Legendary Phoenix

He saw many jewels inside the Ring, if he counted them, there were around 10,000 jewels with a very high quality. From his estimation, he felt that each of these jewels was around 30000 – 50000 gold coins.

This was if he sold them to a regular market but it would be a different matter if he were to sell this number of Jewels to a Clan or a sect in such a large quantity. He wasn't going to sell all of them as he would keep the majority of them as they could be used for a number of things.

These things could be used to make the weapons and if they were used judiciously into making the swords or the hidden blades that everyone could train and use. It would greatly increase the strength of his organization.

He had already decided that his organization will atleast have 1000 men fighting and if each of them only controlled a single flying sword or a dagger perfectly then a 1000 Flying Swords and Daggers can be the nightmare even for a Spirit Douluo.

As for the Titled Douluo, it could be used to catch them off-guard but it would be difficult to finish him off as a Titled Douluo is quite strong, there was a large amount of difference between a Titled Douluo's Spirit Energy and the Spirit Energy of Spirit Emperors even though they were in such large numbers. But it would atleast let them preserve their own lives and not be at the mercy of the Titled Douluo.

He knew that there were many limitations to this plan that in normal circumstances they won't even have a chance to counter-attack. He was already planning to rob every noble in the Bright Silver Town and slowly gather the materials for his Organization but it seemed that this won't be necessary anymore.

He browsed through them once again and separated them according to their elements, after some time, he smiled a bit which as he saw a Blue Saffron Devotion Pearl inside the Spatial Ring.

His main objective in coming to this place was finding for this pearl, he was pretty happy that he found it. He jumped in the air and tried to fly in air but he was unsuccessful as he was pulled back towards the ground.

He was astonished that the gravity had not disappeared, it was just that it started occurring when his body was at a particular level above the ground. He started walking ahead as he now had to find a way to get out of this place.

He started walking ahead with a moderate speed and came across even more skeletons across the way. He just had this one question in his mind 'Why did these people die here? Was it because they couldn't get out of the place or is it because of another reason?'

He knew that there should be some chance that a very strong creature was inhabiting this place, in his mind, the Ice Silk Worm finally seemed to have woken up and started speaking, "Huh…, what is this place? Where have you walked into?"

Ryusei shrugged as he replied to the Ice Silk Worm, "Who knows? I just know that we are down the cliff which is between the Bright Silver Town and the Star Luo City."

Ice Silk Worm seemed to be confused as it had never heard about anything like this, it had never heard of a cliff like this in its entire life. Ryusei just continued to move ahead and ignored the skeletons of these humans as they didn't have anything valuable.

Ryusei felt as if this whole place was too large to walk so, he used his Purple Lightning Manipulation, the Lightning boosted his Body's movements and Purple Lightning started to flicker around his body.

He started to run at his full speed as he wanted to get out of this place. He ran at his full speed for around 2 hours and he finally started to feel a change in the heat in the surroundings.

He knew that he was definitely near a Magma and where there was Magma there was most probably an Active Volcano and he could get out of there. He pushed his body even further and sped up even more.

In a minute, he finally saw a light in front of the cave and felt that he finally reached the end of this place. But he didn't know, as soon as he reached the end of the cave, he was in front of a Hot Lava.

Ryusei wasn't really scared of the Lava as he was immune to its heat because of the Azure Dragon's Spirit, no, what shocked him right now was because of the presence of a Large Bird with red fur which was covered with lava all around it.

The Bird was very large, around the same size as that of the Demonic Ice Dragon King and he could see it emitting some orange flames from its body. Its fur was a beautiful red coloured fur and it was very beautiful.

His Azure Dragon Spirit vibrated one last time before it turned silent once again. He knew that this was the place where his Spirit was directing him to. He shook his head and thought 'No, not the place but instead towards the Beast. From its aura, I can feel that it's almost at the same level as that of the Jade Ice Empress Scorpion.'

He heard the Ice Silk Worm speaking in his head, "Y-you actually found a Legendary Phoenix." Ryusei was surprised to know that this bird was a Phoenix and asked him, "You sure that this is a Phoenix. It seems as if it's on its death bed right now."

The Ice Silk Worm was confused by his words and asked him, "What do you mean that it on its death bed right now? Don't you know that the Phoenix is a Legendary creature with a lot of vitality?"

Ryusei sighed a bit and didn't reply to him and turned towards the Phoenix, he stepped towards the Phoenix and he felt that the gravity didn't restrict him in this place. It shocked him and also delighted him.

He didn't have much of a motive in fighting against the Phoenix, so he started to fly up and get out of this place. The use of the Spirit energy caused a change in the surround and this change in the Spirit Energy was felt by the Phoenix.

It opened its eyes and saw a human flying up in the air. It stared Ryusei's figure with a lot of anger in its gaze and screeched loudly. Its screech was very loud and horrifying which caused the whole place have shaken with just its voice.

Ryusei covered his ears with his hands as it the screech was too loud and high-pitched. He looked down towards the Phoenix and saw that it was glaring towards him.

He was confused by the Phoenix's anger towards himself, he didn't even try to do something to the Phoenix so why was it so angry. He deduced that it was perhaps that the Phoenix had a hatred for all the humans and it was angry that a human entered its territory.

He knew that he won't be able to get out of this without a fight and readied himself for this upcoming fight. He heard the Phoenix speaking in a prideful and angry voice, "Why have you come to this place human? But now that you have come here, leave any thoughts of leaving this place.

Ryusei observed the Phoenix with his cold eyes and said, "Why do you want to fight me? I didn't do anything against you and was just going to go away from here without disturbing anyone."

The Phoenix looked towards his cold eyes, it said in a voice full of anger, "Why shouldn't I fight against a deceitful race such as yours. You are all dishonest people and I shall destroy all those that I can."