
Wan Lei heard his words and sat down as he started to think carefully, he was a shy person in front of others but he could only open himself up in front of his big brother, he felt that there was no need to hide his opinions in front of his big brother.

He started to give his own opinion, "But big brother, if we join his organization. It would be impossible for us to leave it so what is the worse that he can ask us to do. He won't ask one of us to kill the other as it wouldn't serve any purpose, besides we will still have to obey him. So, what do we have to lose?"

This actually caused Wan Jun to think about it deeply, he felt as if his brother made a really good point. It won't be like Ryusei had some motive against them and would make them fight against themselves that would only decrease another good potential member from the organization.

He nodded to his brother and smiled, he said, "Alright then, we will join his organization because that organization with that Nether Bird seemed incredibly dark. It isn't for good for us to join an organization like that."

"Even the leader of the organization didn't reveal himself so it can be said that they are not lacking any members and with our power, we won't be in a good position in the organization."

Well, Wan Lei didn't think that much but he raised his hands up in the air and cheered, "YAHOO!! Thanks, Big Brother." Wan Jun smiled at his words as he looked in the direction in which Ryusei walked off and thought about what the future had in store for them.


Ryusei and Lin Yanluo split up after some time and Ryusei told him to go and have his rest. Before going, Lin Yanluo looked towards Ryusei and said in a determined voice, "I will definitely win in the match tomorrow."

Ryusei smirked at him and said, "No, go and take your rest before training otherwise it would be counter-productive and you won't be able to perform well. I already have something planned for you so don't push your body too hard right now."

"Your body is still growing and has a lot of potential. Don't run for short term gains and ruin your potential in the long run. I told you that I am going to make you the world's greatest assassin and I will make that happen."

Lin Yanluo listened to his advice and nodded, he knew that Ryusei had many expectations of him and he didn't want to ruin those expectations of him. He then bowed to him one last time and started to move towards the inn which was assigned to him.

Now, Ryusei started thinking about the next major problem, the most important problem right now. He thought 'How should I propose to Rongrong? Should I take her to a date to a fancy restaurant or take her to a place with a good scenery. Come on, Ryusei, you are a fucking detective, think.'

'There are not even parks here where someone could spend some time with his girl. Maybe I should ask around and find someone who knows from where I can get something like that of a ring or a pearl. I can add some modifications in it and it will be a perfect present for her…'

So, now that he knew what he had to do, he got to work and started to ask around everyone who were near him. After asking for than 100 persons, he finally got an information about where he can find a good pearl.

It was said to be the Blue Saffron Devotion Pearl, it was said to be a Pearl which was Blue in colour and it had a very beautiful and exquisite marksmanship. It could be found near the cliff between the Star Luo City and the Bright Silver Town. Ryusei left the Bright Silver Town as there was nothing left for him to do in the Town.


After travelling for about half a day, he reached the cliff where he could find the Blue Saffron Devotion Pearl. His Eyes turned Golden as he used his Spirit Spy Ability and observed the area in front of him and as he was only observing in a single direction, he extended his range up to that of 150 metres.

He could see all the things 150 metres ahead of himself but he was surprised that he didn't find out a trace about the Blue Saffron Devotion Pearl. He reached near the end of the cliff and looked down as he observed the cliff.

His Azure Dragon Spirit, seemed to be reacting to something and he knew that there was something related to the Azure Dragon Spirit in this cliff. He jumped inside the cliff and started to fly down.

After he flew down about a kilometre, he suddenly felt a strong attracting force from the bottom which held him and made him fall towards the ground with a horrifying speed. Ryusei quickly pulled out the kunai from his Spatial Belt and hit the wall of the cliff and slowed down his speed.

But it wasn't enough, he knew that at this rate, he would atleast receive a fracture which would temporarily disable him to move or do anything in short term. His Kunai suddenly broke apart in the air and he quickly used his Purple Lightning Dragon's Claw and grabbed hold of the wall tightly.

He once again looked down and all he saw was a hollow space. He knew that he had atleast travelled 2000 metres in those few seconds and was surprised that he still couldn't see an end of this cliff.

He knew that this Place would be very mysterious since it was his Azure Dragon Spirit that led him into the cliff. He took a deep breath and then snapped his finger.

The sound echoed inside the cliff and after 20 seconds later, he heard the echo of the snapping of his finger. He smiled a bit and started thinking 'If I deduct the time for coming back then the depth of this Cliff still exceeds 3000 metres.'

He then released his hold over the wall and started falling down. He knew that he most probably won't survive if he hit the ground so he made a very powerful Purple Lightning Barrier around himself, this ability had gotten pretty strong after its Spirit Ring was upgraded to that of 100,000-year-old Spirit Ring.

He remained in the air for some time and continued falling towards the ground, and after some time he finally hit the rock bottom on the ground. The Purple Lightning Barrier around his body was pretty strong and it didn't burst out and completely protected Ryusei.

Ryusei put off his Ability and started look around himself. He observed the area and he was surprised that he couldn't feel the gravity which pulled him down to the ground.

He used his Azure Blue Fire and lit up the whole place as he wanted to observe this place and find a way to get out of here. He shook his head as he observed the cave, from what he could see, it seems that the whole place was empty as he couldn't see anything even when he lighted up his Azure Blue Fire.

He started moving in front as he wanted to find a way to get out of this place. He travelled for some time and found a skeleton lying on the ground, from its condition, he could deduce that it had been 100's of years lying in the dark place.

He looked around and saw a ring with a very beautiful ruby imbedded in it had fallen on the ground. He picked up the ring and analysed it with his Spirit Energy. He was surprised that this was a Spatial Ring.

He knew that he could form a contract with this Spatial Ring since its user or owner was most likely dead. He infused his Spirit Energy in the Ring and was surprised at what he saw.