Mysterious Cave

His eyes turned Golden as he activated his Mirage Eyes, he quickly used his Illusion Ability and covered everything in the area. From afar, it seemed as it was the same as usual, he called out for Rongrong and said, "Quickly come near me. We have to leave this place otherwise we will be caught by the beasts."

Rongrong nodded her head and quickly went towards him and all three of them started to run away from this position. Ryusei held Rongrong in left arm and Feng Cai'er in his right arm and started to fly up in the air using his Phoenix Wings.

He had covered every bit of their trace in the air and carefully observed the beasts coming to the place where the Black Leopard died. He saw many different types of beasts coming, a frog, foxes, wolves and some Pythons.

He didn't think that he would be able to see so many different beasts gathered together in this place. The Frog was very large and it looked towards in front of other beasts with a superior attitude on its face.

Ryusei understood that this frog was perhaps the strongest among them. He concentrated his ears so that he could hear their voices, the frog started speaking, "Our comrade has been frozen here. It seems that an Ice Beast has entered the forest or it is another human."

The other beasts roared and talked in different languages and didn't understand them, it seemed as if Feng Cai'er was looking at his face and saw that he was looking at the beasts and also tried to her their words.

She softly said, "Master Frog, there have not been any Beast coming here for the last 20 years. Furthermore, no Ice Beast would be willing to come here and leave its habitat. I also think that the humans have come in the forest."

Ryusei was surprised as he heard his words and observed that her words were said a little after the Fox started speaking, he saw her smiling innocently towards him and said, "Brother Tian, you wanted to hear their words right."

Ryusei tightly embraced them as he said to Feng Cai'er, "Yeah, you are right. I really wanted to know what the beasts were talking about to plan what should we do next." Rongrong also looked towards Feng Cai'er and smiled as she said, "Didn't know that Little Cai'er had a talent in Beast Language?"

Feng Cai'er blushed after she heard their words and looked down a bit and said, "Stop it. You both are embarrassing me~"

Ryusei smiled as he heard her words and looked down towards the Beasts standing on the ground. He felt a really good feeling as he started thinking 'Its really good, I can stay like this for whole day and the Beasts wouldn't have an ide-.'

His eyes widened as he started thinking 'Isn't this situation the same as that of the Titled Douluo? They weren't expecting some sort of Ambush and the Phantom Brotherhood decided to take advantage of that. Now, I understand everything. Why there was no disturbance in the surroundings even though the Titled Douluo's Bodies showed the signs of struggles? It all makes sense now.'

He thought 'This should be what must have happened at that time. The Phantom Brotherhood organization decided to tail them through some method and remained undetected. After they were nearly out of the outskirts of the village, they attacked the Spirit Hall Elders and both of them fought for some amount of time.'

'The only reason there was no sound of struggle was because of the Ability of one of the persons from the Phantom Brotherhood, he must have reduced the sound, absorbed it or cancelled it out with his own Sound Spirit.'

He relaxed a bit as he finally knew the method with which they killed the Spirit Hall Elders, he was always worried how these people were able to successfully assassinate all 5 of them.

He felt that there should have atleast been one person, one person who should have struggled for some time and alerted everyone in the area. He smiled and thought 'So, this is the way you killed them. Looks like I have to be prepared.'

Ryusei looked towards Rongrong and said, "Rongrong, we will wait for these beasts to split up. After that you have to kill that Rhino Beast, I think it will be useful for your Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda."

Rongrong nodded as she heard his words and looked down towards the Rhino, she noticed that it was a Scarlet Flaming Rhino. A red coloured fire seemed to be flickering near its horns as it looked around with a lot of pride on its face.

After some time, the beasts decided to split apart as Ryusei anticipated. The Rhino started to move towards the South direction, it moved very slowly with a careful expression on its face.

Ryusei waited for some time and then started to follow the Scarlet Flaming Rhino. Ryusei knew that he would have to do something in case the Rhino also tried to create a noise to alert the nearby beasts.

He patiently followed the Rhino and after some time, he saw it entering a cave. A small cave which seems to be in the middle of the forest. He felt an odd and mysterious feeling from the cave. It was like he could feel someone looking at him and observing him even though he was using his Illusion Ability to hide himself.

He closed his eyes and asked the Ice Silk Worm inside his head, "Wake up, Tian Meng. Tell me if you can feel something from inside the cave. I feel as if there is something that is observing me."

The Ice Silk Worm woke up inside his head and started to use its own Spiritual Energy and started to observe the interior of the cave. It was surprised when it didn't find any Beast in that Cave.

The Ice Silk Worm said to Ryusei, "I have searched the cave but I believe there is no Beast inside the cave." Ryusei narrowed his eyes as he had just seen the Scarlet Flaming Rhino go inside this cave.

From the Ice Silk Worm's words, he deduced that either there was some sort of another space which blocked the Spiritual Energy and showcased an illusion or a Spirit Beast which could hide itself and the Rhino from the Spiritual Energy of the Ice Silk Worm.

From this he was sure of one thing that he must not go inside that cave. He was sure that he won't be able to defeat the Beast inside that of the Cave.

Rongrong looked towards him and got out of his arms and jumped down on the ground. She felt as if he was taking too much time in following that Beast. Ryusei was surprised when he saw her jumping down on the ground and nearly shouted.

He used his Illusion ability and let her remain invisible and quickly flew towards the cave and tried to stop Rongrong. It seemed as if Rongrong was faster than him by a second and went inside the cave.

He thought 'Fuck it now. Let's see what mysteries lie here.' He stepped inside the cave and he felt a strong and oppressive aura washing over him. An Azure and the Vermillion Aura spread around them and stopped the Oppressive aura from approaching them.

Feng Cai'er said, "Big Brother Tian, what was that oppressive aura? Even thought I only felt it for a moment, it was enough to make me visualize my death." Ryusei didn't reply to her as he was worried for Rongrong.

He also felt the terror of the Aura, he knew that it was not something that Rongrong could take on right now. He had to find her fast. His Eyes turned Golden and he released his Illusion Ability and started to release his Spiritual Energy in all directions.

At this moment, he didn't care about being found out by those beasts, he wanted to find Rongrong fast before she could get into any danger.