Nine Headed Abyssal Dragon Emperor

Ryusei held Feng Cai'er's hands and used his Purple Lightning Flash and started to run in the cave. He knew that the Beast or whatever was observing him already knew that he had entered the cave so he used his full speed to quickly find Rongrong.

With his Spirit Spy, he finally saw her and knew that she was about 100 metres away from him, he abruptly changed his direction which cased a great shockwave in front of him.

He jumped towards the direction of Rongrong and reached her location within a second. He was surprised to see that the Scarlet Flaming Rhino king was being frozen right now. He furrowed his eyebrows as he saw that she wasn't affected by any sort of pressure.

It also didn't seem like she was using any technique or use the aura of her Absolute Ice to protect herself. He looked around and knew that a Beast had locked onto him and Feng Cai'er and pressurized both of them with the use of his aura.

From its actions, he could deduce that the Beast had a very great intelligence and it would be dangerous for him to remain here. He said to Rongrong, "Let's go away from here. I feel a very strong aura inside this cave."

Rongrong looked towards his him and she was confused as she didn't sense anything of that sort in the cave, she said to Ryusei, "Why don't we go out after I absorb the Spirit Ring of the Rhino?"

Ryusei paused for some moments and said, "It can't be helped now since you have already killed the Scarlet Flaming Rhino. Alright then, quickly absorb this Spirit Ring. I want to get out of this place as soon as possible."

Rongrong nodded and went near the Scarlet Flaming Rhino King's Body and started to absorb the Spirit Ring of the Scarlet Flaming Rhino. While she started to do this, Ryusei said to Feng Cai'er in a serious tone, "Feng Cai'er, don't go away from this location no matter what. And keep an eye out on the surroundings."

Feng Cai'er heard his words and nodded as she started to turn her heads to her sides. Ryusei suddenly felt that horrifying aura coming closer to his position. He readied his body for a fight against that Beast.

A tremor was felt in the cave as the cave shook for a brief time. Ryusei and Feng Cai'er turned towards the north direction to find the source of the tremor. He saw an 18 Eyes in the air whose bodies were covered in the darkness.

Another loud Tremor was felt in the area when the Beasts moved and Ryusei could finally discern the Beasts in front of his eyes. They weren't actually Beasts but instead a Single Beast.

A Single Beast with Nine Heads, it had strong Scaly Body which seemed to have some battle scars from its long years of fighting. Each of the Ning Heads of the Beast was about 30-35 metres long with a single body attached to it.

The Nine Heads had different expressions on their faces, they were, disdain, pride, calm, anger, expressionless, curious, slaughter, peaceful and of wisdom. These 9 heads gave it intelligence which was much higher than that of the Beasts near its age.

Well, its age was also one of the greatest in the entire continent, it was a Nine Headed Abyssal Dragon Emperor which was about 900,000-years-old Spirit Beast. It was one of the oldest and the wisest Beast in the whole continent.

It was also one of the strongest Beasts in the whole continent. This Beast has never fought against the Black Star Demonic Dragon Emperor or the Golden Eyed Black Dragon Emperor.

Its 9 Different Auras combined and opposed the aura released by the Azure Dragon Spirit and the Vermillion Bird Spirit. Ryusei stopped using his Mirage Eyes, he knew that this Spirit was useless against such a powerful Beast with such strong Spiritual energy.

He understood that the Ice Silk Worm inside his head was perhaps the greatest mental Beast with Spiritual Energy in the continent but it couldn't use its full power from inside his head.

He himself was limiting the power of Ice Silk Worm, he let out a calm breath as he looked towards Feng Cai'er. He said in an extremely calm voice, "Get behind me and protect Rongrong. I am going to delay this Beast."

Feng Cai'er obeyed him and he stepped forwards while fully releasing his Azure Dragon's Aura, he knew that he won't be able to fight against this Beast without releasing his full power.

Thunder flickered on his body as a purple Lightning gathered in his hairs. His hand turned that of the Purple Lightning Dragon and calmly looked at the Nine Headed Abyssal Dragon Emperor.

The Nine Headed Abyssal Dragon Emperor started speaking in an old and ancient voice, "So, the Azure Dragon Spirit holder has been born in this world. It looks like the Vermillion Bird is also here. I didn't expect that I would meet the Dragon God Spirit holder in my life."

Ryusei narrowed his eyes as he heard these words. One of the Nine heads once again started to speak in wisdom, "There is no need for such hostility against me. The time has still not come for our fight."

A loud thundering sound was heard, the Slaughter Head of the Nine Headed Abyssal Dragon Emperor started to speak, "Be prepared for our fight. Do not disappoint me."

Ryusei and Feng Cai'er were left confused by its words, he didn't know why the Nine Headed Abyssal Dragon Emperor said something like this to him.

He replied to the Nine Headed Abyssal Dragon Emperor in an extremely calm and emotionless tone, "The same can be said for you. Do not disappoint me in that fight. The time for our fight will come soon enough."

Feng Cai'er heard their words and stepped forwards as she looked towards the Nine Headed Abyssal Dragon Emperor. Her expression was full of determination and her pure Vermillion Bird's Aura started to leak from her body.

The Nine Headed Abyssal Dragon Emperor turned towards her and said in an old and ancient voice, "You will also be a good challenge for me. You are after all this generation's Vermillion Bir-."

Ryusei interrupted it and said, "It is debatable whether you would be able to stand up after fighting me." The Nine Headed Abyssal Dragon Emperor looked towards him and one of its heads started to laugh as if it heard a good joke just now.

Ryusei also chuckled as he heard the laughter of the Nine Headed Abyssal Dragon Emperor, he said in a dark tone, "I will enjoy rooting out your heads one by one."

The Nine Headed Abyssal Dragon Emperor heard his voice and its laughter stopped as two of its heads started glaring at Ryusei. It said to Ryusei with a hint of anger in its voice, "If I hadn't decided to kill you later, you would be a bunch of bones right now."

Ryusei snorted at its words and started speaking, "I already know that a Mysterious Dark and Cold Energy has already seeped into your body, it is taking a huge amount of your power to supress that energy. Do you really think that you can fight me in this condition?"

The Nine Headed Abyssal Dragon Emperor seemed to have anticipated that Ryusei had already deduced about this but it was shocked when he heard his next words.

Ryusei said, "If I am correct, then that energy should get stronger as the time passes. So, why are you delaying our fight? Perhaps, you have found the thing which could absorb that Energy. I wonder what sort of Divine Herb, Weapon or Ability is that."

Ryusei stopped for a moment and once again started speaking in a calm and collected voice, "Is that why you are not fighting me right now? Right now, if we fight, I do not think that I can defeat you but I can surely make your wound you even more and then you won't be able to supress the Dark Aura anymore."