10 Chapters


Chapter 71: Azure Dragon's Spirit Ring


He suddenly teleported near the Dragon said in a cold voice, "Now, DIE…" And with that he stretched out his hand and the Thunderfire Dragon hit Demonic Ice Dragon King.

Ryusei then said in a cold voice, "Explode!" And all of a sudden, an explosion which was much greater than the previous explosion was sounded in the cave. This time, the power of the explosion was about 10 times stronger than before it was also much more concentrated than before.

Ryusei didn't believe that the Demonic Ice Dragon King could survive so an attack. The shockwave caused by the explosion caused Ryusei to be thrown back towards the Ice wall. He didn't move for some minutes as he started using the Mysterious Heaven Technique and started recovering his Spirit Energy.

In this moment, he knew that he was close to breaking through to the 3rd stage of the Mysterious Heaven Technique and his power of the Spirit Energy was about to have a qualitative change.

Otherwise he would be helpless in front of the Dragon King now. After some minutes, when the Dragon didn't move, Ryusei pulled out a Kunai and used whatever Spirit Energy and the control he had and tried to slash the Dragon.

The Kunai wasn't able to damage the Dragon's scales as they were still hard enough to not be penetrated by his Kunai. As the dust settled down, he saw a Bright Red Spirit Ring hovering in the air.

He heard the sound of footsteps and saw Rongrong coming towards him. She reached near him and held his shoulders as she supported him and said, "Brother Tian, are you alright?" She was really frightened as she saw his Blood-Stained Clothes and knew that this was his blood.

He lightly smiled as he coughed up some blood and said, "I am fine." He then weakly pointed towards the Demonic Ice Dragon King and said in a slow and weak voice, "Take me near the corpse of the Demonic Ice Dragon King."

Rongrong shook her head and said in a determined voice, "No, brother tian. You aren't in any condition to think about collecting the Spirit Bones of the Dragon. I will go and collect the Spirit Bones of the Demonic Ice Dragon King."

Ryusei shook his head and said, "It isn't to collect those bones, I want to go near it for another reason. It is for that Bright Red Spirit Ring." Rongrong looked surprised as she asked him, "Brother Tian, have you become a Spirit Saint?"

Ryusei shook his head and said in a hurried voice, "Just take me there." He then said in a soft voice, "You are about to witness my greatest secret so take me near that Spirit Ring." Rongrong seemed surprised hearing his hurried voice and put his hands on her shoulder as she started to drag him to the Spirit Ring.

After Ryusei reached near the Spirit Ring, he looked towards Rongrong and said to her, "Stand back almost 300 steps." Rongrong was confused but she knew that he must have a reason for saying something like that and backed away.

Ryusei took a deep breath and stretched out his right hand, he brought out his Azure Dragon Spirit, and an Azure Blue Aura started to release from his Right hand. The Azure Dragon Spirit seems to be excited as it absorbed its First Spirit Ring and fused it with itself.

The weather in the world started to change, darkness shrouded the world and an Azure Blue light shone when from Ryusei's position. The Light started to become in the shape of the Azure Dragon. Every Beast in the world started to kneel down in the direction of the Azure Dragon's Aura.

No Beast failed to sense that the Dragon God had risen once again, the three Ice Emperors sensed the power of the Dragon God and started kneeling on the ground. Even the far away Beast God sensed the Aura of the Azure Dragon and kneeled in the direction of the Aura of the Azure Dragon.

Even Xiao Wu, sensed the aura of the Azure Dragon and stopped her training and kneeled down in front of the Azure Dragon. It was not because they were told to do this but because of the instincts of the Beasts that they were doing this.

The Heavenly phenomenon didn't end there and the Azure Blue Aura spread around in the world as it increased the power of the Beasts living in the Absolute North. This Aura increased the number of years for which the Beasts have cultivated and increased their power by a large amount.

Some of the Beasts which were near evolution started to evolve due to this Azure Blue Aura. The beasts felt as if the heavens had finally blessed them by birthing an Azure Dragon in the world.

The Azure Dragon Spirit not only helped the beasts in the world but it also started evolving Rongrong's body and evolved all of her Spirit Rings to that of the 10,000 years old while her Spirit Bones were evolved to hold even more power within them.

The Red Lightning that she had in her Spirit Bones started to become denser and much stronger because of the Azure Dragon Spirit. Her Spirit seemed to have also evolved and she felt as if she could boost the powers by another 10%.

The one who received the most advantage was Ryusei, he was in peace right now and the wounds on his body were being healed with a horrifying speed. Within 10 seconds, all the injuries that he had were healed by the Azure Blue Aura.

He felt that the Spirit Bones that had already evolved to the 100,000 years old started to evolve once again but this time, the bones changed and he could feel that these bones became much more studier and powerful than before.

The next thing to change was his Purple Lightning Dragon's Spirit Rings, his Purple and Black Spirit Rings started evolving to that of the Red Spirit Rings while his already Red Spirit Ring, evolved to that of an Orange Gold Spirit Ring.

The Purple Lightning Dragon Spirit also evolved as a whole as Azure Blue Aura powered it up and increased the strength of the Purple Lightning. If Ryusei and Lin Yanluo's Red Lightning clashed right now, Ryusei's Purple Lightning would swallow it without even letting it resist.

Ryusei got 4 techniques for his 1st Spirit Ring for the Azure Dragon Spirit. The first technique was the Azure Dragon's Roar, it caused any opponent to be stunned for 1 minute and it ignored the power difference between the user and the opponent.

That meant that even if he was at Rank 10 then he would be able to stun a Titled Douluo for a minute with this Ability. The second Technique: Azure Dragon's Eyes, this technique allowed him to see through every illusion in the world and also helped in observing the area. He could also concentrate and mentally attack his opponent.

The Third Technique was the Azure Blue Fire Tornado. This technique caused a Tornado to appear in the Area and the user could control this ability however he liked. He could use it to make a smaller Tornado or a Large Tornado that surrounded a whole army and destroying that army.

The fourth technique was the Azure Blue Fire Manipulation: This technique allowed him to control the Azure Fire and use it to its full potential, it allowed the user to choose if he wanted it to be harmful for someone or not- Ryusei could choose whether he wanted to hurt someone with it or not. It was similar to that of the Purple Lightning Manipulation but instead of Purple Lightning, it was for Azure Blue Fire.

The reason he got 4 abilities from a 100,000-year-old Spirit Ring was because it was the Azure Dragon's Spirit and every time it acquired a Spirit Ring it would give out 2 Abilities while for the 100,000-year-old Spirit Ring could give out two techniques, so he got 4 Abilities in total for every time he would acquire a 100,000-year-old Spirit Ring for his Azure Dragon's Spirit.

His own Azure Dragon's Spirit Ring also evolved to that of an Orange Gold Spirit Ring so the abilities were quite strong. The Azure Dragon's Fire was the Strongest fire in all the world whether it was Douluo Continent or the God Realm.


Chapter 72: Changes in the World


The World was in turmoil at the sudden change in the sky, many people were shocked at this change and could guess why this was happening. At this time, the elder meeting of the Spirit Hall was called out and some elders started speaking with each other.

One of them said, "Looks like what we feared have come to pass. The Azure Dragon Spirit's user survived." In front of the Elders, the current Supreme Pontiff was sitting in a cross-legged position as she started speaking, "I told you at that time that it was a bad idea to destroy massacre that Clan but you all still decided to order both of them to do it. Now, we all know what will be the result."

An elder got angry as he raised his voice and said, "Shut up, Bibi Dong. Don't get too arrogant because of the fact that you are Supreme Pontiff, we have the power to remove you from that position."

Bibi Dong looked towards his face and said, "I wonder if you would be able to solve this problem by shouting on me, Elder. At this juncture we are already together in this, we shouldn't fight with each other at this time otherwise who knows, maybe we will see each other soon as enemies."

The Supreme Elder heard their words and said in a loud voice, "Stop it both of you. We do not need to fight with each other at this moment. It is already late to do anything other than find out about this Azure Dragon Spirit's user and kill him quickly. 6 years ago, he was only 6 years old so right now he is just a 12-year-old brat. It isn't too late right now and we can still kill him."

"Every one of you, keep an eye for someone who uses the Azure Dragon Spirit. Ask the spies that have spread in the world to gather information about the Azure Dragon Spirit and report about anything strange going on. We cannot afford to be any more careless and make any mistakes right now."

Everyone in the room nodded as they heard his words and the meeting was dismissed, while going out Bibi Dong remembered the matter of that purple Lightning and knew that she would also ask the spies to investigate that matter. She believed that the Lightning and the Azure Dragon Spirit had some kind of relation with each other.


The Shrek Academy was pretty peaceful right now except for the ruthless training that the Grandmaster was giving them. After the end of each day, every one of them was so tired that they won't be able to move at all.

Right now, everyone was doing their individual training assigned to them, Xiao Wu was training her agility by taking a Kunai and spitting apart all the leaves before it falls to the ground.

This training was given to her to increase her attention of the surrounding and also to perfect her timing of her attacks. It was like a perfect training for her as she was quite playful sometimes and didn't observe her surroundings carefully.

After all of their physical exercise, Yu Xiaogang assigned her this training method so that she could develop the observing power by instinct. This training method came because he was shocked by the observation of Ryusei.

He felt as if he should also increase the observation of the other Seven Devils so that they would be able to notice some simple things and won't be lost if they were met up with some unexpected problem or a Spirit.

It would greatly enhance their decision-making ability which was the most important thing in a fight because in a fight, the decisions are to made instantly.

As soon as she felt the Azure Dragon's Aura, the Kunai slipped out of her hands and she also kneeled down in the North Direction. She didn't know that the user of the Azure Dragon was Ryusei.


Suddenly, Dai Mubai also started to glow in White light. All of them except that of Xiao Wu gathered near Dai Mubai because how could she give attention to a White Tiger in front of the Dragon God.

Right now, Dai Mubai was standing in front of Evil Eyed White Tiger also known as Evil Eyed Sage. The Evil Eyed Sage observed Dai Mubai and said in a deep and prideful voice, "So, you are the inheritor of this generation."

Dai Mubai was a bit surprised as that Evil Eyed White Tiger spoke and didn't know how to respond. The White Tiger stayed silent for some moments and it was impossible for Dai Mubai to know what it was doing.

It was actually watching the memories of Dai Mubai and was quite bored when it was watching them. Its eyes widened when it saw a young boy of 10 years old release the Azure Blue Aura.

It backed away a step as it knew what that aura was, it was the Azure Dragon's Aura, the Dragon God's Aura. It continued to watch his memories and was delighted. It was delighted because Dai Mubai didn't anger the Azure Dragon's User and instead befriended him.

It once again started speaking, "You have given me a big surprise. I didn't expect you to have befriended him." Dai Mubai was confused by whom he meant and asked the Evil Eyed Sage, "Who?"

Evil Eyed Sage replied, "The human you call 'Long Tian'. Befriend that boy and do not ever go against that boy and I shall give you my complete inheritance." Dai Mubai nodded and said in a loud and determined voice, "He is one of my best friends. I won't go against him even if you ask me to."

Evil Eyed Sage chuckled as it said, "That shall be the best for you as even the Purple Lightning Dragon's Spirit is stronger than the Spirit that you have. My complete inheritance can provide you another Spirit Ring which will increase in power as you continue to increase in your power, it will also increase the power of your Abilities and evolve your Beast Spirit. The rest depends upon you."

Dai Mubai nodded and then smiled, "Alright, I understand." And with that his Holy Light Attribute grew stronger and stronger than before. He also got a new 10,000-year-old Spirit Ring which had the ability White Tiger's Rage. This increased the power of his White Tiger Spirit and increase the power of all other abilities by twice the original amount and also let the User charge up a Strong Holy Light Beam which could destroy a Spirit Elder.

His Spirit Energy stopped increasing after it reached around Rank 47.


A man wearing black clothes was sitting on a chair and peacefully sipping tea from his cup. He said in a light tone, "So, the Azure Dragon and the White Tiger have descended in the world."

The man didn't seem frightened that the Azure Dragon and the White Tiger had descended, in fact, the man was a bit excited. A girl near him heard his voice and started speaking, "Master, will it be harmful to our plans? Will we still able to conquer this mainland?"

The Man turned towards her and smiled which caused the girl to blush, he started speaking with a light tone, "I have planned for so long. I won't let some Dragon and Tiger ruin my plan. Our organization's identity isn't known by anyone right now so we have the best advantage when we start the attack on the Spirit Hall and take it by surprise. We can rise to control the whole mainland."

The young girl seemed to have some great amount of confidence in him and said in a slightly worried voice, "I believe you master but I cannot help but think that this Azure Dragon would hinder your plans."

The man remained calm and said, "Indeed, he could hinder me greatly as I do not have confidence to win against him if he is also a Titled Douluo but right now, he isn't so it will take at least 10 years before he reaches the titled Douluo stage even with the talent due to the Azure Dragon Spirit. Right now, he has just become a Spirit Master so he can't hinder us too much."

This was actually a very sound deduction by the man if Ryusei only had one Spirit but the flaw in his reasoning was that he didn't know about the identity of Ryusei. He didn't know that Ryusei not only had the Azure Dragon Spirit but also the Purple Lightning Dragon Spirit.


Chapter 73: Jade Ice Empress Scorpion


Rongrong was surprised as she first saw the Azure Dragon Spirit covering Ryusei, she now knew what he meant by his greatest secret as nobody even had an idea that Ryusei was Twin Spirit user.

And also, his second spirit was even more powerful than the Purple Lightning Dragon, she could already feel the changes in her Spirit Rings and her Spirit Bones and knew that the effects were due to the Azure Blue Aura released by the Azure Dragon.

She didn't know the name of this spirit and neither had she ever read about its legend, she just knew what she had seen right now. After he finally absorbed the Red Spirit Ring, Ryusei looked towards his hands and saw that his body healed back to its full strength.

He once again used the Mysterious Heaven Technique and found out that he had broken through to the 5th Stage of the Mysterious Heaven Technique. His healing, his Spirit Energy and the quality of his Spirit Energy were almost 5 times of before.

He looked towards Rongrong and saw her shocked expression and started speaking to her in a normal tone, "This was my greatest secret that I have only told a single person." Rongrong seemed surprised as she heard his words and asked him, "Who did you tell?"

Ryusei said in a light voice, "Tang San's father, Tang Hao. I asked him to train me that is why he was with me when I met with you for the very first time." Rongrong nodded as now it all added up.

She looked at him and said, "Don't worry, I won't ever speak anything about this Spirit." Ryusei had a bitter smile on his face and said, "That will be the best if we don't talk about it. I have already lost my family because of this Spirit, I do not want to lose my family a second time."

Rongrong nodded as she heard his words as she couldn't even imagine the pain that he felt when he lost his family. From his tone she could understand the seriousness of the situation and knew that she won't ever have to mention his spirit in front of someone otherwise it would cause another disaster to strike them.

Ryusei felt refreshed right now and stretched his hands as he was quite tired after sitting there for so much time. He glanced towards Rongrong and stayed quiet and then glanced towards the corpse of the Demonic Ice Dragon King.

He knew that this Dragon's Scales could be used to make some great weapons as the scales were quite hard and the spirit bones that were left behind by the Demonic Ice Dragon King were the best of its kind.

He crouched down as observed the Spirit Bones with great interest. There were three Spirit Bones released by the Demonic Ice Dragon King. The Chest Spirit Bone, the beautiful great wings of the Demonic Ice Dragon King and the Skull Bone of the Demonic Ice Dragon King.

The three most precious bones of a Dragon were now in the hands of Ryusei. He decided to give the Wings of the Demonic Ice Dragon King to Lin Yanluo as this would greatly compliment his Demonic attribute and it would cause him to become stronger much faster.

Ryusei glanced towards Rongrong and said, "Rongrong, do you want the Skull Spirit Bone of the Demonic Ice Dragon King." She shook her head as the Ice won't be that much of a help to her with the Lightning Elemental Spirit Bone inside her body. It would cause them to hinder each other which would defeat the purpose of accepting the Spirit Bone.

Ryusei seemed to have anticipated her decision as he started to think whether he should use this Chest Bone for himself or not. He wasn't sure if it was a good idea to have the Demonic Ice Dragon King's Chest Spirit bone as he could have better alternatives in the future and the Chest Bone is said to be the most important in the body.

So, he deduced that it would be better to absorb it later on as he knew that he would only grow stronger and he could defeat another strong Dragon and have a good set of Spirit Bones.

As, Ryusei and Rongrong were in that cave, unknown to them, a giant scorpion was moving towards their position. It was one of the 3 Ice Emperors, Ice Jade Empress Scorpion. It seemed to be in a hurry and didn't care about the beasts she damaged while hurrying to the location of Ryusei and Rongrong.

After a minute, Ryusei finished collecting the Spirit Bones of the Demonic Ice Dragon Emperor and let out a sigh as he already heard the sound of a Beast approaching their position.

He knew that they won't be able to get out of this without a fight and because of his new-found power, he was a bit excited to fight against this Beast. He wondered how he would fare against this seemingly strong Beast, in terms of Spirit Energy this beast seemed to be slightly more powerful than the Demonic Ice Dragon King.

Soon enough, the entire cave rumbled and the ground cracked front the underneath, Rongrong was frightened because of the sudden crack underneath the ground and saw a Beast coming out of the crack.

She quickly jumped towards Ryusei as she was quite scared by the sudden entry of the Beast. Ryusei continued to look towards the Beast with his cold eyes as he used the Azure Dragon's Eyes and observed the Beast.

He could observe that this Beast was a Jade Ice Empress Scorpion which was also the commonly known as Ice Emperor of the Absolute North. Ryusei couldn't deduce anything from its expression as it was quite weird but from the speed it rushed towards him, he knew that either a fight would start soon enough or something else entirely.

Jade Ice Empress Scorpion started to speak in a heavy voice, "Who among you is the user of the Azure Dragon Spirit?" Ryusei wasn't surprised that the Jade Ice Empress Scorpion knew that there was an Azure Dragon Spirit user because the aura of the Azure Dragon was still within the cave.

It only took a minute for the Jade Ice Empress Scorpion to get here so either the Azure Dragon's user teleported or he was among the two of them. It was a basic deduction that could be made by these strong beasts.

He sighed as he realized that there would be no point in lying to the Jade Ice Empress Scorpion, so he asked in a curious voice, "I wonder why you would want to know about the user of the Azure Dragon Spirit."

The Jade Ice Empress Scorpion glanced at the boy and looked at him with a curious expression, it had never seen any human of Spirit Emperor stage to talk to itself in such a normal voice. It was like he was talking to his underling, it was too normal.

It also glanced towards Rongrong and saw that she wasn't able to speak because of the great amount of fear. It knew that this was the basic reaction that it got from the weak humans, so why was this human different. Why didn't he fear itself?

The Jade Ice Empress Scorpion realized the answer itself, its eyes narrowed and it knew that this boy was the Azure Dragon Spirit user. Ryusei smiled and said, "Looks like you finally realized it. Now that you know it, what do you want to do?"

The Jade Ice Empress Scorpion looked towards Ryusei and started speaking in a truthful voice, "The aura that you released before have caused me to have a 399,900 years old cultivation, an increase of 10,000 years of cultivation of that faint Azure Blue Aura. I wanted to request you to provide me that same Aura as before and I could reach the 400,000 years old cultivation."

Ryusei chuckled at its words and said, "Why should I help you? Under the heavens, nothing comes without a price, so tell me, why should I help you for free?" The Jade Ice Empress Scorpion stayed silent it knew that it was too excited and didn't think about that the human could actually refuse to help itself.

Once again, the silence returned to the cave. It remained in that state for some time as neither Ryusei nor the Jade Ice Empress Scorpion knew what they should do at this point.

A clear voice of a kid broke the peaceful silence in the cave, "I can tell you the reason for helping her."


Chapter 74: Another Spirit


Ryusei, Rongrong and the Jade Ice Empress Scorpion seemed surprised when they heard the voice. Ryusei observed the source of the voice and saw that an Ice Silk Worm was coming out of the ground.

He was astonished because he hadn't detected this Ice Silk Worm before it decided to reveal its presence. He was instantly on guard as he didn't know anything about this Beast, he had never heard about this Beast from any books.

It seems that the Jade Ice Empress Scorpion recognized the Ice Silk Worm and said in an angry voice, "Tian Meng, you dare show your face in front of me once again." The Ice Silk Worm seemed to have ignored her angry voice and started speaking in an excited voice, "Bing-Bing, I am so happy that you remember me."

The Ice Silk Worm started to jump around excitedly and had hearts in both of its eyes. It was a bit weird for Ryusei and Rongrong to see a worm jumping around with a love-stricken expression.

Ryusei facepalmed as he watched this, he expected that both of them were either friends or enemies but he never thought that this Worm seemed to have a crush on the Jade Ice Empress Scorpion.

He coughed up some times and gathered their attention once again, it was to remind both of them that they weren't alone. He then looked towards the Ice Silk Worm and said, "So tell me, why should I help it?"

The Ice Silk Worm seemed to have grown out of his childishness and then said, "I watched your fight against that Demonic Ice Dragon King and I know that this girl possesses a Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, a great Spirit for support. But it has a very massive weakness, it has no attack power or defensive power. She can't even use any illusion to save herself for some time."

The Ice Silk Worm then stood up and said, "I have found a perfect way to eliminate that weakness. I think you should let Bing-Bin-, Jade Ice Empress Scorpion become her Spirit."

Everyone in the room was astonished by its words, the idea of making a Beast become a Spirit had never been implemented before. It was too remote of an idea before no Beast would be ready to become a Spirit for a Human.

The Jade Ice Empress Scorpion was of course opposed to the idea and started speaking in an angry voice, "Do you know what you have just said, Tian Meng?" The Ice Silk Worm showed a rare serious face to all of them and said, "I thought about this idea after watching the Azure Dragon Spirit of this boy."

"I know that as long as he survived, he would live to become the god that could live eternally. Bing-Bing, don't you want to live eternally? And if this boy becomes the god, this girl will definitely become a god, so you will have a chance to gain eternal life."

The Jade Ice Empress Scorpion stayed silent as indeed it wanted to live eternally, who didn't want eternal life among the Beasts. Every single one of them wanted eternal life because as long as they lived, they could become stronger than the day they were before.

The addiction of Beasts for the Eternal life wasn't something that the Humans could understand as after a certain age their strength and health starts depreciating and they wouldn't be able to life after 200 years.

Jade Ice Empress Scorpion then looked towards the Ice Silk Worm and said, "Alright then Tian Meng. I agree to your words. It is indeed possible for the inheritor of the Azure Dragon Spirit to become a god. So, tell us about this plan of yours."

It wasn't just the Jade Ice Empress Scorpion, even Ryusei and most importantly Rongrong were curious to know of this method. The Ice Silk Worm coughed up a bit and then started speaking, "After combining my 1 Million years of intelligence. I have thought of a way for a Spirit Beast to become a Spirit for the human."

Everyone in the cave was surprised when they heard that this Ice Silk Worm was a 1-Million-years-old Beast. The Ice Silk Worm looked towards Rongrong and then once again started speaking, "This girl is right now a Rank 40 Spirit Elder. She can receive you in the form of a Spirit Ring and make also make you her Spirit."

Ryusei started thinking about it 'If what this worm says is true, then Rongrong would be able to protect herself and will also have a strong spirit for attacking and I guess it would be good if she was able to do that. Our lives will be in danger as the organization is still in its beginning phase. I guess, it's a good deal."

He already agreed with the Ice Silk Worm in his heart and asked it, "I agree with this deal as long as Rongrong also agrees to it. I only want to ask a single question; how could you remain hidden here for so long. The Demonic Ice Dragon King should have sensed you long ago."

The Ice Silk Worm started grinning, it said, "It is because of my strong Mental Energy that I formed around myself which repelled any Spirit Energy around me and I was able to remain hidden there."

"Besides, even when I wasn't a 1-Million-year-old Spirit Beast, I only slept here and didn't really cause any movements so the Demonic Ice Dragon King didn't know anything about me."

Ryusei had a sweat drop when he heard that the Ice Silk Worm only slept here. It seemed that this Ice Silk Worm was just an average Spirit Beast with a strong vitality otherwise it would have been impossible for it to become a 1-Million-year-old Spirit Beast.

Ryusei then looked towards the Ice Silk Worm and asked it, "Tell me, why do you not want to become a Spirit for Rongrong? Why do you want the Jade Ice Empress Scorpion?" The Ice Silk Worm looked towards him and was surprised that he asked such a question.

It bitterly smiled and started to say, "It is because I cannot help her. I don't have strong attacks, I only have strong mental energy which would only be useful for illusions. My Spirit won't be able to protect someone. It can at most be used for support."

Ryusei thought about it for some time and started to talk, "Ohh…then become my Spirit. I already have 2 Strong Spirits and I have no need for a Strong Spirit. So, I need a Spirit which is good at attacking and hearing you out, I think that if it is possible, I would like to have your Spirit fused with one of my techniques and be made into a Spirit."

The Ice Silk Worm seemed to be surprised when it heard this, it was surprised that someone actually didn't look at its abilities in disdain. It knew that it wasn't very well respected within the Spirit Beasts at all and right now any 100,000-year-old-Beast could defeat it without much effort.

Ryusei looked towards the Ice Silk Worm and said after thinking for a moment, "Make a spirit out of my Azure Dragon's Eyes Technique. I want to be able to observe all and have eye related abilities. That means, I want to create mental attacks through my eyes."

He chose his eyes because it would be easier to concentrate the mental energy through his eyes as his hands were already used for both of his Spirits. His Right Hand was for his Azure Dragon Spirit, his left hand for his Purple Lightning Dragon Spirit and his Eyes for Eye Spirit.

Rongrong agreed to have her Jade Ice Empress Scorpion spirit on her left hand as it wasn't occupied with any spirit. The Ice Silk Worm looked towards the Jade Ice Empress Scorpion one last time as it knew that the process of becoming a Spirit would soon start for the Scorpion.


Chapter 75: Second Spirit of Rongrong


The Jade Ice Empress Scorpion looked towards Rongrong and started speaking, "I hope that you are strong enough get through the fusion because it is going to be very painful." Rongrong continued to look towards the Jade Ice Empress Scorpion with a determined expression.

She said in a soft voice, "You definitely won't regret this." The Jade Ice Empress Scorpion mumbled out, "I also hope that I won't regret this." With that the Ice Silk Worm used its Spiritual Energy and condensed the Jade Ice Empress Scorpion.

And a beam of right was put into Rongrong, a bright light started to emit from her body as she felt a large amount of pain in her body. It wasn't from the physical pain but it was as if she was feeling her soul tearing apart forming anew.

Ryusei looked towards her expression and could imagine how painful of a process this was, he clenched his fists as he wanted to help her. He wanted to reduce her pain but he knew that this was essential, it was essential to temper her will and her mind.

If she was able to conquer this pain then her path would lead to the greatness in the future. The Ice Silk Worm turned around and looked towards Ryusei, it started speaking, "So, should we start or do you want to start the process after she wakes up?"

Ryusei shook his head and said, "We will start after she wakes up, it wouldn't be a good idea to sleep in the open like this without any protection. Maybe you should use your Spiritual Power and hide this place from the senses of the other beasts."

The Ice Silk Worm nodded as it started to shrink down and a young blonde-haired boy was revealed in place of him. He had a Bright Brown eyes and wore pure White Clothes with a Hoodie. This was the Spirit form of the Ice Silk Worm that it could use with the power of its Illusion.

He waved his hands and suddenly a huge amount of Spiritual Energy encompassed the whole place, he then supressed the place and hid it from the outside world. Ryusei was a bit shocked by watching the Ice Silk Worm control such a great amount of energy.

He knew that it was expected as this Ice Silk Worm was a 1-Million-Year-Old-Beast, one of the only beasts that have lived for so long. The young boy turned around and looked towards Ryusei with an innocent look in his eyes, he started speaking to Ryusei, "Can you promise me to reunited with Bing-Bin- the Jade Ice Empress Scorpion after you have become a God."

Ryusei was confused by his words and asked him, "Why do you love her so much? From her words and her attitude, it was pretty clear that the Jade Ice Empress Scorpion hates you. So, why do you continue to have such feelings for the Jade Ice Empress Scorpion? Maybe you should give up before you are emotionally hurt."

The Ice Silk Worm heard his words and then smiled brightly, he started speaking with a profound expression, "You do not understand love right now that is the reason for your question. But from the situation, it looks like you are going to understand about it soon enough."

Ryusei raised his eyebrow at his words and continued to stay silent, he didn't want to continue this topic and just wanted to give his own review to the Ice Silk Worm so that he won't be too disappointed when he is rejected once again.

Ryusei then looked towards Rongrong once again and saw felt a change in her body, he used his Azure Dragon's Eye and saw that the torso bone of Rongrong was rapidly evolving to that of Jade Ice Empress Scorpion.

The Ice Silk Worm also realized it, even he was surprised by this and was about to move and stop the Jade Ice Empress Scorpion as it felt that the girl wouldn't be able to take on the pain of her Soul tearing down and forming a new and her Torso Bone evolving simultaneously.

Ryusei stopped the Ice Silk Worm by holding his hands and coldly said, "Do not interfere right now." His face softened up as he looked towards Rongrong and said in determined voice, it was like it wasn't his belief but a fact, "I believe in her. I believe that she can take this pain and come out on top."

Even though Rongrong was in a huge amount of pain right now, she heard his words and felt a strange encouragement in herself, she felt as if the pain was worth it now. She knew that Ryusei believed in her and didn't think of her as a burden.

Her eyes glowed with a Golden Light and she quietly thought 'I can take it, Brother Tian believes in me, I have to conquer this pain and come out on top.' The Jade Ice Empress Scorpion inside of her was shocked as it didn't think that the girl would be able to take the pain for both of them together.

It couldn't even imagine the pain of Soul Tearing but here this girl was taking on the pain of Soul Tearing and the Physical Pain due to the Torso Bone. She knew that she had chosen a right host.

After half an hour, the whole process was completed and Jade Ice Empress Scorpion finally granted her a Spirit Bone and became her Spirit. Rongrong kept her eyes closed for about 10 more minutes and then opened her eyes.

She felt refreshed right now and felt a huge amount of power within her body. She still hadn't broken through to the 40th Rank as she didn't have a Spirit Ring but have actually got another Spirit.

She heard a young feminine voice in her head, "You finally woke up. I should introduce myself." Suddenly, Rongrong was pulled in her mind and saw a young green haired girl standing in front of her eyes.

The green haired girl started speaking, "As you know that I am Jade Ice Empress Scorpion, you can call me Bing Di." Rongrong nodded as she heard her voice and then the Ice Empress started to talk about the main matter, the matter about her spirit.

She started speaking, "Your second Spirit is Absolute Ice. It is the strongest type of ice; it can freeze everything, even the Soul Power. It suppresses any other type of ice, and cause a deterring effect on all ice-type Soul Masters, even if they are stronger than you."

"Ultimate Ice don't have an elemental weakness - it can't be melted by any type of fire. You can also use its power and infuse it in other ice users. It could be able to make them strong for a short period of time."

Rongrong was surprised when she heard about the abilities of her Spirit, she knew that this was a very good Spirit with a great amount of Defensive and offensive power. She knew that she had almost become a perfect Spirit Master with both the Attacking type and a Support Type.

Bing Di then looked towards Rongrong and started speaking about the matter of her Soul Ring and her Spirit Bones, "Your first ability is Ice Emperor's Pincers, it is a pure strength ability and will transform your hands and forearms to that of Ice Jade Empress Scorpion's Pincers."

"Your second ability is Ice Empress' Armour, it is a pure defensive ability which will cover your body with Ultimate Ice and you will be able to withstand the attack."

"As for the torso bone of the Jade Ice Empress Scorpion, it gives you two abilities."

"Ice Empress' Wrath, it is an incredibly strong ice ability accompanied with an enormous amount of pressure while the Domain of Perpetual Ice; it caused the area around you to be quickly frozen."

She then finished explaining everything to Rongrong and then looked towards Rongrong who had her mouth wide-eyed as she continued to listen to her Spirit Abilities. She didn't think in her dreams that she would be able to use the attacks of an Attacking spirit.


Chapter 76: Mirage Eyes


Ning Rongrong, let her mind and looked towards Ryusei and smiled brightly towards him, she said in a soft voice, "Thank you Brother Tian. It was because of you that I have a second spirit."

Ryusei shook his head and said, "Don't sell yourself short. I wasn't the one who took the pain for that Spirit, you were the one who took the pain. I kind of feel bad for anyone trying to fight against you."

Rongrong heard his words and smiled at his direction. Her smile seemed much more beautiful than before and it caused his heart to be fluttering. He shook his head as he thought 'Looks like my feelings for her have long since surpassed that for a friend.'

'I know that I love her but it isn't the time for being caught in emotional things. Besides, we are still young, we have a whole life ahead of us but what if something happened to her. Will I be able to take that pain? If the Demonic Ice Dragon King attacked her instead of me, then she wouldn't have survived the attack. Would I have lived my whole life in regret then?'

'NO!! I do not want that. I also want to live a happy life with her. I will propose her when we are back at the Bright Silver Town and find a good location to propose her.'

In this moment, he finally found his motive, he knew that he would have something to live for after he takes his revenge. A cool feeling refreshed him as he felt that his mind was much clearer than before.

He then looked towards the Ice Silk Worm and asked, "Should we also start now?" The Ice Silk Worm glanced towards Ryusei and felt as if something was different about this boy. He felt as if the previous Ryusei was someone that was caught in his own problems but this one, this one looks like he has become calmer and mature enough to solve those problems.

A golden light covered the Ice Silk Worm and he rushed towards Ryusei's body. Ryusei started to use his Azure Dragon's Eyes as he wanted this Ability to become a spirit of its own, he didn't know if he could be successful but he felt that there was a large chance of success.

The Ice Silk Worm started to pour all its mental energy in the Azure Dragon's Eyes and tried to change the eyes and make it a spirit. Soon enough, Ryusei fell down on the ground as he held his eyes in pain, a huge amount of blood started to flow out of his eyes.

Right now, he was feeling the pain in his soul and also the pain in his eyes. He now had an idea which what Rongrong had gone through. The stronger the soul, the greater the pain when it started to be torn apart.

And Ryusei's Soul was one of the strongest in the whole world except some great powerful Beasts and he felt an extreme amount of pain from the tearing of his Soul. Even though the Ice Silk Worm tried to reduce the pain, the pain was too much that he wasn't able to help at all.

Ryusei's body started to fly in the air as a powerful Spiritual Forcefield was created in the whole area. This continued for around 15 minutes before Ryusei finally opened his eyes and looked forwards.

His eyes were of Pure Golden Colour with a dark Blue pupil. It caused his eyes to look extremely attractive. His eyes were pretty before but they were extraordinarily attractive right now.

He was surprised to know that he could see Rongrong even though he was looking in another direction. He thought 'So, this is the ability of the Eye Spirit, I guess, I will call it Mirage Eyes from now on.'

The Mirage Eyes gave him four Abilities; the first ability: Spirit Spy, it allowed him to look in 360 degrees with a range of 100 metres of diameter. It slows the Perception of time and allowed him to notice minute details.

The second ability: Spiritual Sharing, he could use this ability to share the effects of the Spirit Spy with others. He would also be able communicate with those with whom he has shared his Spirit Spy.

The Third Ability: Illusion, Ryusei could use his Spiritual power to create an illusion. He could change the colour of his Spirit Rings and also the colour of his Purple Lightning Dragon and all other Illusion which he could think of.

The Fourth Ability: Exhaustion, it affected the central nervous system and caused a wave of dizziness and weakness in the whole body. This would be extremely useful in fighting against the Beasts or Humans stronger than himself.

The Ability that Ryusei thought which was most useful right now was the Illusion Ability, he knew that the Heavenly Phenomenon would cause the Spirit Hall to be on guard against the Azure Dragon.

They would start investigating his background and find out about his second Spirit, he could now create an illusion where instead of Purple Lightning Dragon, it was a Red Lightning Tiger or a Lion.

So, he could keep his spirit secret from the Spirit Hall for even longer, in fact, his opponents won't even know with what they were dealing with.

He looked towards Rongrong and smiled and he started speaking, "Let's go back now. I feel that the Spiritual Energy surround us has disappeared and the other beasts will come near this place for sure."

Rongrong nodded her head and he approached her and carried her princess style carry and it caused her to blush a lot. Ryusei didn't look towards her face as his face was also burning with embarrassment.

He then took a deep breath and started using his Purple Lightning Manipulation and started running in the south direction. He used the Azure Blue Flames and covered his and Rongrong's body with them as the Ice which came in his way got destroyed and he wasn't slowed down in the slightest.


After 8 hours of Running

Ryusei finally slowed up as they got out of the Absolute North. It had almost been a day since he was in the Absolute North and it would take almost another day to get back to the Bright Silver Town.

He wasn't in a hurry of returning right now as he knew that he would be able to return in 3 days. So, he and Rongrong started to walk the rest of the journey while talking to each other. Rongrong was a bit excited because of her Attack Spirit and used her Spirit Abilities against Ryusei, who simply dodged her attacks.

As the time passed on, she got more and more proficient in them and she could be said to be on the same level as that of Ma Hongjun. Right now, she would have to remain at the 40th Rank for almost a month so that she could get used to that rank.

It was because her Spirit Rank increased too fast due to the Azure Blue Aura during the Heavenly Phenomenon. They both knew that it wouldn't be a good idea to add one more Spirit Ring to her already unstable Spirit Rank.

Ryusei's own Spirit Power reached Rank 68 and he only need a month before he could stabilize his Spirit Power and started increasing his Spirit Rank to that of Rank 70.

At 70th Rank could he be classified in the true powerhouses among the world. As even as strong as he was right now, he wasn't a match for 200,000-year-old beasts with a good bloodline.

It would be a different matter if he decided to use his Azure Dragon's Spirit which could greatly increase the chances of him winning the fight but he won't come out without some injuries.


Chapter 77: Training Organization Members


After 3 days, they finally reached the Bright Silver Town and entered the Star Luo Inn. Both of them went in their own rooms and fell down on their beds and started sleeping. It had been long since before both of them slept on a comfortable bed.

~~~~The Next Day~~~~

Both of them got ready and stepped out of their Rooms. Ryusei ate his food and went towards the fields where Lin Yanluo and others were training. He quickly wore his cloak and mask to cover himself and stepped inside the field.

He used his Mirage Eyes to observe them from afar, he continued to observe them and noticed that they had become stronger than before and the physical power of the 25 Men had finally increased to the optimum level.

He was a bit surprised to see that Lin Yanluo's weights had increase as the weights were 2 kg heavier than before. He heard the Ice Silk Worm speaking in his childish voice, "What do you want to do with these people. You have been observing them for 10 minutes without doing anything."

Ryusei didn't say anything and stepped forwards, it seems as though everyone was much more attentive than before and heard his footsteps. They approached him and bowed down in front of him.

"Dragon Emperor, you have finally come back." All of them simultaneously said with a bow. The Ice Silk Worm fell down in his mind as it thought that Ryusei had some conflict with these people. He didn't think that these men were the members of the organization.

Ryusei raised his hand and said, "Alright, all of you can stand up now." Everyone except Lin Yanluo stood up, Ryusei raised his eyebrow as he saw that Lin Yanluo remained bowed. Lin Yanluo started speaking, "Sir, I have found two children who are of 13 years old and they are Spirit Grandmasters right now. I felt that it would be good to inform you about them."

Ryusei understood his words and asked, "So, where are they? Why didn't you bring them here?" Actually, he already had an idea of what Lin Yanluo was about to say but he still asked him because he wanted to know if there were no other complications regarding the children.

Lin Yanluo started to inform him, "I heard about the rumour that there were two prodigies that were enrolled in this nearby school and went there to have a look at them. I was surprised to find out that they were Spirit Grandmaster of 24th Rank. I remembered about the condition that you asked me and approached them with the intention of recruiting them."

"They seemed reluctant at first as they weren't clear of the motive but I managed to convince them to meet up with you. They came to this place yesterday, seeing as you didn't make your appearance, they asked me to inform them when you would like to meet up with them."

Ryusei nodded to his words and said, "Tell me their location. I will go and meet them within a few days." He then clapped a few times and gathered everyone's attention, "Alright then, I believe you all have had enough of this Strength Training Exercise."

Every one of them nodded as they were quite tired from this type of training, only their physical strength was increasing and nothing else.

Ryusei observed their expressions and said, "I want the weakest among you to step forwards." Lin Yanluo stepped forwards as he was indeed the weakest among them, Ryusei shook his head and said, "I want the weakest among the 25 of you to step forwards."

This time, a man with a Rank 41 Spirit Rank stepped forwards. It looked like he was a bit frightened that Ryusei was going to punish him since he wasn't up to the mark. Ryusei looked towards him and said, "You will continue the strength training for another week and then join them in their new training."

The man felt his fears disappear and then went back while the other 24 people and Lin Yanluo stayed there. Ryusei cracked his knuckles and said in a harsh tone, "I see that you all have been training your strength but I noticed that you do not have enough agility in your body. Nor do you have enough flexibility and your awareness towards your surrounding is so low that it is almost laughable."

His words weren't refuted by any one of them and they continued to listen to his words, Ryusei then said, "I am going to start training your flexibility, agility and your awareness to your surroundings. In this training, I only have one advise to all of you."

All of them devoted their complete attention to him and listened to him very carefully, he then finally spoke the words, "Try not to die in this training!" He then attacked them with his Purple Lightning and out of 24, 20 people were hit with his lightning and screamed in pain.

He laughed and then said, "You have to survive against the lightning for 30 minutes. If any person gets hit then the timer is going to be reset. The training will continue for a maximum of 6 hours a day."

When they heard his words, they gulped down as they felt that they had just entered hell with a one-way ticket. Ryusei didn't use his Purple Lightning with the intention to kill them otherwise they would have already died right now.

All of them jumped apart so as to confuse Ryusei to target them. Ryusei started to use the Spiritual Energy beneath his feet and slowly started to levitate in the air, he activated his Spirit Spy and observed every single one of them.

He then used his Purple Lightning and it split into 25 strings which targeted every single one of them. Ryusei was increasing his control through this training while he was also increasing their agility with this training.

Some of the men used their own abilities and oppose the single string of the Purple Lightning, they weren't successful as after the Azure Blue Aura fused with the Purple Lightning, it grew even more powerful, so it was impossible for them to be able to oppose his Purple Lightning with their Spirit Rings.

This training method caused majority of them to be hit by the Purple Lightning continuously and caused them to be unconscious. After the 2 hours, only 4 persons were standing in the field huffing crazily.

Lin Yanluo, he was huffing crazily as he looked towards Ryusei with a lot of admiration, he knew that he was strong but to use his Purple Lightning for so much time and act like he wasn't even tired, it was something admirable.

Ryusei looked towards the other two members of his Eclipse Pagoda and remembered their faces because right now, these were the only members who had enough agility and presence of mind in the group.

Ryusei looked towards the three of them and slowly lowered down and said, "It is now a perfect time for the three of you to train your Combat Ability. Now, Start fighting." One of the men said, "But sir, we are tired right now."

Ryusei glared at him and said, "You think I care. I want you three to start fighting right now. Also, you both won't use Spirit Energy of more than Rank 29. Now, start!"

Lin Yanluo didn't have any objections in going through with his order and used a bit of his Lightning and jumped towards as he tried to slash them with a Lightning Blade extending from his hand.

It seemed that the man expected it and used his Earth Rhino King's Defence and blocked his Lightning Blade. The other man suddenly appeared besides both of them and hit them with his Water Snake's Whip and threw them away.

Ryusei quietly watched their match as he had decided that he would give out the Spirit Bones to those who would perform best for the day. He had already decided to give a Spirit Bone to Lin Yanluo but he would have to wait for some time before he is able to take on the Spirit Bone.


Chapter 78: Gifting Spirit Bones


Both Lin Yanluo and the Earth Rhino King user were thrown around and both of hit the tree and stopped. The Earth Rhino King user quickly stood up and picked up Lin Yanluo and started rotating him round and round and threw him towards the Water Snake Spirit user.

The man seemed surprised at such an attack and a Water Python appeared and stopped Lin Yanluo in his tracks. He held him in his hands and said, "It is over for you." Lin Yanluo heard his words and smiled, "The same can be said about you."

And he suddenly, unleased all the Red Lightning that he could unleash and made him unconscious. He was standing up that suddenly the Earth Rhino King Spirit User used his bind ability to cause the Earth to bind Lin Yanluo and then rush towards him.

He was running with his full power and was about to hit Lin Yanluo that suddenly he was stopped in his tracks. Ryusei was standing in front of Lin Yanluo with his stretched hand holding the Earth Rhino King User.

He said in a flat tone, "The match has ended, you are the winner." The Earth Rhino King User stopped his body as he heard that he was the winner and was pretty happy.

"Tell me your name." Ryusei asked the man as he wanted to know about this man who had won his 1st Training session.

"Sir, my name is Zhan Wei." The man was pretty excited when he heard him asking for his name, he knew that he was successful in creating a good impression of himself in front of Ryusei.

He also didn't want to hurt that young boy, it was good that Ryusei stopped him in his tracks otherwise he would have injured that young boy even more. He wondered what he would receive now that he had one in this match.

Ryusei pulled out a Chest Spirit Bone of the 1000-year-old Silver Ice Wolf King. He knew that it would be a good idea for him to have the Wolf King's Chest Bone because it would make his Spirit Energy a lot sturdier than before and also because he had nothing more appropriate than this at the moment.

Zhan Wei was astonished when he saw that there was actually a Spirit Bone in front of him. In his life within the Blood Mercenary Gang, he knew that only the leader of the Blood Mercenary Gang had a spirit bone. Normal members like him hadn't even seen a Spirit Bone so he was astonished when he saw that this was the reward for winning.

He felt that the hell that he experienced before was worth it and looked forward for the next day as he wanted to win more Spirit Bones. Ryusei looked at his expression and could already see a great amount of greed on his face.

He handed down the Spirit bone to Zhan Wei and informed them in a thundering voice, "After a person has won the Spirit Bone, he won't be receiving another Spirit Bone for the next 3 days."

All the people who were lying on the ground heard his words and turned their necks towards his direction. They knew that this was so that other people would also be able to win the Spirit Bones.

They felt a competitive Spirit rise within them as they knew that they would have to survive to have a chance for winning this Spirit Bone. This time it wasn't Ryusei who would ask them to do something but instead they would find their own methods with which they would increase their agility.

He knew that the self-motivation was the best motivation for these people. He had to show them that it would be worth it if they use their own brains and train hard. He had to bait them into training themselves till they were strong and mature enough.

Lin Yanluo didn't have much interest in a Spirit Bone as he didn't know about it but he wanted Ryusei's recognition. Ryusei was kind of like his saviour who suddenly appeared and saved him.

He wanted to be useful to him and also saw him as a Big Brother and a mentor. He also felt that the value of this Spirit Bone wouldn't be much if he became strong enough so he wanted to become stronger.

Ryusei called out to him and uttered, "I see that you have already increased your Spirit Rank to Rank 24, I now want you to quickly increase your Spirit Rank to Rank 30. I will think about giving you something which will help you grow much stronger."

Lin Yanluo nodded his head as he knew what he should do in these days, he knew that he would have to continue to keep training his Spirit Energy and increase it to Rank 30. From the speed at which his Spirit Rank was increasing, he estimated that it would take around a month for him to reach Rank 30.

Ryusei glanced towards all of them, he said, "I hope to see some serious changes tomorrow. I won't be as merciful as I was today." All of them nodded to his words and they had already decided to train themselves for the training tomorrow as they wanted to win a Spirit Bone.

Right now, Ryusei came across a single problem and that was that those who wouldn't win anything would lose heart sooner or later and it would affect their training. He knew that he would have to create a situation or some mission to create a sense of achievement in their minds.

This think would also depend on their mission and on their performance on that mission, it would also affect their mentality after that. He said to them in a Flat tone, "You all are dismissed now. You can do anything you want. Lin Yanluo, take me to those children."

Lin Yanluo nodded and lead him to the place where the two children were staying at the moment. It was a cheap inn and from the looks of it, the two children most probably had the limited amount of money if they were staying in such a low-class inn.

He knew that they wanted to join him because of the money. He felt that he wouldn't need to motivate them from the start as they would be excited for training. He needed them to form a habit to train and become stronger than before.

He also needed to know about their spirits, he had no idea whether they were Beast Spirit or Tool Spirit. He knew that the Beast Spirit was rare and it only spread due to the Beast Bloodline in the humans.

He stepped inside the Inn, as soon as he stepped on the wooden floor, the wooden floor created a creaking sound. Ryusei and Lin Yanluo quietly went towards the upper room in the inn.

The room number was 16 and Ryusei and Lin Yanluo knocked the door. A boy of slightly older age than them opened the door and curiously looked towards them. Ryusei also observed them very curiously.

After moving in the room, he turned his face and observed the walls and the condition of the room. It looked as if everything was perfect with no dust present in the room. He was observing that he saw a cloth covering something which seemed oddly familiar.

He then turned around and looked towards her hands and legs and their clothes, he wanted to know about them before they start speaking about themselves and verify their words with his deductions.

The older one among them looked towards Ryusei and spoke, "So, you are the person who wants to hire us. It is good to meet you." Ryusei extended his hand and shook his hand with him. As soon as he shook his hand, he noticed something peculiar.

He smirked a bit under his mask and thought 'So, that's how it is. This explains everything.' He was puzzled about the matter of their spirits and now had an idea of what their Spirits were.


Chapter 79: Meeting Wei Jun


He looked towards them and asked them, "Give me a quick info about yourself." The two boys looked towards each other and decided who would go first, the younger boy turned towards Ryusei and started speaking, "My name is Wan Lei. I just turned 13 years old a few weeks ago, I am a Rank 24 Spirit Grandmaster, I have a few likes which include my Big Brother, food, training and money. My dislikes are the people who look down on me and my big brother and arrogant people."

Ryusei nodded as he looked towards the Older one and signalled him to start talking, the boy thought about some moments and then started talking with a hint of pride in his voice, "My name is Wan Jin, I am about 13 and half years old. I am a Rank 24 Spirit Grandmaster. My likes and dislikes are almost the same as my younger brother."

Ryusei narrowed his eyes at their introduction as he found out about another useful information, he smiled a bit and then started speaking, "So, let me get this right. You both are 13 years old and at the Rank 24 Spirit Grandmaster. And both of you have the same likes and dislikes."

Both of them nodded together, it seemed as if they firmly believed in their words. Ryusei's Blue Eyes turned Icy Cold as he started to started to speak, "You know, it was not a good idea to lie to me after I came to this room."

"I can already see a Sword being covered beneath that cloth, it is most likely a practise sword but I can also see the marks on the wall that no Sword can make. These marks are like a very sharp pointed weapon is used to attack it. So, I was a bit confused as to why this was the case but when I shook your hand. I understood everything."

He raised his hand and pointed his finger towards Wan Lei and said, "Your Spirit is a tool spirit which is somewhat related to Swords while…" He turned towards Wan Jin and pointed towards him, he said, "You Spirit is also a tool spirit which is either a Halberd or a Spear. I can't see any spear in the room but I think that your practise weapon should be besides the bed on which you are sitting."

He then turned around his head and started observing everything in detail once again, he said, "From the condition of this room, it seems that you wanted to leave this place as soon as possible. It seems that you had a plan to acquire a large sum of money in a short time. I wonder if you are that confident that I would let you join the organization or is there someone else who gave you another offer?"

For this whole time, Wan Lei and Wan Jin remained silent as their eyes widened in surprise, they didn't know who he was and how he knew so much about them. Everything he said was true except for some basic facts.

Wan Jin seemed to be thinking something and asked Ryusei, "How did you know everything when you shook my hand?" He was indeed curious as Ryusei said that he understood everything when he shook his hand with him.

Ryusei smiled a bit at his question and answered him, "It was because you have a lot of blisters on your hand. This meant that you have been gripping something like a staff or a Spear which has a round handle."

"That would explain the reason why you have the blisters on your hand and the strange marks on the walls of the room. Besides, you even lied to me about your Spirit Rank, it isn't at Rank 24 but instead has already reached Rank 27."

"I do not know why you said it but perhaps it was because you didn't want your brother to know that you were ahead of him and didn't want to discourage him."

Wan Jin looked towards him with a completely wide-eyed expression, it was like his eye ball would come out of he opened his eyes even more. Ryusei saw his expression and a smirk came on his face from his days as a Detective.

He thought 'Looks like I haven't become too rusty without any cases.' He then looked towards Wan Lei as it seemed that Wan Jin would remain in a state of shock for some moments.

He asked him, "Tell me, am I right in my deduction that someone approached you recently with a very good offer?" Wan Lei looked towards Wan Jin as he wanted to ask for his advice, Wan Jin was finally out of his shock and looked towards Wan Lei and nodded.

Ryusei sighed as from interactions had already told him that he was right and someone did approach them. Wan Jin looked towards Ryusei and started speaking, "I believe it was around 2 days ago that when we were returning from the school. We received a letter which was sent by a Dark Nether Bird."

Ryusei narrowed his eyes at his statement, he knew that this was the Leader of the Nightfall organization's Spirit. He carefully listened to the information ahead.

"In the letter it was written, you both have interesting talent but it is a pity that you cannot bring out its full potential. If you want to use full potential of your Spirits then contact me after 3 days at this exact same location while if you reject my proposal then you can forget about it. And the interesting thing was, after I read it out, the paper started burning and the Nether Bird flew away."

Ryusei narrowed his eyes as he knew that he won't be able to deduce the organization's location with this information. He knew that the man set up an algorithm on its nether bird which would burn the paper as soon as their eyes stopped moving. The man could have sent this letter from any location with these means.

He looked towards them and said, "I can also guide you to make you use the full potential of your spirits. I trained under a man who also used the Tool Spirit so it is completely your own choice to follow me or not."

He intentionally said it because he wanted them to know that he could also train them and make them stronger. Wan Lei didn't say anything and it was Wan Jin who started speaking, "I have no problem in following your organization but I want to know about your power. Just how strong are you?"

Ryusei looked towards these brothers and deduced that Wan Jin was probably the one who makes the decision and Wan Lei most probably only followed his decision the best he could. He knew that he would have to split them up for some time so that Wan Lei is also capable of making his own decisions.

He had also anticipated this question as he knew that whoever that wanted to join an organization would first look at the strength of the leader of the organization. If the leader was weak then it could be said that the potential of the organization was very small and no rising figures would want to join such an organization with a small potential to grow.

He would naturally have to give some honey to trap some of them to join the organization. Lin Yanluo who was silently listening to their conversation for this whole time, he spoke up in an emotionless tone, "Do you think that you are qualified to ask leader to show his power."

A strong slaughtering intent spread in the room as he stated in an icy cold voice, "I am a hundred times weaker than our Leader, does this qualify as his power?" It was accompanied with an Ancient Darkness Sabretooth Tiger.

This was a majestic presence of a Tiger as a Red Lightning flickered around its figure and glared at the young boys. It was as if they had just questioned its power and prestige.

This scene Wan Lei was frightened and staggered back, but Wan Jin released his own aura which was concealed within himself and said in a frighteningly calm voice, "I just asked the Leader to demonstrate his power. Why are you getting so worked up on this random question?"


Chapter 80: Ryusei shows his power


Along with his voice, a spear was also released from his hand and he glared at Lin Yanluo with a strong Killer Intent. It was as if he was angered that this young boy dared to raise his aura in front of his younger brother and scare him.

The Spear of Wan Jun was utterly magnificent, it was about 10 inches long and had a very sharp pointing head. The Spear's aura was similar to that of a Lion, it was as if it was the king of this place. Carefully observing it, Ryusei could see a symbol of a Lion on the shaft of the Spear.

Fire Lion Spear!

The whole room started shaking because of the large amount of their power, the power of that of the Fire Lion Spear and the Ancient Darkness Sabretooth Tiger, if they fought right now then the inn would collapse.

The Ice Silk Worm in Ryusei's mind started to talk, "Looks like you have met some interesting Spirit User. So, what are you going to do? From the situation, it looks like this whole place is going to collapse."

He didn't reply to the Ice Silk Worm inside his head and continued observing the situation, he knew that if this continues then it would definitely end as the Ice Silk Worm said it would. He didn't want this to happen, and calmly closed his eyes.

He opened his eyes once again and this time his eyes had turned Golden and released a large amount of aura. It seemed to have covered the whole plane as he supressed the Aura of the Ancient Darkness Sabretooth Tiger and the Fire Lion Spear and caused the inn to stop shaking.

Both of them looked towards Ryusei and came face to face with his unwavering cold eyes. He looked towards both of them and slowly said, "You want to know about my power. Then let's get out of this inn. I don't think it is going to hold after I release my power here."

His Aura caused a deep impressing within Wei Jun and caused him to retrace his aura while Lin Yanluo also retrace his aura at the same time. Ryusei opened the window of the room and jumped out of the window and the others followed him.

They followed him for some time before he stopped, all of them looked around and felt that the place was somewhat familiar but put the thing in the back of their mind. Ryusei turned around and they once again came face to face with his emotionless eyes.

They saw his Eyes turning Golden and he start levitating in the Air. This time, he increased the release of his aura and started to overpower them with his Aura. He also released all of his Spirit Rings, watching his 8 Red Spirit Rings caused a large amount of Shock to the Wei Brothers.

They didn't think that this person was so powerful. They didn't know that he was a Spirit Douluo with all of the Red Spirit Rings. It caused them to be scared a bit and thankful that he wanted to hire them.

Ryusei was only a Spirit Emperor with 6 Rings but he bluffed his power by showing them 8 Spirit Rings with the help of his Mirage Eyes. It had the ability Illusion which he used at this perfect time.

He didn't want them to know anything which was the truth about himself so he bluffed his power in front of them to create a deep impression about himself. He knew that even if he released his 6 Red Spirit Rings, they wouldn't be convinced about his strength.

And he didn't want to tell them that he could kill the 100,000-year-old Spirit Beast. He deduced that right now they most probably thought that the reason he has all the red Spirit Rings it is because of his background which is incredibly mysterious.

He knew that he would have to do something to make their mouths shut, a large aura focused on them and he started speaking in a monotonous tone, "I am neither forcing you to join the organization neither it is completely necessary for you to join it. But remember, the moment you decide to enter the organization, it won't be your or preference when you want to leave it."

"You can take it as joining the organization and never be able to leave it under any circumstances for some time. And if you leak any information about the organization…" His eyes turned cold and the colour of the sky changed to that of red colour at his will.

He released his full Killer Intent on them, it was as if he had become a god for them, it was like he could decide their life and death with just his thought. They felt frightened being near to such a terrifying figure but also strangely excited, it was excited to know that such a powerful figure wanted to take them in his own organization.

Ryusei finally spoke his words, "…I and the organization will hunt you down and everyone related to you. I will capture both of you and let you watch the deaths of those related to you." After hearing his words, they felt as if they were just about to enter a place which would have a greater consequence than trying to kill gods.

Wan Jin was frightened but he managed to calm his mind and glanced towards Ryusei, he said to him, "I have seen your power and I am convinced by your power. You have also listed out the consequences of going against the organization and its bad points. Tell me the benefits of joining the organization and I will think about it."

Ryusei was undeterred by his calm eyes but he retraced his Killer Intent, he started speaking, "There are indeed some benefits. I can make you all strong, strong enough to make you reach a level which was impossible to achieve. Your problems won't just be your own problems, you could post a mission about it and the organization would make it a preference to complete that mission."

He then lowered down and once again stood back on the ground, he started walking towards Lin Yanluo and started speaking without even glancing towards them, "The rest is your choice. But remember the consequences."

He then looked towards Lin Yanluo and said, "Let's go." Lin Yanluo nodded and followed behind him leaving the two behind to their own thoughts. From Wan Lei's expression, it could be said that he was very excited about joining the organization but the same couldn't be said about Wan Jin.

Wan Jin was thinking about the organization as he realized that Ryusei told them next to nothing of the organization. All he told them were the consequences and some basic benefits. He was curious to know the organization that he was forming.

He had already seen the members of the organization the other day and felt that it was too small. So, where did his confidence come from? Some mysterious family or a strong legacy or from his knowledge.

Wan Lei looked towards Wan Jin and started speaking, "Brother Jin, I think that it will be a good idea to join his organization. Didn't you see that? All his rings were red, he can even find a Red Ring for us and even we can have a Red Spirit Ring."

Wan Jin shook his head in negative which confused Wan Lei, he sighed and started explaining to his naïve little brother, "Little Brother, this person's organization is or whatever he is forming is going to be incredibly dangerous. If we join his organization, I feel as if we are going to say goodbye to our freedom, which isn't a very good idea right now."

Wan Lei looked like he wanted to interject but Wan Jin raised his hand and stopped him from saying anything, he spoke, "Yes, I understand that it would also be beneficial to join his organization. From his power and those Red Spirit Rings, it wouldn't be strange if he finds some 100,000-year-old Spirit Beast for us. But the question is, what will be the price? He wouldn't do that for free, so what will be the price for giving away such a precious Spirit Ring."