Demonic Ice Dragon King

After Rongrong successfully absorbed her third Spirit Ring they started to roam around the Absolute North. After some time, he quietly sent out a wave of Spirit Energy around himself like a sonar wave to sense Spirit Beasts that not visible.

Their vision was hindered due to snowy winds and foggy atmosphere which resulted in poor visibility. While the thick blanket of Ice & Snow and dense cold energy hindered their senses. So, he used his Spirit Energy like sonar waves as a way to observe their surroundings for any danger. It was a low cost and effective technique if you knew the concept behind it.

After wandering for 3 hours, he finally felt a significantly huge Spirit Power, it was enough to rival that of a Titled Douluo of 91st Rank. He deduced that the Beast was most probably a 100,000-year-old Beast. He felt that he could take on the Beast if they used Rongrong's third Spirit Ability.

So, he held Rongrong with one hand and used his ability Purple Lightning Dragon's Claw with other and clenched his fist, then struck the ground with his full force. Suddenly, a loud tremor rang out throughout the Absolute North as the force from his fist had destroyed the frozen ground they were standing onto.


Frozen land began cracking while the ground was shaking and the whole land collapsed with a loud bang. It seemed as if the ground beneath them was hollow as they started to falling down. Ryusei tightly held Rongrong by her waist and used his ability: Purple Lightning Barrier around them.

A purple coloured spherical barrier appeared which was made up of dense Purple Lightning Spirit Energy, it covered them. Both were rapidly falling among the debris of huge Icy rocks, after few seconds they smashed heavily to the the ground after falling for around 1000 metres. But the barrier saved their lives while protecting them from being crushed under gigantic Icy rocks and got scattered.

What they didn't expect lwas that after the barrier got scattered around, the lightning bolts from the scattered barrier struck an extremely dangerous Spirit Beast. The Beast was slumbering in the cave but it woke up due to loud explosion then got enraged due to the lightning strike.


The enraged colossal beast roared in fury. It was a rare Spirit Beast which wasn't seen from many years. It had been almost 10,000 years since its last appearance on the mainland.

The slumbering colossal beast was a rare Demonic Ice Dragon King. It was slumbering in the depths of this frozen land. It was about 50 metres long and had two giant draconic wings on its back. It had icy blue scales and a single black horn. It radiated a cold demonic aura and formidable pressure around itself.

When the Purple Lightning struck its body, it felt as if a Dragon superior than itself with a very pure Dragon's Bloodline was here in its territory. First it was frightened by the consequences of angering such a strong Dragon.

But it was enraged after its seeing two puny humans in front of itself, it was confused for a moment but it immediately understood that it was wrong. It started laughing arrogantly.

The Dragon King rose from the ground, floating above it looked down on the puny humans standing on the ground. It's piercing icy blue eyes coldly glared at them with a disdainful expression as it growled cold, "Humans, why have you come to this King's territory? Did you know that this king was getting hungry after sleeping for all these years and came here to become my meal?

Rongrong got frightened by the Demonic Ice Dragon King's cold voice, staggering backwards, but Ryusei grasped her shoulder and laughed saying, "Haha, Rongrong are you scared of this lizard? Do be afraid because I need your support now Rongrong. Or, are you going to leave me here now?"

Rongrong immediately shook her head while she replied with determination, "No Brother Tian, I will always support you." Ryusei grinned at her decision then turned its attention towards the Demonic Ice Dragon King who seemed enraged being called a lizard and replied in an equally cold voice, "What are you so arrogant about? Soon you are going to become my Spirit Ring."

The Demonic Ice Dragon King got even more enraged. It's eyes turned red from fury as it was seething with anger after hearing the puny humans deceleration. It released its complete demonic aura and roared with anger, "How dare you dare speak with this King so disrespectfully, foolish human. This King can crush ants such as you without even moving."

The Demonic Ice Dragon King condensed its aura and used it to attack Ryusei. A Dragon's condensed aura is dangerous for others, but for Ryusei this Aura had no effect on him because he had two of the Strongest Dragon Spirits.

One of them was the Purple Lightning Dragon while the other was the Dragon God, so how could a lowly Demonic Ice Dragon King's Aura hurt him. Few moments later, the Demonic Ice Dragon King realized that it was Ryusei who released that Lightning with a strong Dragon's presence in it.

It knows that the human boy had a strong Dragon Type Spirit but it wasn't scared one bit because it could sense that Ryusei was just a meagre Spirit Emperor and didn't have so much Spirit Power. So, it didn't need to fear this human.

That was the reason it was still so proud in front of Ryusei who possessed such a strong Dragon Spirit. Ryusei gave a side glance to Rongrong and said to her, "Rongrong, boost me up." And with that Rongrong used two of her abilities, the Strength and the Speed Ability.

He instantly felt his strength and speed increase by 40%. He peered at the Colossal Beast, he didn't know his exact strength so he attacked with his Ability: Purple Lightning Dragon's Claw. His whole arm transformed into a Draconic Claw.

He lunged at the Demonic Ice Dragon King while his opponent did the same. The Beast moved with a massive force towards Ryusei whilst raising its claw. Both Claws collided with each other resulting in a monstrous shockwave.

The shockwave was so strong that it caused whole cave to tremble. Even Rongrong who stood far from them got smashed to the wall of the cave. Ryusei got worried about her but couldn't afford to turn his attention towards Rongrong during the clash. After the clash he flew backwards because he couldn't compare to the physical strength of the Demonic Ice Dragon King. He knew that he couldn't compete with strength so he decided to use his greatest strength, his speed.

Once again he braced himself and used his Lightning Dragon Claw while using Lightning Flash simultaneously to increase the force of his Dragon Claw. This time, he used the Speed to his advantage and increased the explosive power of his attack.

These two consecutive abilities increased the momentum of his attack and the force that he used at this moment could be said to be several times stronger than before. It was so strong that the Demonic Ice Dragon King actually had to step backwards as it blocked his Claw.

But the Demonic Ice Dragon King still wasn't using its real power. Suddenly a massive chunk Ice was moving with insane speed towards Ryusei and he jumped away and barely dodged the chunk as it crashed into the frozen wall.

Ryusei had cold sweat pouring down as till now, the Demonic Ice Dragon King didn't even use its Spirit Energy to fight against Ryusei. But as he looked at the Dragon's annoyed expression, it was clear that it wanted to crush Ryusei.

Ryusei kept dodging the Icy rock which was non stop following him like a homing missile, but after some time he got tired of dodging and smashed the ice chunk to the ground like a meteor and destroyed the whole chunk.

But suddenly, he felt heavy. It felt as if his bones were freezing and turning to a frozen crystals. Ryusei knew that it was probably another ability of the Demonic Ice Dragon King which targeted his bones, trying to freeze them into a crystal.

Ryusei couldn't afford to preserve his strength anymore and used Thunder Dragon's Fury and increased the power of his Thunder. He still didn't use his Thunder Domain because it would be useless in front of the Demonic Ice Dragon King as it could freeze everything around it.

His hairs turned spiky as he started to release Purple Lightning, his eyes turned to purple, and his face revealed a cold smile full of battle intent. His aura increased significantly and clashed equally with the Aura of the Demonic Ice Dragon King.