Sky Shattering Eagle

The Nine Headed Abyssal Dragon Emperor's eyes widened as it didn't expect that Ryusei would be able to know about this. It knew that the power it was releasing right now was so strong that it could bring a Titled Douluo among the humans to his knees. The only reason Ryusei wasn't on his knees was because of the Aura of the Azure Dragon.

Ryusei started speaking, "So, don't talk as if you are doing me a favour. You are just saving yourself under the pretext of delaying the fight." The Nine Headed Abyssal Dragon Emperor visibly stifled when it heard this as it knew that Ryusei was right.

Ryusei turned around and said one last thing to the Nine Headed Abyssal Dragon Emperor, "Go back before I change my decision." He slightly turned towards the Nine Headed Abyssal Dragon Emperor and showed a grin on his face and said, "I have a feeling that our fight is going to shake the heavens. Do not disappoint me at that moment."

The Nine Headed Abyssal Dragon Emperor turned back and started to go away. Ryusei calmed down his nerves as he was in a dilemma as to whether he should attack the Nine Headed Abyssal Dragon Emperor but he soon destroyed that thought from his mind.

He knew that if the Nine Headed Abyssal Dragon Emperor didn't die, then he won't be able to protect Rongrong and Feng Cai'er from the attacks of a Berserk Dragon.

So, he let the Nine Headed Abyssal Dragon Emperor to return back to wherever it came from and he looked towards Rongrong and saw that she had absorbed the Spirit Ring in her Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda Spirit.

She opened her eyes and looked towards him and smiled, she was happy that she was able to absorb this Spirit Ring, as this Spirit Ring would increase her capability to support. She didn't know that while she was concentrating on absorbing her Spirit Ring, a Nine Headed Abyssal Dragon Emperor had come and an upcoming battle for the future was decided in that moment.

Ryusei looked towards her and smiled as he said, "Looks like you have managed to Absorb the Spirit Ring of the Scarlet Flaming Rhino. Let's get out of here and search for a Spirit Beast for my Azure Dragon Spirit Essence."

She nodded to his words as she already knew that Ryusei had the Azure Dragon Spirit Essence which he had to fill up with some strong Spirit Rings. They got out of the Cave in a moment while Ryusei was still confused about a single thing.

He was confused as to why Rongrong was so far away when he and she entered the Cave at almost the same time. He deduced that there was probably a Space Ability at work, what he didn't understand was who used the Space Ability.

Was it the Nine Headed Abyssal Dragon Emperor? Perhaps it was.

He put the question to the back of his mind and used his Spirit Spy and search for any Beast around the area. He wanted to find a Beast which was at least a 10,000 years old Spirit Beast. He knew that even if he found a 10,000 years old Spirit Beast, the age of the Spirit Ring would be elevated to that of a 100,000-Years-Old Spirit Ring.

This was a great advantage for him as he didn't need to specifically search for a Beast with a 100,000-years-old age. He looked towards Rongrong towards his side and brought her into a hug as he said to her, "Don't around like that. You didn't know how dangerous that place was."

Rongrong was confused by his words and just put her head on his chest and slowly nodded. She said in a low voice, "Alright, brother Tian, I understand." With that, she curled her arm in his left arm and started walking.

Seeing this, Feng Cai'er was jealous and puffed up her cheeks, she looked really cute at the moment. She stepped towards Ryusei and curled her arm with his Right arm.

Ryusei brightly blushed for some moments and soon controlled himself and said in a calm voice, "You know, I don't want to be party pooper but this isn't helping me walk." He then freed his arms from their grasps and all three of them started walking on their own.

All of them started moving in the North Direction and Ryusei was astonished when he couldn't find any good Spirit Beast for himself in this forest. He held Rongrong and Feng Cai'er from their waists and used his Phoenix Wings and started flying in the air.

He knew that he would have to start flying if he wanted to search for any beasts, it looked like the intelligent beasts had run to their homes and had no intention getting out of there. As he was flying in the air, his eyes shifted to that of a faraway Bird Spirit Beast.

He concentrated his eyes for some moments and he was able to deduce that it was an Eagle, specifically speaking, Sky Shattering Eagle. It seemed as if it had come from a far away place and was new in this forest.

The Eagle had Black fur and it was about 10 feet in size, it had a pair of Golden Eyeball with a Red Pupil which seemed to looking down at the forest and observing everything in its vision.

Ryusei lowered down and left both Rongrong and Feng Cai'er on the ground saying, "I have found the Beast I want. Wait for me here." Rongrong and Feng Cai'er seemed to be against the idea to just stay there and wait for him to come back. They wanted to go with him and help him against the Beast.

Ryusei didn't stay there for another moment as he started to fly with his full speed, he didn't hold back his speed as he was holding back at the time when he was carrying both Rongrong and Feng Cai'er.

He realized that the Phoenix didn't seem to have lied to him, he knew that his flying speed at full speed was as fast as his speed on the ground with his Lightning Manipulation. As he was moving near the Sky Shattering Eagle, he was also quietly using some Lightning Manipulation in his hand.

A very concentrated Purple Lightning could be seen in his hand and he nearly cut apart the Sky Shattering Eagle. But he was astounded the next moment because the Sky Shattering Eagle disappeared from his front and appeared besides him.

It started spinning in the air and hit him left arm causing him to be thrown down by the force. He knew that it would be really dangerous for him to hit the ground at this speed, so he used his Lightning Manipulation and gathered a large amount of Lightning and hit the ground beneath him.

The force was enough for him to invert back his body and also decrease the speed of his falling body. He once again used his Phoenix Wings and started to fly up in the air. As soon as he was about to go up, the Sky Shattering Eagle appeared besides his right side once again and was about to hit him a second time.

Ryusei already anticipated that the Sky Shattering Eagle could use that same move once again and had already prepared himself against it. As soon as the Sky Shattering Eagle's Body was about to touch his body, that part released a strong and concentrated Purple Lightning which caused it to be Electrically shocked.

The response of the Sky Shattering Eagle was also fast enough and it suddenly disappeared from that position and saved itself from being fried to death. Ryusei used that time to start flying up in the air and activate his Mirage Eyes.

He used his Spirit Spy with which he could clearly see the movements of the Sky Shattering Eagle in a slow motion and with every angle around the Sky Shattering Eagle. This time, he used the Lightning Flash and used it together with his Phoenix Wings and nearly teleported in front of the Sky Shattering Eagle.

As he expected, the Sky Shattering Eagle disappeared from his front and appeared some metres away. This time, he could clearly observe the Sky Shattering Eagle and also disappeared from his position and appeared in front of it.

When he in front of the Sky Shattering Eagle, he hardened his fist and punched it with his full power. The Sky Shattering Eagle released a pair of red eyes and the aura around the Sky Shattering Wing started to glow and it countered Ryusei's Punch with its own.

Ryusei's strength was not what it imagined and it caused its aura around its wing to break apart in pieces and was thrown towards the ground.