Azure Dragon's Roar

The temperature started to heat up a little and a large fire ball started to form on top of the Phoenix. The Ice Silk Worm seemed to be scared and was running here and there in the mind of Ryusei, he said, "Why the heck is this happening to us? Can we even survive this?"

Ryusei calmly looked towards the Phoenix and said, "Indeed, humans are deceitful but tell me, is the same not true for the beasts? Don't you all do anything for power? So, WHAT RIGHT YOU HAVE TO TELL ME THAT THE HUMANS SHOULD ALL DIE?"

He released his full Aura and said in a cold voice, "Some of you beasts are even worse than humans. Have we ever judged you? If a Beast killed the parents of a human, has he ever done something similar as to annihilate all the Beasts in the world. You want to fight, then come!"

Even though, he said these words, Ryusei was calm right now as he wanted the Phoenix to rationally think on the situation, he knew that the soft words won't work on an angry creature and only a greater wrath than itself will let it think about it for some time.

It didn't seem that his plan worked and the Phoenix took off in the air with the size of the Ball of Fire Increased as it flew higher in the air. The speed of the Phoenix was faster than what Ryusei expected but he still narrowly dodged the attack of the Phoenix.

He knew that his Mirage Eyes won't work on the Phoenix as its Spiritual Energy was greater than himself. So, it would instead be counter-productive for him to use the Mirage Eyes. He used his Purple Lightning Dragon's Claw and clenched his fist and punched the Phoenix.

But he didn't expect that the Large Fireball that the Phoenix had made before to attack him and throw him towards the rocks behind him. He crashed into those rocks and some blood started to flow out of his mouth.

He smirked and wiped the blood coming out of his mouth and then used his Thunder Dragon's Fury, he knew that this was the only ability with which he can fight one on one against this Phoenix.

He disappeared from the Phoenix's view and suddenly appeared besides it and punched it towards right. The Phoenix's body started to move towards the right and suddenly Ryusei appeared in that right and once again punched it towards the Left.

he continued this 10's of times and then clenched his fists together and then hit it on its head and threw it up in the Air. Now, he used his most powerful ability Thunderfire Dragon and let it follow the Phoenix's body going up in the air and then coming downwards.

The Thunderfire Dragon intercepted the Phoenix and electrocuted it. The Phoenix fell down in the lava and the place seemed to have returned to its calmness. Ryusei was continually looking at the lava where the Phoenix fell as he knew that the match was still not over.

He could feel that the Phoenix didn't use any power against him and his deduction was proven right when he once again saw a Red bird's body coming out of the Lava with yellow eyes and red pupils.

He heard the Phoenix speaking, "I didn't expect that you had the Purple Lightning Dragon's affinity. And it seems like you have some good abilities but…" It released its aura and the lava around itself suddenly cleared away and it spoke once again, "…your despair starts now."

Suddenly, a Fire Tornado was formed around them and it surrounded them. Ryusei looked towards this Fire Tornado and thought 'Interesting, this fire is actually almost as strong as my Azure Blue Flames. I wonder which one is stronger.'

Ryusei was a bit-tired right now but he felt as if he should be able to hold on for some time and continued to observe the Phoenix. The Phoenix covered itself with fire and started to fly towards Ryusei and hit him with this ability.

Ryusei jumped away as he didn't want to hit by the Phoenix but he saw that the Phoenix changed its direction in mid-air and hit him and let him crash in the walls that surrounding the place.

It didn't seem that the Phoenix was finished and spat out a large amount of flames from its mouth, these flames engulfed his body and he felt it burning his skin. The Phoenix wasn't finished and it used its flames and let the rocks fell on top of Ryusei.

The rocks were burning with the Phoenix Flames and actually started to cause some real damage to Ryusei's body. In that moment, Ryusei's Azure Blue eyes glowed and he let out a heaven deafening roar.


This Roar caused everything within 10 metres of him to be destroyed without a trace and the Azure Blue Flames lit up on his body and prevented him from the on last of the Phoenix Flames.

He stood up and looked towards the Phoenix and, he coldly smirked towards the Phoenix and thought 'Let's start the Round 2 then.' What he didn't know was that the Phoenix was too shocked when it heard his Roar.

It knew that this was the Roar of an Azure Dragon and those Azure Blue Flames were the Azure Dragon's Flames. Its eyes went wide in surprise as it looked towards the smirk on Ryusei.

It said in a loud and hurried voice, "Stop! I do not want to fight anymore." Ryusei was confused by its voice as he could sense that the Phoenix seemed a little excited when it saw his Azure Dragon Spirit.

He grew a bit cautious of the Phoenix as he thought that the Phoenix may try to take his Azure Dragon's Spirit. The Phoenix fly down towards the Lava and remained there for some time.

After a bit of time, it came out of Lava with a Forcefield surrounding a Young girl of his age. He observed that the young girl had a seductive body but she seemed to be in pain right now. It was as if she was being tortured right now.

The Phoenix flew closer to Ryusei and he could finally see her body clearly. She had long beautiful golden hairs which were flowing and unrestrained by anything, she also had a mature face which looked as if she was a young woman and had a large chest and butt to even make Zhu Zhuqing pale in comparison.

If Rongrong was a cute and beautiful person with a petite body then this girl was a mature and beautiful girl a seductive body. Even he himself felt his heart race at her face, it was because it was too perfect.

Only Rongrong was beautiful enough to match her beauty otherwise he would have thought that she was fairy from the God Realm. He looked towards the Phoenix and saw that it seemed sad by watching her daughter.

He asked it, "How come she is in this condition?" The Phoenix guiltily looked downwards and said, "It is because of me. A year ago, I took her to a nearby town in our human forms as she expressed her desire to know more about the humans and was curious about her form."

It then spoke with a hint of anger in its voice, "But when we reached a town, we encountered a human with a mature face and it seemed that he was what you refer to as a Titled Douluo. He kindly approached us and led us through the town and in these moments, I let my guard down."

"That man let us to a remote location with a very high amount of Dark Aura. Suddenly, a number of experts surrounded us and started attacking both of us from all directions, it covered my daughter and took on all their attacks and their managed to injure me."

"After I was injured, the man besides us approached me and my daughter and used some mysterious technique and started sucking out the Phoenix Blood Essence from our body. My daughter nearly died at that time and I was angered and used my forbidden move to escape from there while heavily injuring them."

"After I returned back here, I started infusing my Blood Essence inside my daughter to let her recover. Fortunately, I have preserved her soul long enough." The Phoenix then looked towards Ryusei and said, "Now, only you can save her."