Flying towards Shrek Academy

Ryusei was sitting on his bed with Rongrong on one side of his body and Feng Cai'er on the other side. He sighed a little as glanced at them and thought 'I really don't understand why Rongrong had started to sleep in this room too. We shouldn't have asked for 2 rooms if both of them wanted to be with me to begin with. Ohh well… Not like I am on any shortage of money.'

He glanced at the ring and smiled faintly as he remembered the great number of gems were still in the ring. It was enough for Ryusei to be rich for a lifetime, he felt as if he had an Empire's Complete treasury in his ring.

Suddenly, his body started shaking as he sensed a very familiar energy. It was coming from the Heavenly Dou Empire's Direction and he knew what that was. Rongrong woke up as she sensed his energy overflowing, they weren't crushed under it but they did feel the pressure.

Rongrong put her hand on his face as she spoke up, "Calm down Brother Tian. What happened? Why is your power overflowing right now?" Ryusei controlled his power and revealed his cold eyes to Rongrong.

It was the first time that she had ever seen those cold eyes, the eyes of a killer, his rage. She didn't understand just what happened for him to be so angry. They didn't say anything, so why?

Ryusei controlled his emotions as he tried to keep his wrath at bay and spoke, "A Titled Douluo has attacked Tang San and others at the Shrek Academy. I can feel that Tang San used my Thunderfire Dragon that I left for them to defend against a Titled Douluo. I could feel the Thunderfire Dragon being defused as if it was nothing."

He calmed down a little as his eyes still showed his rage, "That only means one thing, it means that the Titled Douluo had stopped going easy on them and is using his true strength. I will go there and help them, with my speed, I can reach them in about half an hour."

He was confident in himself as he had the Phoenix Wings and with the boost from his Azure Flames and the Purple Lightning, he could reach the location even faster. There was not a single one in the would who could keep up with him in the sky.

Rongrong nodded as she knew that the longer, she kept him here, the greater the chance that their friends at the Shrek Academy may be in danger. She tried to smile a little as her eyes flashed with a hint of determination, she spoke out with a powerful voice, "Go, Brother Tian! Go! Save them!"

Ryusei nodded and jumped out from the Window as he used his Phoenix Wings and his Azure Flames to start flying up in the sky. He was so high in the sky that no one from the ground could see his body.

This was because he didn't want the Dark Lord or his people to see him with Phoenix Wings, he didn't want them to follow him and reveal his identity. That would make his plans useless...

Purple Lightning Crackled around his body as his speed increased even more, it was about double that of the previous speed, he cut apart the air resistance and kept on going forwards without any signs of slowing down.

Back at the inn, Rongrong glanced in the direction in which Ryusei disappeared, she heard Feng Cai'er's question, "Sister Rongrong, where did Brother Tian go?" Rongrong turned her head as she saw Feng Cai'er looking at her with a confused expression on her face.

Rongrong puts her hand on her shoulder as she starts to explain, "Nothing really, he found out that our friends needed his help so he is on his way to help them." Feng Cai'er nodded her head as she understood this.

She put her hand beneath her chin as she started to think and asked Rongrong, "Then shouldn't we also go and help them." She was confused as she saw Rongrong's smile, it was a mischievous smile.

Rongrong answered her with a casual tone, "And who said that we aren't going to help him. We are going to help him, just wait for some time." Feng Cai'er gave up on thinking about Rongrong's words, she didn't know why they had to wait when Ryusei was getting far by every second they remained here.

It seemed as if Rongrong had her own plan to follow Ryusei, Rongrong started to speak with hearts in her eyes, "Cai'er is so cute when she is thinking so much." Feng Cai'er blushed a little at her praise, she didn't know why she was praised but she liked it.

She tilted her head cutely and spoke out, "Sister Rongrong, I don't really know what you mean by that but I will trust you." Rongrong smiled at her response and patted her head, "Good sister, always trust me alright."

Feng Cai'er nodded her head without any hesitation, she didn't think that Rongrong would make a wrong decision for her and hence complied with it.

And with Ryusei, he was continuously accelerating his speed so as to not be late, he wanted to reach the Shrek Academy and save his friends.

Along with that desire, his eyes were also filled with an intense feeling of slaughter 'Who dared to come and kill my brothers? The Spirit Hall shouldn't have taken up arms against Shrek as Dai Mubai may turn out to be useful for them. Besides, from the rumours that I read in the information papers, Uncle Yun had some connections with the Supreme Pontiff.'

'So, which titled Douluo is there who wants to court death, even though I don't want to reveal my true strength since the Phantom Organization and the Spirit Hall will be on my tail but losing my friends isn't worth it.'

His eyes held worry for his friends as he further thought 'Just what use will this power be if I had to hide forever and can't protect them in the fear of risking my identity to be leaked in the world. It won't have a jack shit use, I will see what I can do later, now is the time to take action.'

It was as if his resolve got even stronger as he flew towards the Shrek Academy, he did feel that it was a bit weird that Rongrong didn't stubborn about coming together with him and a thought struck him as he remembered about his 6th Spirit Ring's Second Ability.

Magnetic Teleportation!

Rongrong would be able to teleport to his location without much trouble as he thought 'So, that's the reason huh… I should have expected it.' He sighed at the end of his thought as he was right, he should have expected it, he knew that Rongrong was as attacked to them as much as he was to them.

'Oh well… No use thinking about this now. Looks like I should accelerate more!' With that, he increased his speed even more and started flying at his top speed without holding anything back.

Before, he was just accelerating slowly but now, he suddenly released a burst of Spirit Energy and rushed towards the Shrek Academy.

It didn't take him long before he was right above the Shrek Academy, he slowed down and slowly started to descend.