An year later

Ryusei and Rongrong were speechless as they heard her words, that expression was as if Rongrong had taken something that belonged to Feng Cai'er. Ryusei internally clapped at Feng Cai'er's performance, he was sure that Feng Cai'er could win an Oscar with that acting.

Rongrong started thinking with a dumbfounded expression 'Nobody loves you. The heck, you were the one who received his hug before me. He greeted you before me and also kissed you. Can you be more shameless Sister?'

Feng Cai'er didn't notice their dumbfounded expressions as she also got on the bed and sad next to Ryusei's left side. She held his arm and put her head on his shoulder as she spoke out, "What were you talking about Brother Tian, Sister Rongrong. I also want to know!"

Ryusei quickly spoke out before Rongrong could say anything, "Oh… Nothing. We were just talking about our friends at the Shrek Academy. You haven't met them yet, they are really good people."

He spoke with a smile as he fondly remembered them, even though he put on a cold mask for them, he did think of them as his friends. He winked towards Rongrong so that she would follow through with his bluff.

Rongrong nodded her head as she agreed with his words, "Yea, he is right. Its been too long since we met up with them." Feng Cai'er was fooled into this as she raised her eyebrows and wondered who were these people that even her Brother Tian was praising them.

She brightly smiled as she expressed her wish, "I can't wait to meet them. I hope that they will be my friends too." Ryusei gently patted her head as he heard her words, he spoke, "Don't worry about that. You are so likable, there's no way that they won't like you. We will meet them soon."

Feng Cai'er seemed to melt in his embrace as she was really happy with this. She felt as if life was good now, she didn't want anything else other than belong in Ryusei's embrace. Her spirit felt refreshed the longer she had contact with Ryusei.

Rongrong did have some questions about the talk that she was having with Ryusei but she knew that now was not the time to ask them but from what she could read from his expression, she could tell that he was quite confident in dealing with this Organization.

She didn't know that he was quite nervous about all this, he was also scared, that was one of the reasons why he didn't tell her about the name of the Organization. He didn't want her to start investigating about this organization, the information that she received from him was quite vague.

It couldn't be used to start searching for the organization and that was exactly what Ryusei wanted. Ryusei spent the rest of his day with Rongrong and Feng Cai'er as he listened to Feng Cai'er mentioning about her learning the language from Rongrong.

He fondly brought her closer to himself as he listened to her words. He didn't want to talk about Dark Lord and spoil this moment, he enjoyed this time with them. These were the moments which actually made him think that he might have a life other than just take his revenge.

These were the moments that let him think that he was still a human other than revenge or a killing machine.


~After one Year~

Ryusei's information network had spread in the whole Douluo Continent, his men had trained and each and everyone of them were greater than Rank 50 Spirit King. Ryusei himself has gathered all the rings in his Azure Dragon Spirit, all of them were evolved to that of 100,000-Year-Old Spirit Rings.

He was at Rank 69 with a minor gap between himself and Rank 70, he didn't know why but he wasn't able to breakthrough the Rank 69 for so long. It was as if something was restricting him in the Spirit Emperor and wouldn't let him breakthrough.

This problem remained until he gathered the last Spirit Ring for his Azure Dragon Spirit, he could suddenly feel a large boost in his Spirit Energy and understood that this was the reason why he wasn't able to break through the Rank 69.

He could feel that he was on the edge of his breakthrough and would be able to breakthrough as long as he gathered enough energy in his body. It was a wonderful feeling, he had even used his Azure Dragon Ability: Heavenly Energy of the Azure Dragon to assist Rongrong, Feng Cai'er and the members of the Organization.

This was one of the main reasons as to why each and every member was above the Rank 50. Lin Yanluo was at Rank 53; Wan Jun was at Rank 54 and Wan Lie was at Rank 52. Rongrong and Feng Cai'er were at the same rank, at Rank 63.

Rongrong had also filled up her Ultimate Ice Spirit and just needed to meditate, increase her Spirit Rank and she would be able to enter the Ranks of Spirit Sage. Their powers were quite powerful even for Spirit Emperors, if they were together, they had Abilities with which they could even destroy a Spirit Sage if he didn't use his Spirit Avatar form.

Ryusei had investigated about the Phantom Brotherhood in this one year but he didn't find anything about them, he deduced that they had changed their base over the span of one year.

And that too multiple times, it was as if they were changing their position after a week. Ryusei was happy and sad about that, he was happy that he was able to strike fear in the hearts of the Phantom Organization Members.

But he was sad that this made his task much more difficult, he felt as if this would make it quite difficult to catch their bases. He did find leads on the Phantom Brotherhood but they all turned out to be useless.

It was as if Dark Lord had sent people with fake leads so that they could confuse Ryusei about which was the real lead on them and which was the fake lead. It was a good strategy and Ryusei admitted that he didn't think of a counter for this one.

He didn't know but he was getting excited the more this was dragged on, he felt that the day they would meet face-to-face would be a carnival in itself. It wasn't just him, even the Dark Lord was astonished as how his men with fake leads were being killed and he couldn't find out anything about the killer.

He admitted that he didn't think that this would drag on for so long and reduce the strength of the Organization. He didn't have many disposable members that he could use for long, he had tried to trap the killer many times but every time, that guy would just disappear as before they could react.

Both Ryusei and the Dark Lord had one question that they wanted to ask. 'Where are you!?' Dark lord knew that he couldn't use that strategy for too long while Ryusei was being confused whenever he would find a lead relating to the organization.

He didn't want to enter in another trap, it was too close for a comfort, he didn't think that Dark Lord was so good at designing traps as well. He was so cautious that he didn't know which one to follow.

He knew that he wouldn't survive if he made a single mistake but as for Dark Lord, he could afford to make mistakes with the great power he held at his disposal. He still didn't understand why the Dark Lord wasn't coming out of his base, was he scared?

No, that was impossible! Was he waiting for something to happen? Perhaps, that was the most probable thing that Ryusei could think at the moment.