, the Ability known as Boon and Curse.

It was a curse for the enemy as his movement and his Spirit Power would be restrained by 40% for around 2 minutes and there will be a 10% increase in its effectiveness every time, she climbs up 10 ranks.

The 40% restrained energy of the enemies will be transferred to her allies. It had a limit as well. She could only restrain people for 2 minutes, who were weaker than a Spirit Saint. After a Spirit Saint, her restraining power was quite limited, even though it worked, she could only restrain less amount of their power for the lower amount of time.

As for a Titled Douluo, she could restrain them for 10 seconds with her current ability while simultaneously increasing the power of her ally for 10 seconds. Even so, these 10 seconds were incredibly precious as in these 10 seconds, Ryusei could use a sudden burst of power to escape or even injure a weakened Titled Douluo.

It was a powerful support type ability. He could either save themselves or if he was lucky then they could even kill the Titled Douluo by taking him by surprise.

Rongrong excitedly towards Ryusei and cheerfully explained him about her third Spirit Ability. She was to know that she could be much more useful for Ryusei now and she could help him fight against some strong opponents.

Ryusei smiled at her lovingly looking at her excited expression. He then started thinking about the matter of his Azure Dragon Spirit. He knew that the time had come for this Azure Dragon Spirit to have its first Spirit Ring.

"Let's go back to the Bright Silver Town. Do you know the way back?" Ryusei asked, but Rongrong had a sheepish smile on her face as she said, "I don't remember the way back because we took too many turns."

Well, that was the intention of Ryusei, he didn't want her to remember the way back so that he could take her around the Absolute North and search for a strong Spirit Beast for his Azure Dragon Spirit.

He already knew that he would soon have to show her his Azure Dragon Spirit and he was just delaying about telling it to her. It wasn't that he didn't trust her, he trusted her as much as Tang Hao otherwise he wouldn't have brought her with him.

It was just that he didn't simply want to tell the matter about his spirit but wanted to her see it with her own eyes.