Ryusei vs Demonic Ice Dragon King

Ryusei suddenly moved and he disappeared from the front of the Dragon and hit the Dragon in the next second. The Dragon was shocked and wasn't able to prepare itself from such a large speed and power.

It slowly stood up and glared at Ryusei and started to release a large amount of Demonic Energy around its body. The Demonic Energy covered the Demonic Ice Dragon King and seemed to have boosted it.

Ryusei moved from his position and attacked the Dragon once again but still time, the Demonic Ice Dragon King countered him and this time it was a perfect counter. The shockwave created right now was much stronger than before and it caused many cracks to appear on the walks of the cave.

The walls of the cave were made up of absolute cold ice and it was surprising that such a cold ice was breaking from just the shockwave of the collision of their attacks. Rongrong was had hidden herself behind a rock so that she would be safe from the shockwaves.

The Dragon and Ryusei didn't stop and repeatedly clashed with each other and created multiple shockwaves in the cave. From the clashes, Ryusei understood that they were about the same power right now.

He jumped back and used his ability Thunderfire Dragon, a purple coloured lightning Dragon was formed but Ryusei didn't launch it towards the Demonic Ice Dragon King and just continued to infuse more power in it.

He wanted to kill the Dragon with this one move and the Dragon stopped itself in its track as it saw a Long Purple Dragon Lightning forming above Ryusei's head. It felt that even if it took the attack head on, it won't come out without some nasty injuries.

Suddenly, Ryusei pointed towards the Demonic Ice Dragon King and the Thunderfire Dragon rushed towards the Demonic Ice Dragon King. It didn't look like the Dragon was doing anything to block the attack and it hit it head on.

A loud explosion occurred when the Thunderfire Dragon hit the Dragon. The Dragon let out a painful roar which almost deafened Rongrong and Ryusei. It seemed like the Demonic Ice Dragon King was in huge amount of pain right now. This caused the dust to start flying in the ground and it was difficult to see the Dragon right now.

Ryusei saw a silhouette of the Dragon falling down on the ground. His Thunder Dragon's Fury ended and he fell down on the ground while huffing crazily. In this small amount of time, he had actually accelerated his body beyond his body's limits and fought against the Demonic Ice Dragon King.

The dust was clearing that suddenly he saw an Icicle coming towards him with extremely high speed. The target of the Icicle was his stomach, he brought his left-hand forwards and used Purple Lightning Dragon's Claw but right now he was too exhausted and could use it to its perfection.

The sharp Icicle passed through his hand and stopped centimetres before his stomach. Ryusei had a cold sweat as he saw this, he felt a large amount of pain in his body and it felt like it wasn't going to stop anytime soon.

Suddenly, a Black figure came out of the dust and rushed towards Ryusei, the Demonic Ice Dragon King hit Ryusei and made him crash into the ice wall behind him. Ryusei crashed into the wall and fell down on the ground as he felt the cuts all around his body.

He couldn't use his hand to block the Dragon's attacks, he raised his head and saw that the Demonic Ice Dragon King also seemed to be in a bad shape right now. There were numerous cuts all over its body and it was glaring at him with its dark blue eyes.

He knew that even though the Dragon was injured, it wasn't as injured as he expected and he slowly stood up. He thought 'So, this is the difference between a Python and a Dragon. A Dragon is actually so much stronger than that Python even though the Python was a 200,000 years old Beast with evolved scales.'

It looked like the Dragon didn't want him to do anything and used its demonic energy and created a huge ball of energy, this was its technique named, Demonic Extinction. A Black sphere which looked like it could swallow anything in the space.

The Demonic Ice Dragon King released the Demonic Extinction on Ryusei, the attack hit Ryusei and the Demonic Energy covered his body and started to destroy his body with the pure Demonic Energy.

Ryusei let out a painful scream, as he didn't expect that this would be so painful. Right now, he was feeling the pain in every cell of his, in every bone. It was like his Body was being destroyed by the Demonic Extinction.

The Demonic Ice Dragon King looked at him with a sneer and said, "You actually injured this king. Now, SUFFER!" It was as if its voice increased the power of the Demonic Extinction and it flared up a bit.

As time passed on, Ryusei's painful scream decreased by a lot and after some time it disappeared completely. Ryusei slowly tried to move his hands in the Sphere and this movement shocked the Demonic Ice Dragon King.

It knew that how powerful this attack was, this attack continued to grow stronger as long as the opponent continued to struggle in it. Right now, the attack had become 20 times stronger than before and it was steadily increasing.

Ryusei opened his eyes and the Demonic Ice Dragon King shuddered when it saw those Blue eyes, because till now the pupils of Ryusei's ice was Purple. This Azure Blue eyes seemed to be very powerful as it created a huge amount of fear to emerge in the Dragon's heart.

It started thinking 'Just who is this human? Why does he have such a pure Dragon's Aura? Is he a Dragon that has changed to a human's form? But such a powerful and pure bloodline of the Dragon would be definitely famous in the Spirit Beasts so why have I not heard anything about it.'

While it was thinking this, Ryusei slowly started to speak and said in a loud, "Rongrong, use your Spirit Ability." Rongrong, who was watching this all from behind an Ice Rock came out and used her 3rd Ability: Boon and Curse.

The Demonic Ice Dragon King instantly felt its spirit power decreasing and Ryusei's Spirit Power rose through the roof as the 40% of the Demonic Ice Dragon King's power was greater than his full reserves.

The Purple Lightning started to crackle around him and the Demonic Extinction which surrounded him started vanishing as the Lightning was the bane of all demons and souls. It wasn't a big deal that it destroyed the Demonic Extinction easily.

Ryusei's Azure Blue eyes remained as he glared coldly towards the Demonic Ice Dragon King and said in a cold voice, "This time, I shall make sure that you are dead!" He made a Thunderfire Dragon once again and started putting almost all his power in it.

The Thunderfire Dragon grew larger and larger and surrounded Ryusei from any attacks from the Demonic Ice Dragon King. The Dragon already knew how dangerous of an attack it was and didn't want to take it head on.

The Demonic Ice Dragon King combined its Demonic and Ice energies and covered its body and created a formidable defence for itself. Ryusei expressionlessly looked at the Dragon and then said in a soft voice which reverberated in the cave, "Not enough. Condense!"

Suddenly, the large Thunderfire Dragon started to condense and its size decreased by a lot. It was now only one tenth of its size from before. Ryusei used his Thunder Dragon's Fury and temporarily increased his body's and his Thunder's power by a significant amount.

The Thunderfire Dragon seemed much darker and it radiated a power which was also much greater than before. Ryusei knew that he only had this one last chance, if he failed here then he and Rongrong will not survive the attacks of this Dragon.